Limitations Flashcards
Maximum zero fuel weight
44,000 lbs
Maximum takeoff gross weight
Maximum landing weight
Engine Starter Duty Limits
3 cycles, 30 Seconds/cycle.
3 minutes between cycles
After 3 attempts, delay 15 minutes
Continuous ignition cycle
5 minutes ON, 30 minutes OFF.
There is no limitation when used:
30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF
Maximum Start TGT
570 deg C - Momentary
Maximum Takeoff N2 HP RPM
Maximum Takeoff N1 LP RPM
Maximum Takeoff TGT
585 deg C (5 min)
Engine with Sp 77-43
595 deg C (2 min)
Maximum Continuous N2 HP RPM
Not recommended for normal flight operations
Maximum Continuous N1 LP RPM
Not recommended for normal flight operations
Maximum Continuous TGT
540 deg C
Not recommended for normal flight operations
Recommended Max climb N2 HP RPM
Recommended Max climb N1 LP RPM
Recommended Max climb TGT
490 deg C
Recommended Max Cruise N2 HP RPM
Recommended Max Cruise N1 LP RPM
Recommended Max Cruise TGT
470 deg C
Minimum Approach N2 HP RPM
Minimum Approach TGT
540 deg C
Ground idle N2 HP RPM
52.0 - 55.0%
Ground Idle TGT
540 deg C
Maximum Reverse N2 HP RPM
91.7%. (30 seconds)
Maximum Reverse N1 LP RPM
106.6% (30 seconds)
Maximum Reverse TGT
490 deg C (30 seconds)
Maximum Overspeed N2 HP RPM
Maximum Overspeed N1 LP RPM
110.0% (20 seconds)
Maximum Over Temperature
610 deg C (20 seconds)
TVI Limits during start, taxi, acceleration and takeoff
Exceeds 3 Units
Abandon start or shutdown engine
Exceeds 3.5 units
Shutdown engine
TVI Limits during flight under steady running conditions (accept in icing)
Increase of 1 unit or more - Retard power lever to idle.
If peak value does not exceed max value, restore power and monitor engine for remainder of flight
(Exceeds 3 units or 3.5 units in the 67-74% HP RPM range)
Maximum Eng Oil Usage
.9 pints per hour
Check after last flight each day or before exceeding 11 hours cumulative flight time.
Maximum Oil Temperature
100 deg C
120 deg C for 15 minutes is permissible
Minimum Oil Temperature for Starting
-40 deg C
Minimum for opening a power lever is -30 deg C.
Minimum Oil Pressure
Idle: 15 psi
Acceptable for flight: at Max Continuous RPM - 40 psi
To complete a flight: at Max Continuous RPM - 35 psi
At 52% N2 (idle) - 13 psi
Maximum Runway Slope
+/- 2%
Maximum tailwind component for takeoff and landing
10 knots
Maximum demonstrated crosswind component
21 knots
G-3 operating Ambient Temperatures
Maximum (hot day) To 10,000 feet: ISA + 35 deg C Above 10,000 feet: ISA + 30 deg C Minimum (cold day) Sea level to 3,500 feet: -40 deg C 3,500 to 5,000 feet: -35 deg C 5,000 to 10,000 feet: -35 deg C 10,100 to 35,000 feet: -35 deg C with a linear decrease to -70 deg C 35,000 to 45,000 Feet: -70 deg C
Maximum permissible fuel imbalance
Above 60,400 lbs gross weight: 400 pounds
Linear increase to 2000 pounds at 55,000 lbs gross weight
Maximum useable fuel capacity
28,300 lbs
Maximum Fuel Temperatures
90 deg C
110 deg C for 15 minutes is permissible
Fuel Boost Pumps for takeoff
Three must be operative for takeoff. If one boost pump is inoperative, the crossflow and intertank systems must both be operative and the crossflow valve must be CLOSED.
Pull circuit breaker for the inoperative pump.
Boost Pump Operation During Cruise
One boost pump per side may be selected OFF provided the fuel contains an anti-icing additive, or the fuel tank temperature is above 0 deg C.
Flight Load Acceleration Limits
Flaps up: -1.0 to 2.5 Gs for all weights up to Max takeoffs
Flaps down: 0 to 2.0 Gs for all weights up to Max landing
Maximum Airspeed
340 knots below 28,000 feet. .85M above
Maneuvering Airspeed
206 knots
Turbulence Penetration Airspeed
270 knots to 32,000 feet. .75M above
Minimum Control Speed (air)
100 knots
Minimum Control Speed (ground)
89 knots
Flap Speeds
10 deg: 250 knots / .60M
20 deg: 220 knots / .60M
39 deg: 170 knots / .60M
Vortex generator missing. .80M
Windshield Wiper Speed
200 knots
Landing Gear Operations
Landing Gear Extended Speed: 250 knots / .70M
Landing Gear Operating Speed: 225 knots / .70M
Landing Gear Emergency Extension Speed: 175 knots
Maximum altitude for flying with gear extended: 20,000 feet
Tire speed
Takeoff gross weight is limited by tire speed only with 10 deg flaps and with a tailwind. With either a headwind or use of 20 deg flaps climb limits are more restrictive.
