Limitations Flashcards
Authorized Limitations
- Day and Night VFR
- IFR and auto. approaches to CAT I and II wx mins.
- Extended overwater and uninhabited terrain
- Icing Conditions
Maximum Passengers
19 Passengers
Minimum Flight Crew
Two Pilots (One Pilot, One Copilot)
Maximum Permissable Altitude
47,000 ft
Weight Limitations (with Mod M57)
Max Ramp: 36,700 lbs
Max Takeoff: 36,500 lbs
Max Landing: 33,000 lbs
Max ZFW: 28,660 lbs
Weight Limitations (without Mod M57)
Max Ramp: 36,000 lbs
Max Takeoff: 35,800 lbs
Max Landing: 33,000 lbs
Max ZFW: 28,660 lbs
Max Landing Weight w/ SBF2000-186 installed
34,500 lbs
Baggage Compartment Loading Limits
1,600 lbs (not to exceed 61.4 lb/sqft)
Coat Compartment Loading Limits
81.9 lb.sqft
Max Payload
5,990 lbs
Maximum Weight Main Cabin Door
1,500 lbs
(440 lbs/step)
Max Weight Baggage Cpmt Door
320 lbs
Maximum Runway Slope
+/- 2.0%
Min Airport Press Alt for TO/Ldg
-1,000 ft
Max Airport Press Alt for TO/Ldg
+10,000 ft
Type of Runway Required
Paved and Hard-Surface
Flaps Up Load Factor
+2.64g to -1.0g
Flaps Down Load Factor
+2.0g to 0g
Max Tailwind Component
10 kts (TO/Ldg)
Max Demonstrated Crosswind
35 kts
Landing Light Limitation
15 minutes ON/45 minutes OFF
Max Operating Speed
Vmo/Mmo (Red Line)
Max Maneuvering Speed (Va)
198 KIAS
Min Control Speed in the AIR (Vmca)