Limitations Flashcards
Flight Manoeuvring Load Acceleration Limits Clean:Slaps & flats extended:Slats extended ONLY:
Clean: -1g to +2.5g
Slaps & flats extended: 0g to +2g
Slats extended ONLY: 0g to +2g
FCOM - LIM - 10 - General
Weight Limitations: !! A320 !!(highest available option)
Maximum taxi weight (highest option available):
Maximum take off weight (breaks release, highest)
Maximum landing weight:
Maximum zero fuel weight:
Minimum weight:
FOR A320!!
Highest available option
Maximum taxi weight: 77,400 / 73,900
Maximum take off weigh: 77,000 / 73,500
Maximum landing weight: 66,000
Maximum zero fuel weight: 62,500
Minimum weight: 37,230
FCOM - Lim - 11 - Weight & CG
Weight Limitations: !! A319 !!(highest / lowest available )Maximum taxi weight: highest / lowestMaximum take off weight (breaks release) highest / lowestMaximum landing weight:Maximum zero fuel weight:Minimum weight:
Coldest acceptable
FCOM - Lim 12
Maximum allowable runway slope (mean)
Max runway altitude
Nominal runway width
38kt (gusts included)
Max tailwind
Max wind for passenger door operation
Max wind for cargo door operation
40kts OR 50kts if:
1) Nose into wind OR
2) Cargo door on LEEWARD side
Should be closed by 65
What wind MUST the cargo doors be closed by?
Maximum crosswind for TAKEOFF or LANDING (gust included) for:
Slush / Dry Snow / Wet Snow (up to 3mm)
Frost / Compacted snow (temp
Maximum crosswind for TAKEOFF or LANDING (gust included) for:
Dry Snow: >3mm
Wet snow: > 3mm
Compacted snow (OAT ABOVE 15)
Slippery When Wet
Maximum crosswind for TAKEOFF or LANDING (gust included) for:
Water: >3mm up to 12.7mm (1/2”)
Slush: >3mm up to 12.7mm (1/2”)
Maximum crosswind for TAKEOFF or LANDING (gust included) for:
ICE (cold & dry)
Maximum crosswind for TAKEOFF or LANDING (gust included) for:
Damp Wet (up to 3mm)
Take off is not recommended with what runway conditions?
What is the MMO?
What is VMO between 24,600 and 0ft?
A319 VMCA at 0ft Altitude
A319 VMCG at 0ft AltitudeConf 1+F: ?Conf 2: ?COnf 3: ?
At 0ft altitudeAll configs: 104.5
A320 VMCA at 0ft altitude
110ts(-2000 = 112 and +2000= 108)** shark and no sharks have the same VMCA
Maximum Flap / Slats speeds:Conf 1: ? Conf 1 + F: ?Conf 2: ?COnf 3: ?Conf FULL: ?
How many slat positions are there?
(i.e when you move the lever, the slats move to a new position.)
Conf 2 + 3 slats are the same.
What is VLE and What is the VLE speed?
VLE = Max speed with landing gear extended.
280ts / 0.67
What is ‘VLO extension’ and what is the speed?
VLO Extension: Max speed the landing gear can be extended 250kt
What is ‘VLO retraction’ and what is the speed?
VLO Extension:
Max speed the landing gear can be retracted is 220kts
Maximum altitude at which the gear may be extended?
Speed at which the gear is hydraulically active?
Max wind for cargo door operation
Maximum tire speed?
Windshield wiper max speed?
Cockpit window open max speed?
A320 -
What WEIGHT should you consider for taxiing?
What speed restriction?
Taxi weight about 76,000kg.
Do not exceed a taxi speed of 20kts in a turn.
Ram air inlet pressure limitation?
Only open if diff. pressure
Air conditioning with LP ground unit?
What max airflow?
What other limitations?
Max airflow from ground cart of 1.2kg/s
Do not use conditioned air simultaneously from the packs and th LP ground unit (avoid chattering of non return valve)
APU with HP ground unit - what restrictions?
Do not use HP ground unit when APU supplies bleed air, to avoid bleed system damage.
