Limitations Flashcards
Practice and Learn Avianca A32S limitations.
ADVERTENCIA: La información contenida en la siguientes flashcards esta basada en los manuales FCOM, FCTM y AFM.
El propósito de estas cartas es proporcionar una forma amigable y didactica de aprender y estudiar las limitaciones del Airbus A32S.
Al no ser un documento oficial, siempre verifique los manuales vigentes.
Cualquier duda o error encontrado informarlo al correo y/o
Maximum Fuel (Total Fuel) Airbus A319 y A320 CEO
- 19.004 Kg (6.476 Center Tank - 5.573 x 2 Inner Tanks - 691 x 2 Outer Tanks)
- 18.968 Kg (6.474 Center Tank - 5.567 x 2 Inner Tanks - 680 x 2 Outer Tanks)
Los valores varían de acuerdo con la densidad del combustible, en este caso se toma la del FCOM que es 0,785 kg/lt. Si se consultan los valores del AFM estos serán diferentes (0,80 kg/lt)
Adicionalmente la densidad del combustible varía en función de la temperatura ambiente por lo que los valores antes mencionados son con temperatura 15º, es posible que en la realidad los valores cambien considerablemente.
As per FCOM DSC-10-20 P 2/4
Maximum Fuel (Total Fuel) Airbus A320 NEO
18.623 Kg (6.474 Center Tank - 5.396 x 2 Inner Tanks - 678 x 2 Outer Tanks)
Los valores varían de acuerdo con la densidad del combustible, en este caso se toma la del FCOM que es 0,785 kg/lt. Si se consultan los valores del AFM estos serán diferentes (0,80 kg/lt)
Adicionalmente la densidad del combustible varía en función de la temperatura ambiente por lo que los valores antes mencionados son con temperatura 15º, es posible que en la realidad los valores cambien considerablemente.
As per FCOM DSC-10-20 P 1/4
Maximum Allowed Imbalance (Outer tanks) For Flight and Landing
690 Kg
370 Kg. For takeoff
As per FCOM LIM-FUEL P 3/4
Maximum Allowed Imbalance (Inner tanks with Outer tanks balanced) For Takeoff
Full - 500 Kg
3.000 Kg - 1.050 Kg
1.450 Kg - 1.450 Kg
Tenerlo en cuenta en vuelos largos con tanque full al hacer One Engine Taxi Departure si el rodaje es largo.
As per FCOM LIM-FUEL P 3/4
Maximum Allowed Imbalance (Inner tanks with Outer tanks balanced) For Flight and Landing
Full - 1.500 Kg
4.300 Kg - 1.600 Kg
2.250 Kg - 2.250 Kg
(No limitation < 2.250 kg)
As per FCOM LIM-FUEL P 3/4
Minimum Fuel For Takeoff
1.500 Kg (Wing TK LO LVL not displayed on ECAM)
As per FCOM LIM-FUEL P 4/4
Average Fuel Consumption per minute
A32S CEO: 45 Kg/Min
A32S NEO: 35 Kg/Min
Minimum Fuel Temperatures
JET A: - 36º C
JET A1: - 43º C
Si la temperatura llega a - 34º C, monitorearla en el SD, para asegurarse que siempre este por encima del mínimo.
JET A es usado en USA, Panamá, Punta Cana (Santo Domingo NO) y México (CDMX, Morelia, Guadalajara y Cancun)
JET A1 en el resto de destinos.
As per FCOM LIM-FUEL P 1/4
Takeoff with Center Tank Feeding Is?
As per FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-09 P 2/8
Hydraulic System normal operating pressure
3.000 PSI +/- 200
As per AFM LIM-29 P 1/2
Do not takeoff if brake temperature is
300º C (150ºC brake fans on)
As per FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-11 P 2/6 and FCOM LIM-LG P 1/2
Avoid Parking Brake if temperature >
500º C
As per FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-04 P 16/18
Make a report to Maintenance of brakes status if (4 reasons):
- Difference temperature > 150º C between brakes and one brake with 600º C or more
- Difference temperature > 150º C between brakes and one brake lower than 60º C.
- Difference temperature > 200º C on the average between L and R gear.
- Brake Temp exceeds 900º C
As per FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-21 P 4/6
Max movement of Nosewheel Steering.
