Ligamentous structures Flashcards
talocural joint ligamentous support (4)
- deltoid ligament
- anterior talofibular ligament
- posterior talofibular ligament
- calcaneoufibular ligament
medial complex (deltoid) is made up of which ligaments (4)
- posterior tibiotalar lig
- tibiocalcaneal lig
- tibionavicular lig
- anterior tibiotalar lig
medial complex (deltoid) prevents
eversion of the ankle
lateral complex is made up of which ligaments (3)
- anterior talofibular lig
- posterior talofibular lig
- calcaneofibular lig
lateral complex: posterior talofibular ligament prevents
posterior translation of talus
excessive inversion
lateral complex: calcaneofibular ligament prevents
excessive inversion
lateral complex: ant talofibular ligament prevents
anterior translation of talus
excessive inversion
which ankle ligaments (L or M) are more susceptible to injury and why?
- lateral ligs smaller, skinnier, further apart
- medial ligs wider, closer together
ligamentous structures in subtalar joint
- interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
- cervical ligament
- inferior extensor retinaculum
- bifurcated ligament
subtalar joint:
this ligament is thick, strong band of 2 partially joined fibers that bind talus and calcaneus
interosseous talocalcaneal ligament
subtalar joint:
this ligament is found at the neck of the talus and the dorsal aspect of the calcaneus
cervical ligament
lateral ligamentous structure: bifurcated splits into
- calcaneocuboid
2. calcaneonavicular
intertarsal ligaments (medial) (3)
- spring ligament (calcaneonavicular)
- short plantar ligament
- long plantar ligament
this ligament is found just anterior to medial tubercle of calcaneus to the base of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th MT
long plantar lig
this ligament comes from the calcaneus to the cuboid
short plantar lig
this ligament comes from the calcaneus to the navicular
spring ligament (calcaneonavicular)
which ligaments support the plantar arches
- spring ligament (calcaneonavicular)
- short plantar ligament
- long plantar ligament
ligaments found at inferior tibiofibular joint
- interosseous membrane
- anterior inferior tibiofibular
- posterior inferior tibiofibular