life process Flashcards
What is blood?
Blood is a fluid connective tissue.
what is blood composed of?
- Plasma (55%)
- Blood Cells / Corpuscles (45%)
What is the function of plasma?
- To maintain body temperature
- To maintain amount of mineral and body salt
What does plasma transport?
Plasma transports digested food, hormones and waste food
What is another name for rbc?
What is the shape of rbc or erythrocytes?
Circular, bi-concave and disc shaped
In each cubic millimeter how many rbc are there?
40-45 lakhs rbc per cubic m
Lifespan of RBC?
about 4 months
Why is erythrocytes red?
Erythrocytes or RBC are red because they contain pigment called hemoglobin which contains iron and protein and when iron is binded to oxygen it gives red color
Deficiency of RBC causes what?
what is erythrocytes or rbc made of?
Iron and protein called globin
what does hemoglobin form when it combines with oxygen and carbon dioxide?
oxygen - oxy-haemoglobin
carbon dioxide - carboxy- haemoglobin
Where are RBC formed and destroyed?
formed- bone marrow
destroyed - liver and spleen
What does excess rbc causes?
what does a person with anaemia feel after a short walk