Limitations Flashcards
Maximum number of passanger seats?
Maximum number of INF onboard?
Max ramp weight?
68 039 KG
Max takeoff weight?
67 585 KG
Max landing weight?
58 740 KG
Max ZFW?
55 792 KG
Max load FWD cargo compartment?
2 446 KG
Max load AFT cargo compartment?
2 606 KG
VMO < 8000’
300 KIAS
VMO 10 000’-27 500’?
330 KIAS
0.82 Mach
Flaps Extended Speed (VFE)?
1 = 230 KIAS
2 = 210 KIAS
3 = 210 KIAS
4 = 190 KIAS
5 = 170 KIAS
Max speed for landing gear extension?
250 KIAS
Max speed for landing gear retraction?
220 KIAS
Max speed for landing gear extended?
250 KIAS
Turbulence penetration speed?
At or below 10 000’ = 265 KIAS
Above 10 000’ = 285 KIAS or 0.75 Mach
Max speed for windshield wiper operation?
250 KIAS
Tire limit speed?
195 KTS
Air Baltic company speed limitations?
Descending below 10 000’
Airspeed = 300 KIAS
ROD = 3000’/min
At or below 2 500’
ROD = 1 500’/min
Max taxi speeds?
30 KTS
90o turns = 10 KTS
Max rotation pitch?
11 degrees
Max touchdown pitch?
10 degrees
Max bank angle during take off and landing to avoid engine nacelle strike?
15 degrees
Minimum pavement width for 180o turn?
23.50 m
Maximum airport altitude for take off and landing?
10 000’
Max operating altitude?
41 000’
Max ambient temperature for take off and landing?
52.5 deg
Min ambient temperature for take off and landing?
-54 deg
Maneuvering limit load factors?
Flaps up: -1g to 2.5g
Flaps down: 0g to 2.0g
Aproved runway slope?
+/- 2 degrees
Min taxiway width?
15 m
Maximum depth of …
Wet snow
Dry snow
…on contaminated runway?
Water TO 12.7mm LDG 19.1mm
Slush TO 15.0mm LDG 22.4mm
Wet snow TO 19.1mm LDG 22.4mm
Dry snow TO 76.2mm LDG 95.3mm
When can derated and/or FLEX procedures not be used?
With an engine that cannot achieve available full rated thrust
When windshear warnings are forecasted
When anti-skid system is inoperative
No autothrottle
When is reduced (FLEX) engine thrust not allowed?
When wing/engine anti ice are in use
On contaminated runways
Operation of the APU in an unattended mode is prohibited when?
If either wing tank contains more than 2 830 KG
Freezing point for JETA1?
-47 degrees C
Max bulk fuel temperature?
52.5 degrees C
Minimum fuel temperature for take off?
-37 degrees C
Max permissible fuel imbalance?
454 KG
Max usable fel load in tanks and total?
Wing tanks = 3 050 KG
Center tank = 11 300 KG
Total = 17 400 KG
Min fuel quantity in wing tanks for GA?
442 KG
Max and min refeulling pressure?
30 psi 50 psi
Oil temperature limitations for engine warm up?
Below -40oC - Engine start prohibited
Below -6oC - Idle
Between -6oC and 21oC - 30% N1
Between 21oC and 49oC - 50% N1
49oC and above - No limit
Max EGT, Min/max Oil Pressure and oiltemp for max take off, Max continous.
Max take off 1053 degrees, 50.3-175.3 psi,
49 degrees - 163 degrees (174 degrees for up to 20 minutes)
Max continous 1016 degrees, 50.3-175.3 psi, 49 degrees - 163 degrees
Time limit for max to thrust?
5 min. May be extended to 10 minutes for OEI contingency.
Thrust reverser procedure for a cold soaked airplane?
When cold soaked in -20 degrees C for more than 8 hours, thrust reversers must be cycled a minimum of two times before take off on wet or contaminated runway.
Engine start cranking limits?
After three start attempts, or after four minutes continous cranking, 30 minute cooling period is required.
Do not engage starter on ground if indicated N2 rpm exceeds 20%
Engine shutdown procedures.
The engine must be operated at or near idle (not above 40% N1) for at least 3 minutes.
Engine Operating Procedure Limits Due to Wind
Max cross and tail for
Starting on ground
Ice shedding at 60% N1
Starting on ground X 43 KTS T 18 KTS
Taxi Unlimited
Ice Shedding 60% X 43 KTS T 18 KTS
Max tailwind component for take off and landing?
10 KTS
Max crosswind for TO and LDG?
4 Good to Medium
3 Medium
2 Medium to Poor
1 Poor
Max= TO 32 KTS LDG 29 KTS
4 Good to Medium 27 KTS
3 Medium 20 KTS
2 Medium to Poor 10 KTS
1 Poor 10 KTS
Max HEAD, CROSS and TAIL for
Manual CAT 2
Autoland CAT 2/3
Autoland CAT 1

When is operation of the airplane prohibited after being exposed to cold weather?
If exposed for ground ambient temp of -30 degrees C exceeding two hours in the preceding 12 hours.
Engine operation s prohibited in ground fog with OAT -18 degrees C
When does icing conditions exist?

Wing Anti-Ice limitations

Engine Ice Shedding on ground and in flight.

