Limitations Flashcards
Power Plant
Turbomeca Arriel 1D1 (732 SHP)
Overall Length
Main Rotor Diameter
Tail Rotor Diameter
Skid Width
Skid Length
Max Gross Weight Internal
4961 lbs
Max Gross Weight External
5512 lbs
Max Cargo Swing Load
2557 lbs
Max Cargo Sling Load
1660 lbs
Max Wt Rear Cabin Floor
682 lbs
Max Wt Fwd LH Cabin Floor
330 lbs
Max Distributed Load Rear Hold
176 lbs
Max Wt Left Hold Standard
264 lbs
Max Wt Left Hold Squirrel Cheeks
430 lbs
Max Wt Right Hold Standard
220 lbs
Max Wt Right Hold Squirrel Cheeks
386 lbs
Max Wt Utility Basket
200 lbs
Max Altitude
20,000’ pA
Min Ops OAT
Max Ops OAT
ISA +35°C limited to +50°C
Max Rotor Blade De-Icing Fluid Temp
Max Slope Nose Up
10 Degrees
Max Slope Nose Down
6 Degrees
Max Slope Sideways
8 Degrees
VNE Power ON doors closed
cold wx ops
155 kts minus 3 kts /1000’
- 10 kts when Temp < -30C
VNE Doors OFF (check config)
VNE or 100-110 kts whichever is less
VNE External Load Cargo Swing/Sling
80 kts
VNE Power OFF (Auto Max)
125 kts minus 3 kts /1000’
reduce by 20 kts when OAT < -20C min 65 kts
Nr Power ON - on the ground at low pitch
380 +/- 5 rpm
Nr Power ON - in flight
390 +4/- 5 rpm
Nr Min-Max Power OFF min-max
320 - 430 rpm
Nr Avoid Steady Range during acceleration
300 - 320 rpm
Nr Horn - Intermittent
above 410 rpm
Nr Horn - Steady
below 360 rpm
Rotor Brake - Max Rotor Speed/Nominal
170 rpm/140 rpm
Rotor Brake - Min Time between Application
5 min
Max Torque with Airspeed < 40 kts continuous
100% Tq
Max Transient Torque with Airspeed < 40 kts
107% Tq / 10 sec
Max Torque with Airspeed > 40 kts continuous
94% Tq
Ng Start-up Fuel Introduction
10% Ng
0% Ng when OAT < 0°C
Ng Starter Release
40-45% Ng
Ng for Pre Shut-Down Idle Cool Down
67-70% Ng for 30 sec
Ng Max Continuous
98% Ng where ∆Ng = -3.5 (101.5 - 98)
Ng Max Take-off (5 min) w/o P2 Air
101.5% Ng where ∆Ng = 0 (101.5 - 101.5)
Ng Max Take-off (5 min) with P2 Air
100.9% Ng where ∆Ng = -0.6 (101.5-100.9)
Ng Max Transient
107.5% Ng / 5 Sec where ∆Ng = +6 (101.5 + 6)
T4 Max Continuous
T4 Max Takeoff
T4 Max Start Transient (5 sec)
865°C / 5 sec
T4 Max Startup
T4 Limit for Ng Indication Failure with OAT < 15°C
730°C with OAT < 15°C
T4 Limit for Ng Indication Failure with OAT > 15°C
750°C with OAT > 15°C
Nf Free Turbine Max Continuous
417 rpm
Nf Free Turbine Min Transient
330 rpm
Nf Free Turbine Max Transient
463 rpm
Fuel Capacity L,%,US Gal, Lbs
540 L, 100%, 143 US Gal, 940 lbs
Fuel Consumption
30-33 % per hour or 180 Lph
Low Level Fuel Warning Quantity
11%, 15.8 US Gal, 104 lbs, 60 L
Low Level Fuel Warning Time
18 min
Unusable Fuel
0.23%, .33 US Gal, 2.2 lbs, 1.25 l
Snow and Visibility Limitations
in falling snow vis > 1 nm is ok
in falling snow vis 1/2-1 nm limited to 10 min
in falling snow vis < 1/2 mi prohibited
Auto-rotation Min Rate of Descent
65 kts
Auto-rotation Max Glide
80 kts
VNE Heli Basket
124 kts
VNE Heli Basket Auto-rotation
100 kts
Best Rate of Climb Speed
55 kts
Best Approach Speed
65 kts
Ng Temp Restriction
when OAT > 15 °C + ISA: -0.5 per 1 °C