Cabin pressurisation:Maximum positive diff pressure
9.0 PSI
Cabin pressurisation:
Maximum negative diff pressure
Cabin pressurisation:
What is the safety Relief Valve setting?
8.6 PSI
Cabin altitude warning - what height?
Maximum cab altitude selection?
Minimum cabin altitude selection?
14,000ft and -2000ft
Max diff pressure and safety valve tolerance?
+/- 7hpa or 0.1 PSI
Avionics ventilation:During ground operations, limit the aircraft power supply with avionics ventilation system in the normal configurations follows:OAT = 49 = ?OAT = 55 = ?OAT = 60 = ?OAT = 64 = ?
OAT = 49 = No limitOAT = 55 = 2 hoursOAT = 60 = 1 hourOAT = 64 = 1/2 hour
Minimum height for use of autopilot on takeoff with SRS mode?
Minimum height for use of the autopilot in:
* Straight in , non precision approach = *
Circling approach =
ILS approach (Cat 1 ) =
PAR approach =
Go around (AP / FD engagement) =
All other phases =
Use of AP / FD in OPEN DES / DES mode not permitted in approach, unless:??
* Straight in , non precision approach = minima*
Circling approach = minima - 100ft
ILS approach (Cat 1 ) = 160ft AGL
PAR approach = 250ft AGL
Go around (AP / FD engagement) = 100ft AGL
All other phases = 500ft AGL
Use of AP / FD in OPEN DES / DES mode not permitted in approach, unless: Altitude is set to / above MDA or 500ft whichever is highest
Non precision approaches with engine out:DOES THE FOLLWING APPLY TO:1) A319?2) A3203) BothIf one engine is INOP, it is not permitted to use the autopilot to perform NPAs in the following modes: FINAL APP, NAV / v/s and nav / fpa. Only FD use is permitted.
1) A319 only.It is no longer applicable to ANY A320.
ILS Cat II Minimum decision height:
100ft AGL
How many Autopilots required?
At least ONE must be engaged in approach mode and Cat 3 single / dual must be displayed on FMAs.
(A/THR must be used selected or managed mode)
ILS Cat III Fail Passive (single)Minimum decision height?
ILS Cat III Fail Passive (single)
How many autopilots required?
At least ONE must be engaged in approach mode and Cat 3 single / dual must be displayed on FMAs.
(A/THR must be used selected or managed mode)
ILS Cat III Fail Operational (Dual)
What is the ALERT height?
ILS Cat III Fail Operational (Dual)
Cat III with DH = what is the minimum decision height?
ILS Cat III Fail Operational (Dual)
How many autopilots required with DH and Without?
2 Autopilots must be engaged in APPR mode and CAT 3 DUAL must be displayed.
A/THR must be used in selected or managed mode.
Cat III without DH
What is the minimum RVR?
Engine out AUTOMATIC landing.
What flap setting is allowable for
a) A319
b) A320?
a) A319 can be automatically landed, single engine, with Flaps 3 or Flaps Fullb) A320 can only be automatically landed, single engine, in flaps Full.
What are the automatic landing / rollout wind limits for A320 Sharklets?
Headwind: 30
Crosswind (without rollout): 20
Crosswind (with rollout): 15
Tailwind: 10
Automatic landing limitations:Slope angle = Maximum Airport elevation = Maximum weight = A319 exception = Minimum elevation? =Sharklet exception = Roll out RWY conditions =
ILS Auto Landing in CAT 1 or better Auto landing in CAT 1 or better weather is possible on cat 1 ground installations or when ILS sensitive areas are not protected under which precautions?
- Airline has checked that ILS beam quality and the effect of terrain profile before the runway has no adverse affect on AP / FD guidance. (in part. terrain within 300m must be evaluated)
- Crew is aware that LOC / GS beam fluctuations may occur. PF read to immediately disco. AP and take appropriate action.
- At least CAT 2 capability on FMA and Cat II / III procedures applied
- Visual references are obtained at an altitude appropriate to the performed cat 1 approach, otherwise a go around must be flown.
What is the max continuous load per generator?