As per FCOM DSC-32-20-10 P 2/8 y DSC-32-20-20 P 1/4
Max movement of Nosewheel with tired deflated
As per FCOM LIM-LG P 2/2
Nosewheel Mechanical Stop.
+/- 95º
As per AFM LIM-09 P 1/2
Minimum Flight Crew Oxygen Pressure
Tener en cuenta que si el vuelo es a La Paz se debe aumentar 300 PSI ese valor.
APU: Max operation when Oil Quantity Low level ECAM Advisory is shown
Max. 10 h (If no leak)
Max APU Starting cycles
3 consecutive cycles then wait 60 minutes
As per FCOM LIM-APU P 1/6
Max APU N Speed
107 %
As per FCOM LIM-APU P 1/6
Depending on aircraft
Start (Below 35.000 ft): 1090ºC
Start (above 35.000 ft): 1120ºC
Running: 675ºC
Start (Below 25.000 ft): 900ºC
Start (Above 25.000 ft): 982ºC
Running (With 5s confirmation for shutdown): 682ºC
Running (immediate shutdown): 700 to 742ºC
As per FCOM LIM-APU P 1/6
Max Altitude for Batery Start
FL 250
As per FCOM LIM-APU P 3/6
Max Altitude for Electric Operations
FL 410
As per FCOM LIM-APU P 3/6
Max Altitude to Assist Engine Start
FL 200
Use of APU Bleed for Wing Anti-ice is not permitted
As per FCOM LIM-APU P 4/6
Max Altitude for APU Air Conditioning And Pressurization
Single Pack: FL 200 (FL 225 some aircraft)
Dual Pack: FL 150
Use of APU Bleed for Wing Anti-ice is not permitted
As per FCOM LIM-APU P 4/6 y 5/6
CFM Engines Time and EGT Limitations for TOGA, Start and MCT
Time / EGT
TOGA: 5 min (10 min single engine) 950º C
Start: 725º C
MCT: Unlimited time 915 º C
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 1/10
LEAP Engines Time and EGT Limitations for TOGA, Start and MCT
Time / EGT
TOGA: 5 min (10 min single engine) 1060º C
Start: 750º C (875º C In Flight)
MCT: Unlimited time 1025 º C
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 1/10
Maximum N1 y N2 CFM CEO
N1: 104 %
N2: 105 %
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 3/10
Maximum N1 y N2 LEAP
N1: 101 %
N2: 116,5 %
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 2/10
Minimum Speed for RAT operations
140 Kt.
Max starter cycles CFM Engine
- El encendido automático incluye 3 intentos (1 ciclo)
- Para encendidos en tierra (Automático o Manual) se debe hacer una pausa de 20 sec entre ciclos.
- Luego del 4 ciclos fallidos cool down de 15 Minutos.
- El Encendido no debe hacerse cuando el N2 esta por encima de 20 %
Max starter attempts LEAP Engine
- El encendido automático incluye 3 intentos (1 ciclo)
- Para encendidos en tierra (Automático o Manual) se debe hacer una pausa de 60 sec entre ciclos.
- Luego del 3 ciclos fallidos cool down de 15 Minutos.
- El Encendido no debe hacerse cuando el N2 esta por encima de 63 %
All Engines: Minimum Oil Temperature for Starting
-40º C
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 5/10
CFM y LEAP: Maximum Continuous Oil Temperature
140º C
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 3/10
CFM y LEAP: Maximum Transient Oil Temperature (15 minutes)
155º C
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 3/10
CFM: Minimum Oil Temperature prior Takeoff
-10º C
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 4/10
LEAP: Minimum Oil Temperature prior Takeoff
19º C
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 3/10
CFM: Minimum Oil Quantity
9,5 qt + 0,5 qt por hora a volar
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 4/10
LEAP: Minimum Oil Quantity
10,6 qt o 8.9 qt + 0,45 qt por hora a volar
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 3/10
Maximum Operating Altitude
Pressure Altitude: 39.800 ft.
