Limitations Flashcards
Load Acceleration (G) Limits
(*no longer BOLD*)
- -1.0g to 2.5g clean
- 0.0g to 2.0g configured (flaps or slats)
Runway limitations
(*no longer BOLD*)
- +/- 2° slope (mean)
- 9200’ elevation
- 148’ (45m) min width
- 5000’ min length (unless DO approval)
Maximum Xwind for Takeoff
35 knots*
* Include gusts when applying this wind limit
Maximum Xwind for Landing
38 knots*
* Include gusts when applying this wind limit
Maximum Tailwind for Landing
10 knots
Maximum Tailwind for Takeoff
- A319 / A320 = 15 knots
- A321 = 10 knots
Maximum Wind for Pax Door Operation
65 knots
Maximum Wind for Cargo Door Operation
- 40 knots
- 50 knots Max - If nose into wind or on leeward side. Door closed before wind exceeds 65 kts
Max Vmo/Mmo
(*no longer BOLD*)
350 knots or .82 mach
Severe Turbulent Air Penetration Speed
- Below FL200 = 250 kts (A321 - 270 kts)
- FL200 to FL310 = 275 kts (A321 - 300 kts)
- Above FL310 = 0.76 mach
Placarded Maximum Flaps / Slats Speeds
(*no longer BOLD*)
- Flaps 1 = 230 kt
- Flaps 1+F = 215 kt
- Flaps 2 = 200 kt
- Flaps 3 = 185 kt
- Flaps Full = 177 kt
Maximum Altitude at which the Landing Gear may be extended (VLE)
25,000’ feet
Gear Down Speeds
(*no longer BOLD*)
- 280 knots or .67 mach w/ gear extended (VLE)
- 250 knots gear extension (VLO)
- 220 knots gear retraction (VLO)
F9 Procedure Flaps / Slats Speeds
(*no longer BOLD*)
- Flaps 1 = 220 kt
- Flaps 2 = 190 kt
- Flaps 3 = 175 kt
- Flaps Full = 162 kt
Maximum Tire Speed (Groundspeed)
195 knots
Maximum Speed Windshield Wipers
230 knots
Maximum Speed for Opening of Cockpit Window
200 knots
Max Operating Altitude with Slats/Flaps Extended
20,000’ feet
Taxi speed (A320 & A321)
Gross weight > 167,550 lbs
max taxi speed of 20 knots during a turn
Cabin Pressure Limits
(*no longer BOLD*)
- 9.0 psi max positive differential
- -1 psi max negative differential
- 8.6 psi safety relief setting
Ram Air Inlet
(*no longer BOLD*)
If change in pressure is greater than 1 psi, the check valve downstream will not open even if the ram air door has been selected open.
Air conditioning with LP ground unit
(*no longer BOLD*)
Do not use conditioned air simultaneously from packs and LP ground unit (to avoid chattering of the non-return valves).
APU Oil Level
(*no longer BOLD*)
APU may be started and operated even if the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory is displayed.
Maintenance action is required within the next 10 hours of APU operation. NOTE: Logbook entry is NOT required w/ this message.
Avionics Ventilation
(*no longer BOLD*)
The airplane electrical system should not be powered for more than 2 hours without a cooling system when the OAT is above 49° C.
Air Conditioning with HP Ground Unit
(*no longer BOLD*)
Use of an external HP air cart to supply the PACKs is PROHIBITED
APU Starter Limits
(*no longer BOLD*)
- 3 duty cycles
- 1 minute cooling periods
- 60 minutes before attempting 3 more cycles
APU Maximum N (Rotor Speed)
(*no longer BOLD*)
(APU auto shuts down at 107% N speed)
Autopilot Engagement Limits
- After T/O or GA (SRS indicated) = 100’ AGL
- Enroute = 900’ AGL
- RNAV Visual Approach = 500’ AGL
- Non-precision approaches = DDA/DA
- Non-autoland ILS w/ CAT 1 on FMA = 160’ AGL
- Non-autoland ILS w/ CAT 2/3 on FMA = 80’ AGL
- Autoland ILS (one or two A/P) = Rollout / Taxi speed
APU EGT Limits
(*no longer BOLD*)
- Max EGT 675° C
- Max EGT <35,000 1090° C
- Max EGT >35,000 1120° C
APU Flight Envelope
Max altitude for:
• Normal Electrical Start = 39,000’
• BATTERY START (Elec Emer Config) = 25,000’
• One Pack w/Electrical = 22,500’
• Engine Start = 20,000’
• Two Packs w/Electrical = 15,000’
• APU air bleed extraction for wing anti-ice not permitted
Autopilot Required (due to visibility)
Visibility less than 4000 RVR or 3/4 mile
Derived Decision Altitude (DDA)
(*no longer BOLD*)
For non-precision approaches conducted with an applicable MDA, a DDA must be calculated and observed as minima… by adding 50’ to the published MDA.