Fuel Filter Differential Pressure Light Illumination
< 0.2 Bar either or both pumps
Fuel Pressure Range
0.4 - 0.9 bar
1/2 rule for planning
mile / min / gal 50 miles/25 minutes/12.5 gal 30%/hr = 10%/20 min
Max Engine Oil Temp
Min Engine Oil Temp for Ops
Max Engine Oil Pressure
5 bar
Min Engine Oil Pressure > 85% Ng
1.8 bar
Min Engine Oil Pressure Between 70-85% Ng
1.3 bar
C of G Datum
133.8” forward of the m/r head center line
Electrical Voltage Range
26-29 v
Max Electrical Voltage
31.5 v
Max Electrical Current
150 amp
Min Electrical Voltage on Start
15 v
Bleed Valve Range
closes at 97% Ng, opens at 93% Ng
Lateral C of G
LH 7.08” RH 5.51”
Fuel Types
Jet A, A1, B, JP4, JP8
HDY Pressure Isolation check Light
once check complete, switch on collective to ON, light must extinguish within 3-4 sec
NR caution light flashes
250-360 rpm (test at 350 rpm)
with OAT < 0C EOT min temp
POWER CHECK in flight
Heating/demisting OFF Level stabilized flight TQ less than or equal to 94% NG at MCP (98%) bleed valve should not be visible
record Tq, Ng, Nr, Alt, OAT
Wind envelope for spinning and stopping rotors
up to 40 kts any direction
up to 50 kts headwind
Noise Level t/o, app, overflight
89.9, 91.4, 87.6 dB
VNE sliding door opening or closing
60 kts
Engine scavenger oil filter (lrb)
if showing, reset once and run engine
if re-shows, no flying
Inlet Barrier Filter system
ops w/o filter installed is prohibited
flight in blowing or falling snow not restricted
ops with alternate air door open in flight in blowing or falling snow prohibited
Snow Visibility Limitations in Flight
< 1/2 sm = 0 min
1/2 - 1 sm = 10 min
> 1 sm = OK
3 Prohibited Items
Flight in freezing rain or icing conditions
Snow or ice in or around engine intake
VNE Power On Cold Temp Reduction
Reduce VNE by 10 Kts when OAT < -30c
VNE Power OFF Cold Temp Reduction
Reduce VNE by 20 Kts when OAT < -20c Min 65 kts
Engine Limitations Determined by:
NG, T4, and NF Limits
Ground Runs in Cold Temps or Preheat
each 2 hours with OAT > -20c
each 1 hour with OAT < -20c
Use of Heating/Demisting Prohibited when
in ops > max cont NG (98%) or max cont T4 (795c)
100% Ng corresponding Ng RPM
51800 rpm
Nr of 394 rpm corresponding Nf speed
42452 rpm
Anti-Ice Additive in Fuel System without Icing Inhibiting System
Anti-Ice Additive required < 0c
Emergency Fuels
Av Gas 80/87, 100/130, 115/145, Auto Fuel
Emergency Fuels Use
max 25 hrs, below 1500’, fuel temp < 30c
add lubiricating mineral oil
Fuel Drain Temp
OAT >/= 0c
Min Start Oil Temp 7808 MGB & TRGB
MIn Start Oil Temp 23699 MGB & TRGB
Starter Limitations
30s, 60s, 30s, 60s, 30s, 30min
CWP Lights ON with Battery ON (6)
CWP Lights ON with External Power
On Start, ENG P Light OUT at:
70% NG
On Start, Horn light flashes with NR
NR > 250 rpm
Electrical Config with GPU 28 V DC Power
Batt and Gen isolated, warning lights ON
Bleed Valve Range
On Start - closed - opens at 97% Ng
Reduced pwr - closes at 93% Ng
Oil Capacity MGB
Oil Capacity TRGB
0.08 USG
Oil Capacity ENG
1.64 USG
Oil Capacity HDY
0.79 USG
Min Start Oil Temp 6086
MGB -15c TRGB -20c