Lift Augmentation Flashcards
What are the positives of lift augmentation devices
Slower flying speeds / greater weights for takeoff and landing
Reduce AOA near minimum flying speed
Increase drag on approach
How does a training edge flap affect cl
Cl max increases
Due to increases camber
Stalling AOA decreases due to change in chord line
Why does the stalling AOA decrease with training edge flap
Centre of pressure moves aft
Pressure gradient doesn’t have to travel as far to create same lift loss from separation
How does training edge flaps affect wing tip vortices
Vortices reduce as larger proportion of lift is created at root
What are the characteristics of a split flap
High drag
Allows a higher AOA
Higher cl
Requires high power setting due to drag
What do Leading edge flaps do
Increase the leading edge radius encourages flow to stay attached for longer
What is a Kruger flap and how does it help
Like a leading edge flap except it folds outward from the underside of the wing
Creates sharp leading edge which encourages the root to stall before the tips
What is a droop nose
Like a leading edge flap except the entire leading edge drops
What is a fowler flap and how does it help
Increases surface area
Increases cl due to camber change
Slides out of wing (extends out) before extending downwards
What does a slat or slot do
It’s a gap between leading edge and wing
Re energises the air meaning it is less likely to separate from the wing
Also appears in fowler flaps
How does leading edge slat affect the stalling AOA
Allow you to reach a much higher stalling AOA
What happens to cl/cd when flaps are used
Lift to drag ratio reduces
What effects does flaps have on the horizontal stabiliser
Flaps create increased downwash = initially pitch up
However drag will take over soon and return to pitch down
What are vortex generators used for
Re energise air
Which creates a vortices
Which creates physical barrier to reduce spanwise flow
How much increase in cl do you get for the first 50% of flap
Usually increases by over 50% of the total lift increase
For the second 50 % of flap how much does drag usually increase by
Over 50% of the total drag increase