Caution Warning Panel Flashcards
(horn with increased load factor)
pressure < 30 bars
land normally
keep heading
lock collective and shut down
(horn with increased load factor)
pressure < 30 bars
reduce collective airspeed to 40-60 kts (50-70 mph)
disengage collective hydraulic pressure switch
flat approach with run on landing at walking speed ASAP
lock collective and shut down
(batt approx 50 min/day or 20 min/night
DC power supply failure or over voltage detected
note: with electrical circuit failure check fuse
check DC voltage gauge check GEN pushbutton ON reset GEN - if unsuccessful, shed Gen circuits continue flight - monitor voltage (min 22 volts) land asapl
5000’ max if boost pumps off
horn sounds when (4)
check horn pushbutton ON
horn sounds:
with HDY caution light when HDY Pressure drop < 30 bar
when N2 between 250-360 (continuous)
when Nr > 410 (intermittent)
when testing cw/l panel with rotor >350 Nr
reduce airspeed to 120 kts visually check doors if open or unable to check, land or continue flight at reduced speed maintain low slink rate and flat landing approach
land ASAP
land ASAPL
avoid prolonged hovering
reduce engine power
monitor MGBP and MGBT lights
if MGBP light ON - reduce power - land ASAP
if MGBT light is ON -
press CWP Test to check MGBP light
if light does not illuminate - land ASAP
if light illuminates - land and check MGB oil level
if normal - fly to nearest base
min gb pressure
reduce power - land ASAP
max gb temp
press CWP Test Switch to check MGBP light
if light does not illuminate - land ASAP
if light illuminates - land and check MGB oil level
if normal - fly to nearest base
BATT (yellow)
battery isolated from DC network
no longer charging
for batt only DAY ops
battery, fuel pumps, vhf, radio/nav
check battery pushbutton ON continue flight, monitor voltage
BATT T (red) max batt temp
switch battery OFF
land ASAP
check pushbutton ON
monitor IAS
illuminates (BV open) when Ng < 93%
extinguishes (BV closed) when Ng > 97%
FLAG ON: BV remains closed with Ng < 93%
- possible surge or flameout
FLAG OFF: BV remains open with Ng > 97%
- increases fuel consumption & may limit power available
avoid fast power changes - land ASAPL
reduce power
check Engine Oil Pressure Gauge if LOW or ZERO read Torquemeter if Tq very low shut down engine if Tq correct land immediately if EOP and TQ correct - land ASAP
Low Engine Oil Pressure on Guage
test EOP light in C/W Panel
if light does not illuminate:
check Tq reading
if Tq reading too low - shut down & autorotate
if Tq reading correct - land ASAP
if light illuminates
check Tq reading
if Tq reading too low - land ASAP
if Tq reading correct - land ASAPL
monitor ENG P light
Engine Oil Temp High on Gauge - Low Speed/Hover
temp > 110C
land, shutdown, check cooler fan operation
if landing impossible, increase speed to 80 kts
temp should reduce - if not land ASAP
Engine Oil Temp High on Gauge - in flight
(temp > 110C) has
reduce speed to 80 kts
temp should reduce - if not land ASAP
Fuel Filter (clogging - impending bypass)
reduce power
if light goes out - continue flight at reduced power
if light stays on - land ASAP
Fuel Pressure Gauge
check fuel filter warning light
if fuel filter light OFF - continue flight (gauge failure)
if fuel filter light ON - reduce power
if light stays on - land ASAP
if light goes out - continue flight at reduced power
quantity < 60 L
B2 - 18 min at MCP
avoid large changes in attitude
Fuel P
fuel pressure lower than 2 bar
on either or both pumps.
check fuel pressure gauge
if pressure normal, continue flight
1 pump failure
if pressure zero, continue flight below 5000”
(2 pump failure)
Airframe Fuel Filter
check fuel pressure gauge
if pressure normal, continue flight
if pressure decreases, continue flight less than 5000 ft
Low Inlet Pressure Annunciator
light with unexplained increase in T4
dirty/blocked filter, BV failure, poor turbine
t/o with light on prohibited
ENG ALT Air Switch - OPEN
if light extinguishes continue flight
service prior to next flight
if light stays on, monitor eng instruments
if pwr required can be achieved, continue flight, service prior to next flight
if pwr required cannot be achieved, land ASAP - service filter and do power check