100% (90 kva)
Max cont. load per TR
FLAPS & SLATSMaximum altitude with F&S extended
FUEL (NON shark)
Maximum imbalance allowed
INNER when heavier tank fuel quantity is:
FULL = 4300kg= 2250kg = 1500kg = OUTER: =
Special notes & exceptions =
FULL = 1500kg 4300kg= 1600kg2250kg = 2250kg 1500kg = NO LIMIT BELOW 2250kg quantityOUTER: = 690kg
****Special notes = ****
= Max imbalance (one fuel / one empty) allowed provided:1) Fuel content on one side (outer + inner) is equal to fuel content of other side (outer + inner)OR2) On the side of the lighter outer tank, the inner tank fuel quantity is higher than the opposite inner tank quantity. (up to a maximum of 3000kg higher)ANDIn exceptional circumstances (fuel system failures) the above-mentioned max fuel imbalance values may be exceed without sig. affecting aircraft handling qualities. The a/c remains fully controllable in all phases of flight?
FUEL (SHARKY AIRCRAFT)Maximum imbalance allowedTAKE OFF:INNER when heavier tank fuel quantity is:FULL = 3000kg= 1450kg = OUTER: = IN FLIGHT and LANDING:INNER when heavier tank fuel quantity is:FULL = 4300kg= 2250kg = 1500kg = OUTER: = Special notes & exceptions =
Is there a difference in FUEL IMBALANCE figures between SHARK and NON SHARK aircraft?
Yes. The shark let aircraft have a much more restrictive imbalance range for TAKEOFF.The rest remain the same.
Minimum FUEL temperature for JET A1
Maximum fuel temperature for Jet A1
Minimum fuel quantity for take off
1500kg and wing low level warning must not be displayed on ECAM
Are there restrictions on centre tank fuel for take off?
For fuel, which tank must be emptied first?
The centre tank, followed by the wing tanks.
Can fuel types be mixed?
Yes, various types of fuel can be mixed in all proportions and the freezing point varies based on non-linear laws.
This is FCOM guidance only, maybe not OMA.
HYDRAULIC What is the normal operating pressure?
3000 PSI +/- 200
Maximum brake temperature for take off?
Is the brake system designed to hold the aircraft in a stationary position with a high thrust setting?
Taxi with deflated tiresWhat are the two limitations?
Nose Wheel Steering Handwheels MAX:
Towing and pus back max:
Towbarless towing max:
Handhweels: 75
Towing and push: 95
Towbarless: 85
Inertial Reference System:
1) Demonstrated between: ?
2) If all ADIRUs have the same magnetic variation table:
a) ?
B) ?
3) If ONE ADIRU has a different magnetic variation table:
Inertial Reference System:1) Demonstrated between: 73N and 73S2) If all ADIRUs have the same magnetic variation table:FLIGHTS USING NAV MODE PROHIBITED BETWEEN:a) North of 73 NB) South of 60s3) If ONE ADIRU has a different magnetic variation table:FLIGHTS USE NAV MOVE PROHIBITED BETWEEN:a) North of 60N, between 30 W and 160 W ANDb) North of 73 N andc) South of 55 S
When should EGPWS enhanced function be inhibited ?
(TERR PB to OFF, on the GPWS panel)
When the aircraft is less than 15nm from the airfield AND1) Operations to / from runways not in the EGPWS database2) For specific approach procedures, which have previously been identified as pot. producing false terrain alerts
When must the ISIS bug functions NOT be used?
If both PFDs are lost
Minimum O2 bottle pressure takes in account:
APU: Low Oil level ecamWhat is the implication?
If no leak, APU may be started and maint. action required within next 10hr of APU operation
APU starter cycles - limit?
Maximum APU N speed (as shown on ecam)
What N does the APU auto shut down?
ECAM: 107% (actual = 106%)
(APU auto shuts down at 107% N, that appears on ecam)
(This corresponds to an actual N speed of 106%)
Maximum APU EGT?
Max EGT = 675Max for start
(35,000ft) = 1120
Within the APU start envelope, within how many attempts is the APU ‘guaranteed’ to start?
3 conservative start attempts
On BATTERY, what is the limit for APU start?
25.000ft. (emer elec config)
Below WHICH altitude and temperature can we expect full APU electrical output?
Below 25,000ft and below ISA + 35
Below which altitude can we use the APU to start an engine?