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 1/12
Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration
Clean: - 1g to + 2,5g
Other: 0g to + 2g
As per FCOM LIM-AG-F_CTL P 1/2
Maximum Taxi Weight A319 (All)
75.900 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Takeoff Weight A319 (All)
75.500 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Landing Weight A319 (All)
62.500 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight A319 (All)
58.500 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Minimum Weight A319 (All)
35.400 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Taxi Weight A320 CEO
77.400 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Taxi Weight A320 NEO
79.400 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Takeoff Weight A320 CEO
77.000 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Takeoff Weight A320 NEO
79.000 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Landing Weight A320 CEO
66.000 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Landing Weight A320 NEO
67.400 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight A320 CEO
62.500 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight A320 NEO
64.300 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Minimum Weight A320 CEO
37.230 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Minimum Weight A320 NEO
40.600 kg
Dados los weight variants actuales (11) es recomendable verificar la notificación 2021-25 o el FCOM
As per FCOM LIM-AG-WGHT P 1/4 a 4/4
Runway Slope
+/- 2 %
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 6/12
Landing with RCAM ___ is prohibited
As per FCOM LIM-COL P 1/6
Maximum runway altitude
Pressure Altitude: 14.100 ft. / 9.200 ft. some aircraft
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 1/12 a 6/12
Nominal Runway Width y Minimum Narrow Width
45 m / 30 m (Narrow Runway)
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 7/12
Maximum XW for TO y landing NEO Aircraft
Takeoff: 35 kt
Landing: 38 kt
Tener en cuenta la condición de la pista.
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 7/12
Maximum XW for all ops CEO Aircraft
38 kt
Tener en cuenta la condición de la pista.
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 8/12
Maximum TW for Takeoff
15 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 8/12
Maximum TW for Landing
10 or 15 kt
If TW > 10 kt FLAPS FULL ONLY in some aircraft, in other is recommended.
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 8/12
Maximum Wind for Pax door operation
65 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 9/12
Maximum Wind for Cargo door operation
40 / 50*
*If aircraft nose is oriented into wind or FWD and AFT cargo doors are on leeward side
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 9/12
Cargo doors must be closed before wind is more than?
+65 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-OPS P 9/12
Maximum wind conditions for CAT 2/3 APP
HW: 30 Kt (20 kt in some aircraft)
XW: 20 kt (15 kt for automatic rollout OEI in some aircraft)
TW: 10 kt (5 kt with CONF FULL elevation > 5750 ft or CONF 3 in some aircraft)
In some aircraft the limitation is reduced with One Engine Inoperative
As per FCOM LIM-AFS P 4/20 y 5/20
Autoland Altitude Limitations
9.200 ft
As per FCOM LIM-AFS P 9/20 a 18/20
Autoland Glideslope Range
- 2,5º / - 3,15º (Some aircraft is -3,25º)
As per FCOM LIM-AFS P 9/20 a 18/20
VMO (Up to 24.600 ft)
350 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 1/6
MMO (Over 24.600 ft)
0.82 Mach
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 1/6
Maximum Maneuvering Speed
250 kt, increases until FL300 then limited to 0.78 Mach
As per AFM LIM-SPD P 1/6 a 3/6
Rule of Thumb for green dot (All Aircraft)
Weight x 2 + 85 kt
Over FL 200 +1 kt por cada 1.000 ft
As per FCOM DSC-22_10-50-20 P 2/12
Maximum Flaps/Slats Speeds All Aircraft
Flaps 1: 230 kt
Flaps 1+F: 215 kt
Flaps 2: 200 kt
Flaps 3: 185 kt
Flaps Full: 177 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 1/6
Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed VLE
280 kt / 0.67 Mach
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 2/6
Maximum Landing Gear Extension VLO
250 kt / 0.60 Mach
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 2/6
Maximum Landing Gear Retraction VLO
220 kt / 0.54 Mach
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 2/6
Landing Gear Extension is Inhibited from this speed
260 kt (No Hydraulic Supply)
As per FCOM DSC-32-10-10 P 3/6
Anti Skid is deactivated below _____ Speed
20 kt
As per FCOM DSC-32-30-10 P 2/12
Autobrake is operative after ______ Speed
72 kt
As per FCOM DSC-32-30-10 P 4/12
Maximum tire ground speed
195 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 2/6
Maximum Speed for use of Windshield Wipers
230 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 6/6
Maximum Speed for Cockpit window opening
200 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 1/6
Maximum Taxi Speed
30 kt
As per FCOM LIM-COL P 1/6
Maximum Taxi Speed for turns of 90º or more
10 kt (oversteering)
15 kt (hasta 90º si no es oversteering)
As per FCTM PR-NP-SOP-100 P 6/12 y FCOM LIM-COL P 1/6
Maximum Taxi Speed When Vacating a runway on a high-speed taxiway (Company Limitation)
Dry: 60 kt reducing to 30 kt
Good: 30 kt
Less than good: 10 kt
As per FCOM LIM-COL P 1/6
Taxi Speed for 180º
5-8 kt
As per FCTM PR-NP-SOP-100 P 7/12
Taxi Speed (Weight > 76.000 kg on A320)
20 kt
As per FCOM LIM-AG-SPD P 6/6
Max Taxi speed with 1 deflated tire (Turns)
7 kt
As per FCOM LIM-LG P 2/2
Max Taxi speed with 2 deflated tire (Same Gear)
3 kt
As per FCOM LIM-LG P 2/2
Which conditions determine the opening of Ram Air Inlet
Open if Delta Pressure < 1 PSI
As per FCOM DSC-21-10-20 P 6/8
Maximum Positive Differential Pressure
9,0 PSI
As per FCOM LIM-AIR P 1/2
Maximum Negative Differential Pressure
-1,0 PSI
As per FCOM LIM-AIR P 1/2
Safety Relief Valve Setting
8,6 PSI
As per FCOM LIM-AIR P 1/2
With passengers on board, it is not recommended to exceed ______ without air conditioning supply.
The lack of fresh air supply will significantly reduce the cabin’s air quality
20 min
As per FCOM LIM-AIR P 1/2
Avionics Ventilation (Ground Ops) - Time Limit
OAT ≤ 49º C - No Limit
OAT ≤ 55º C - 2 h
OAT ≤ 60º C - 1 h
OAT ≤ 64º C - 30 min
As per FCOM LIM-AIR P 1/2
Electrical: Maximum continuous load per generator
100 % (90 kVa)
As per AFM LIM-24 P 1/2
Maximum Continuous Load per TR
200 A
As per AFM LIM-24 P 1/2
Minimum Battery Voltage
25,5 V
As per FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-04 P 2/18
Autoflight: Minimum Autopilot Height for Usage
100 ft AGL and at least 5 sec after liftoff
As per FCOM LIM-AFS-10 P 1/8 y 2/8
Minimum Altitude for AP disconnection with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA Mode
250 ft. AGL
As per FCOM LIM-AFS-10 P 1/8 y 2/8
Minimum Altitude for AP disconnection in Circling
500 ft. AGL (600 AGL act category D)
As per FCOM LIM-AFS-10 P 1/8 y 2/8
Minimum Altitude for AP disconnection in ILS (No CAT 2 or 3 on FMA)
160 ft AGL
As per FCOM LIM-AFS-10 P 1/8 y 2/8
Minimum Altitude for AP engagement for Go Around
100 ft
As per FCOM LIM-AFS-10 P 1/8 y 2/8
In which aircraft you cannot use AP with FINAL APP, NAV-V/S or NAV-FPA with one engine inoperative?
As per FCOM LIM-AFS-10 P 7/8
In which aircraft Engine Out Flaps 3 Autoland is approved?
A319s, A320 NEOs
Maximum Operating Altitude with Flaps/Slats Extended
20.000 ft
As per FCOM LIM-F_CTL P 1/2
Aircraft Trimming Aircraft Values
Cruise 0.77 Mach
Rudder 1º Right - 2,3º Left
As per FCOM DSC-27-20-10-70 P 1/2
Miscellaneous: Maximum Tolerance Between Altimeters
+/- 20ft CAPT & FO, +/- 100ft ISIS, +/- 300ft Mechanical Stdby altimeter.
As per FCOM PRO-NOR-SOP-06 P 17/22
When Flex Takeoff is prohibited
When runway is contaminated
As per FCOM LIM-ENG P 7/10 and FCOM EFB-TOF-20-20-20 P 4/8
Maximum Difference between Flight Plan Weight and Final Takeoff Weight
2.000 kg
As per Boletin Operacional 50-35