Braking Action for Autoland
(*no longer BOLD*)
Medium or better
CAT II Minimums
(*no longer BOLD*)
- CAT 2 FMA or better
- 100’ DH
- 1000 RVR
- 1 autopilot engaged in APPR mode
- No A/THR required
CAT IIIA Single Minimums
(*no longer BOLD*)
- CAT 3 Single FMA or better
- 50’ DH
- 600 RVR
- At least 1 autopilot w/ A/THR
CAT IIIA Dual Minimums
(*no longer BOLD*)
- CAT 3 Dual on FMA
- 100’ AGL AH
- 600 RVR
- Two autopilots engaged in APPR mode
- A/THR required
CAT IIIB Dual Minimums
(*no longer BOLD*)
- CAT 3 Dual on FMA
- 100’ AGL AH
- 300 RVR
- 2 autopilots engaged in APPR mode
- A/THR required
Autoland Wind Restrictions
(*no longer BOLD*)
- 30 kt Headwind (20 kt - A319)
- 15 kt Crosswind
- 10 kt Tailwind (5 kt - A319)
- VLS wind correction Min 5 kt - Max 15 kt
Autoland Performance Limits (below 500’)
(*no longer BOLD*)
- Glide slope < 1 dot
- Localizer < 1/4 dot
- Airspeed +/- 5 knots of target
- Max descent rate 1000 fpm
- Airspeed not below VLS
- Bank not to exceed 7°
- Pitch limits +10° to -2.5°
Cargo Loading Limits
(*no longer BOLD*)
Bags or cargo may not be loaded above line approx 2” below top of cargo pits. May impede cargo smoke detection system.
Max Continuous Load per Generator
(*no longer BOLD*)
100% (90 kVA)
Max Continuous Load per TR
(*no longer BOLD*)
200 A
Thrust Settings / EGT Limits
• 950° C for 5 min (10 min if single engine)
• 1060° C NEO
• 915° C (Unlimited)
• 1025° C NEO
• 725° C
• 750° C NEO
Max Continuous Oil Temp
(*no longer BOLD*)
140° C
Max Transient Oil Temp
(*no longer BOLD*)
155° C (15 minutes)
Minimum Starting Oil Temp
(*no longer BOLD*)
-40° C
Minimum Oil Temperature for Takeoff
19° C
Maximum N1
(*no longer BOLD*)
104% CEO / 101% NEO
Note: Depends on ambient conditions and engine bleed air configuration. These may limit N1 to lower value.
Reverse Thrust Limits
(*no longer BOLD*)
- Selecting reverse thrust in flight is prohibited
- Backing airplane with reverser thrust not permitted
- Max reverse not used below 70 kts (idle allowed down to aircraft stop)
- Except in emergency, reverse thrust is not authorized to reduce taxi speed
Maximum N2
(*no longer BOLD*)
105% CEO / 116.5% NEO
Reduced Thrust for Takeoff Prohibited
- Slippery or contaminated runway
- Windshear
- SDP specifies full thrust for takeoff
Reduced Thrust Restrictions
(*no longer BOLD*)
Reduction must not exceed 25% of full rated T/O thrust Max Flex temps:
- A319 CEO = ISA +60° C
- A320 CEO = ISA +53° C
- A320 NEO = ISA +55° C
- A321 CEO = ISA +43° C
Assumed temp must not be lower than flat rating temp or actual OAT
Minimum Fuel for Takeoff
(*no longer BOLD*)
3300 lbs WING TK LO LVL must not be displayed on ECAM
Max Hydraulic Pressure
(*no longer BOLD*)
3200 psi
Minimum Crew Oxygen Pressure
(*no longer BOLD*)
Refer to chart below 1400 psi
Approach Categories
- A319 / A320 = Category C
- A321 = Category D
Maximum Brake Temperature for Takeoff
(*no longer BOLD*)
300° C
Stabilized Approach Policy 1000’ ft AFE
(5 items)
- Descent rate not to exceed 1200’ FPM
- +/- 1 dot LOC, 1/2 dot VOR, .3 NM cross-track RNAV
- +/- 1 dot Glidepath
- In final landing configuration
- Absent any GPWS warnings
Stabilized Approach Policy 500’ ft AFE
(6 items)
- +/- 1 dot LOC, 1/2 dot VOR, .3 NM cross-track RNAV
- +/- 1 dot Glidepath
- In final landing configuration
- Absent any GPWS warnings
- Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1000’ FPM
- Within -5 to +15 knots of target speed for approach
Speed Brake Usage
A319 and A320 NEO - Use of speed brakes at or below 240 kts is not permitted if GWCG is above 35% or in overweight landing conditions.
Minimum Engine Oil Quantity
11 Quarts plus .5 Quart for every hour of estimated flight time.