What is the speed correction for approach and landing in icing conditions with flaps 5?
5 KTS to be corrected on Vref, Vac and Vga.
If calculated in performance app with ICEFLAPS5 selected, already increased.
Minimum oil temperature for APU start?
Maximum start attempts per hour?
Time limit observed between starts?
-40 degrees C
Three starts per hour
Two minutes between start attempts
Max altitude for APU bleed?
23 000’
Minimum height for AP engagement?
Minimum usage height for AP?
What speed must be added for landing with autothrottle?
High wind take off procedure?
55% N1, wait before 20 kts GS before setting thrust for take off.
Individual flight plan leg or between aircraft position and the TO waypoint must not exceed;
RNP 10
RNP 1 200 NM
RNP 2 400 NM
RNP 4 500 NM
RNP 10 500 NM
Takeoff and Landing Awareness Function limitation
When proceeding onto active runway do not exceed 35 kts GS or 55% N1 until within 10 degress of runway heading.
Maximum altitude with flaps/slats extended?
20 000’
Minimum height with flight spoilers extended?
300’ AGL
Minimum speed with flight spoilers extended?
Vref + 10 kts
Maximum positive positive differential pressure?
8.8 psi
Maximum negative differential pressure?
-0.5 psi
When OAT is above 40 degrees operation without external cooling is limited to?
30 minutes
Maximum AC generator load?
75 kVA
Maximum permissible load on respective TRU is?
1 and 2 350 amp
3 225 amp
Where can Non-EICAS procedures be restarted?
From the summary page.
Airplane Dimensions
Length, Wing span, Height, Cabin width, Nacelle
Length: 38,7
Wing span: 35,1
Height: 11,5
Cabin width: 3
Nacelle: 0,5
Conditions for 180 turn min RWY width?
Dry runway
Symmetrical thrust
No asymmetrical braking
Slow constant turn
What needs to be checked when doing the “EICAS” on checklist?
Messages and status
APU bleed limit altitude?
23 000’
What decides when engine or APU bleed is used?
Logic switches to engine bleed when needed. Also based on outside temp and number of pax.
Door operation?
Open 65 kts
Operation 40 its
Measures to increase engine life?
- Use performance app for optimum take off pef. (Max use of derate CLB has bigger influence than reduced TO thrust.)
- Cowl-anti ice on before TOD.
- Descent rate 1000’/min until reaching FL350 (related to high alt low thrust challenges for compressor) N1 >55% at FL410 N1 >40% at FL250
- Reduced cruise 0.74
- Limit planned cruise FL for shorter flight
Flight control malfunction indication?
Gray - normal
Yellow square - Failed
Yellow cross - Invalid
Min dispatch crew oxygen?
When does oxygen lo press come on?
2 crew - 900/950 psi
3 crew - 1200/1300 psi
Caution comes on when below 1050 psi
At 10,000ft it’s smart to check pressurization, what should it be aprox?
What distance does the performance destination switch from departure to your actual destination for performance calculations ( Ldg Wt)
50 nm away from departure airport
What is the APU fuel consumption?
Electrics - 90kg/hr
Electrics and Bleed air 115kg/hr
What is the time crew oxygen will give you worst case scenario, 41,000 ft (8,000 cabin alt) in emerg mode with low pressure 1050 psig?
34 min
(At 10,000 ft in Normal mode 2:43)
When do you get a FUEL LEAK SUSPECTED caution message.
When left to right tank difference is greater than 40% of fuel consumption
Predicted fuel minus actual fuel on board (sensed) is greater than 700 kg
How long is the daily check good for?
72 hrs
What is the max fuel transferred from
Wing tank to tank wing?
Wing tank to center tank?
Wing tank to wing tank 227 Kg
Wing tank to center tank 454 (also the max fuel imbalance)
What is Thrust Limited Altitude
Buffet or Maneuver Limited Altitude?
Thrust Limited Altitude is the altitude at which sufficient thrust is available to provide a specific minimum rate of climb (e.g., 300 ft/min)
Buffet or Maneuver Limited Altitude is the altitude at which a 0.2 g margin (33* bank) exists prior to buffet onset.
What is the limit for bank angles for green dot speed?
All engines operating
- Maximum bank angle of 30° at altitudes up to 31500 ft.
- Maximum bank angle of 15° at altitudes above 31500 ft.
One engine inoperative: Maximum bank angle of 25°
ICAO Holding speeds
230 <14,000
- 14,000-20,000
- 20,000-34,000
- 83M. >34,000
What are the conditions of windshear?
- 15 knots indicated airspeed
- 500 feet per minute vertical speed
- 5 degrees pitch attitude
- 1 dot displacement from the glideslope
- 10 degree variation from nominal heading, and
- Unusual thrust lever position for a significant period of time.
What is the expected fuel burn for taxi and cruise?
Taxi 546 kg/Hr
Cruise 1800 kg/Hr
(Taxi 9.1kg/min, cruise 30kg/min)
What is the Maximum take-off alternate distance?
Maximum take-off alternate distance is 351 nm
(based on a one-engine-inoperative cruise speed of 310 KIAS)
What modes are active on T/O and Ldg when windshear warning happens?
The modes that the system will give crews are TO/WSHR (during take-off) or GA/WSHR (during approach).
These will remain as the active modes until another selection is made
When is the PWS (weather radar) windshear system inhibited?
This system is inhibited on take-off between 80 knots until 50 ft Radio Altitude (RA), and remains active until 2400 ft RA.
On approach it becomes active below 2300 ft RA and remains active until 50 feet AG