Maximum permissible EGT during APU start
988 deg C
Maximum permissible APU EGT while running
732 deg C
Operation of APU
Ground only
Operations at 105% are normal under no load conditions
APU starting cycle
With battery power: 30 seconds per start with three consecutive attempts (30 seconds on, one minute off). Before the next attempt allow 20 minutes for starter cool down, then 2 additional start attempts may be made, after which a 40 minute cool down period must be observed before the next full starter cycle is commenced.
Brake Energy
44x10^6 foot lbs
Rudder load limiter
Must be on for takeoff
Maximum differential cabin pressurization
9.67 psi
Emergency relief cabin pressurization
9.80 psi
To never exceed 10.0 psi
Maximum differential cabin pressurization for taxi, takeoff, and landing.
0.3 psi
Stall warning and stall barrier systems
Both must be operational and on for all flight operations
Mach trim compensator
At least one Must be on during all flight operations, except as follows:
If both Mach trim compensators are inoperative the maximum permissible Mmo is .75
Electric elevator trim
If the electric trim is inoperative, the autopilot must be disengaged and the maximum permissible Mmo is .75
Yaw damper
If inoperative, maintain at least 200 knots or descend below 28,000 feet. No operation with one engine inoperative above 35,000 feet or above 250 knots
AOA system
Both AOA systems must be operative for takeoff.
The AOA indicator may be used as a reference, but does not replace the airspeed indicator as the primary instrument.
The AOA system is not approved for instrument approaches below 200 feet.
The normalized AOA indicator shall not be used as a speed reference for takeoff rotation.
Take off with inoperative ground spoilers is permitted if:
- Anti-skid operative
- Speed-brakes operative
- 20 degree flaps are selected
- You add 650 feet to the accelerate-stop distance determined from the chart.
Speedbrake limitations
- May not be deployed if 39 deg flaps are selected.
- May not be deployed if landing gear are extended
- When deployed, the power shutoff handle may not be pulled up.
Maximum operating speed with the speedbrakes deployed.
340 knots / .85M
Anti-icing system
Takeoff is prohibited with frost, ice, snow, or slush adhering to the wings, control surfaces, engine inlets, or other critical surfaces.
Wing anti-icing
Required if icing conditions are imminent or immediately upon detection of ice formation on wings, winglets or windshield edges.
Engine anti-icing
Required for taxi and takeoff when the static temperature (SAT) is below 10 deg C and visible moisture, precipitation, or wet runway are present.
Required in flight when SAT is below 10 deg C and above -40 deg C, when visible moisture or precipitation is present or when signs of icing are observed. When below -40 deg C the system is required when signs of icing are observed.
Holding in icing
When holding in icing when gross weight is below 57,000 pounds 10 deg flaps are required with a minimum airspeed of 180 knots in order to maintain sufficient heat output.
Engine synchronizer
Must be off for takeoff and landing.
Takeoff with antiskid system inoperative
- Ground spoilers must be operative
- Use of anti-ice is prohibited
- 20 deg flaps only
- Takeoff performance data must be recomputed.
Reverse thrust
Inflight deployment of thrust reversers is prohibited.
Maximum thrust reverse
May be used down to 70 knots on landing
Below 70 knots reverse thrust must be gradually reduced to achieve reverse idle (doors open) by 50 knots.
Must be completed cancelled (doors closed) by normal taxi speeds
Wet runway condition
Air start ignition must be selected ON for takeoff and landing on runways contaminated by standing water, slush, or snow.
Ground operation of landing lights
Maximum of 5 minutes.
Maximum speed for autopilot operation
340 knots / .85M
Minimum speed for autopilot operation
1.2 Vs for appropriate flap configuration
Do not use autopilot when:
- Below 42,000 pounds and a CG aft of 43% MAC
- With electric trim inoperative
- Above 35,000 feet with one engine inoperative
- Autopilot or Mach trim self-test in flight.
Windshield heat inoperative
Do not dispatch into known icing conditions.
Oxygen tank pressure
1800 psi
Maximum operating altitude
45,000 feet
Failure of two boost pumps on one side
Engine will only run on suction feed at or below 20,000 feet.
Balance fuel using intertank only.
Normal alternator limits
53 amps
Emergency alternator limits
58 amps
Maximum approved airport pressure altitude
15,000 feet
Gust lock
Should not be used with the engines running
TOT fuel limiter
30 seconds above 585 deg C.
What is the Maximum reduction in EPR for a flex takeoff