Limb2: Overview of the limbs Flashcards
What bones are in the appendicular sksleton
Basically everything outside the skull, hyoid, vertebral column incl. sacrum and coccyx, ribs and sternum
Nervous supply to uppe rnad lower limb
Upper limb C5-T1
Lower limb L2-S3
Where are flexors and extensors located anteriorly and posteriorly
Upper: Flexors are anterior
Extensors are posterior
Lower: Extensors are anterior
Flexors are posterior
(flexion at the elbow involves bringing hand up toward shoulder, extesnion involves straightening arm )
(leg flexion is bending knee back so that the lower leg goes back, and extension brings it back to standing)
What is meant when said the lower limb rotates internally
The lower limb undergoes a permanent pronation resulting in a twisting of the dermatome fields during development
Why are the extensors and flexors the opposite way around in uppe rand lower limb
The lower limb internally rotates during its development meaning that, in the thigh and leg, the extensors are anterior and the flexors are posterior.
WHat do compartments share
Compartments tend to have a distinct function
Compartments tend to have the same nerve supply
Compartments tend to have the same blood supply
List the 7upper limb compartments
Pectoral (= chest) girdle muscles Intrinsic shoulder muscles Posterior arm muscles- extensor Anterior arm muscle-flexor Anterior forarm muscles,- flexor Posterior forearm muscles - extensors Intrinsic hand muscle (palmar anterior and dorsum)
Two movement types at the pectoral/shoulder girdle
Movements of the shoulder involve both movements of the arm relative to the scapula at the shoulder joint, and movements of the scapula relative to the chest wall.
Where do muslces acting on the shoulder attach
neck, anterior chest, back and arm.
List muscles in the pectoral or shoulder girdle
Deltoid, pec major, latissimus dorsi, rotator cuff muscles of shoulder and trapezius
Where does the brachialis mucle lie
deep to the bisceps… anterior to humerus. also involved in elbow flexion
What is the only true joint between the limb and the trunk
Sternoclavicular joint
What do the radius and ulna bones articular with
Proximal- humorus
Distally- carpals
Order of bones in hand, proximal to distal
Carpals, meta carpals, phalanges
Shoulder joint also known as
glenohumoral joint
Where do the hip abductors and extensors lie
In the gluteal region
State the compartments of the lower limb
Hip abductors (Gluteal)
Hip extensors (Gluteal)
Hip Flexors
Anterior thigh muscles – extensors
Medial thigh muscles – adductors
Posterior thigh muscles – flexors
Anterior leg muscles – extensors (dorsiflexors)
Lateral leg muscles – foot evertors
Posterior leg muscles – flexors (plantarflexors)
Intrinsic foot muscles – variety of functions
What is leg and what is thigh
Leg is knee down,
thigh is hip to knee
Which bone is medal and which lateral in the leg
tib medial
fib lateral
Where is the quadriceps, how many of them, what is the function
It in the anterior thigh. 4. Powerful EXTENSORS of the knee joint
and also flexors of the hip joint as they are attached to the iium
What are the upper and lwoer suraces of the foot known as
upper- dorsal
What are hamstrings
posterior high muscles…….
Where does iliacus and psoas come from and what are their reevance to the lower limb
psoas from lumbar
iliacus from the blade of the ileus muslce…
join together and attach to inner side of the thigh
Flexors of the thigh
Where do nerves of the lower limb arise
Lumbo-sacral plexus L2-S3