lesson 2, classification of living beings Flashcards
Who developed the five kingdom classification system
Robert Harding Whittaker developed five kingdom classification system in 1969.
Who tried to develop six kingdom of classification. On the basis of what?
Carl Woese has tried to develop six kingdom of classification of organisms in the basis of genetic material. (RNA).
What did Carl Woese modify kingdom Monera into?
Carl Woese divided Monera into Archaebacteria (archaea) and Eubacteria
So what are the six kingdoms of classification developed by Carl Woese?
- Archaea
- Bacteria
- Fungi
- Protista
- Animalia
- Plantae
Types of vascular plants
- Pterophytes
- Gymnosperms
- Angiosperms
Characteristics of plantae
- Multicellular, eukaryotic and immobile
- They are either flowering or non-flowering
- Their cells are with plastids and cell wall consists of cellulose
- They contain vascular tissues
How do plants prepare food?
Most plants prepare food by the process of photosynthesis. However there are some parasitic plants like Cuscuta and heterotrophic plants like pitcher plant who depend on other organisms for their food.
In form of what does the plants store food?
Plants store food in form of starch.
By which method do plants reproduce?
Plants reproduce by both sexual (from male and female parent) and asexual
(from a single parent) methods.
On the basis of what the plants are further subdivided. What are they?
On the basis of presence or absence of vascular tissues and their body structure, plants are classified into three groups :
- Algae
- Bryophyta
- Tracheophyte
Describe subdivision algae
Algae are the simple or lower photosynthetic thalloid plants which are also known as thallophytes.
Where are algae mostly found?
Algae are mostly found in water, wet or moist areas
Describe about the body structure of algae?
Algae have thalloid and filamentous bodies i.e. they don’t have true root, stems or leaves
Are algae unicellular or multicellular organisms?
Algae are both unicellular and multicellular.A
Are vascular tissues present in algae?
No vascular tissues such as xylem and phloem are not present in algae.
By which method do algae reproduce?
Algae reproduce by both sexual and asexual methods of reproduction.
What is cell wall of algae made of?
Cell walls of algae are chemically composed of cellulose.
What is the mode of nutrition of algae?
The mode of nutrition of algae is autotrophy and they store food in form starch.
Examples of subdivision algae
- Spirogyra
- Volvox
- Chlamydomonas
- Algae
What does bryophytes mean?
Bryophytes is a term used for plants which do not have true vascular tissues.
Why are bryophytes called amphibians of the plant kingdom?
Bryophytes are called amphibians of plant kingdom because they are terrestrial plants which require water for their reproduction to complete their life cycle.
Where do bryophytes grow?
They grow in damp (wet) and shaded areas.
What type of vegetative body do bryophytes have?
Their vegetative body is thallus or erect gametophyte.
Describe about the body structure of multicellular gametophytic thallus ?
The multicellular gametophytic thallus is dorsoventrally flattened which means it is flat from both dorsal and ventral side.
What is the erect gametophyte differentiated into?
The erect gametophyte is differentiated into rhizoids, stem axis and leaves.
Does bryophytes have vascular tissues?
Bryophytes lack vascular tissues such as xylem and phloem.
How are bryophytes attached to substratum?
they are attached to the substratum by means of unicellular or multicellular rhizoids.
By which method do bryophytes reproduce?
They reproduce by the method of sexual or vegetative reproduction.
What does the main body of bryophytes is dioecious and gametophyte mean?
It means that males and females are separated from plant to plant and are reproduced sexually by formation of male and female gamates
What is male sex organ in bryophytes?
The male sex organ of bryophytes is called antheridia(plural). It is developed in male gametophyte plant.
What does antheridium produce?
It produces male gametes called antherozoids.
What is the multicellular female sex organ of bryophytes called?
The multicellular female sex organ of bryophytes is called archegonia. which is produced by female gametophyte.
How many alterations of generation do bryophytes show and what are they?
Bryophytes show heterotrophic alternation of generation (2) which are haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte.
What is the duration of the gametophyte and sporophyte of bryophytes?
The duration of gametophyte is long, dominant and independent whereas duration of sporophyte is short, reduced and dependent.
Examples of bryophytes
- liverworts
- Riccia
- Moss
Describe about Tracheophyta
They are the well-developed plants with vascular tissues such as xylem and phloem.
What are the sub-division of tracheophyta?
- Pteridophyta
- Gymnosperms
- Angiosperm
Describe briefly about pteridophytes.
Pteridophytes are those plants that grow in moist, shady and cool places and they are non-flowering and do not bear seed.
Why are pteridophytes called “botanical snakes” or “snakes of the plant kingdom”.?
Because they are the first true land plants that evolved right after bryophytes like the reptiles of animal kingdom.
Why are Pteridophytes called amphibians of plant kingodm?
Because they need water for their reproduction just like bryophytes.
Which division is known as well-developed non flowering plants?
Pteridophytes are known as well developed non-flowering plants.
What is the main body of pteridophytes?
The main body of pteridophytes is sporophyte as it reproduces by producing spores.
What is the pteridophytes body differentiated into?
Pteridophytes body is differentiated into roots, rhizome (underground stem), and feather-like leaves.
Do pteridophytes have vascular tissues?
Yes Pteridophytes have vascular tissues i.e. Xylem and Phloem.
What does the pteridophytes lower surface of leaves bear?
Pteridophytes lower surface of leaves bear sori. Sori is the plural form of sorus and sorus is plural form of sporangia.
What does sporangia produce?
Sporangia produces spores.
What are the leaves that bear the sporangia called?
Leaves that bear the sporangia are called sporophylls.
What are the leaves that do not bear the sporangia called?
The leaves that do not bear the sporangia are called trophophylls.
What does the young leaves of pteridophytes show or look like?
The young leaves of pteridophytes show circinate vernation (the tip of the leave curl inwards)
What does the spore develop or germinate into? (In Pteridophyte)
The spore germinates into haploid gametophyte or prothallus.
Describe about the gametophyte of pteridophytes.
They are multicellular, independent, photosynthetic and monoecious which means they bear male and female organ in same plant/
What is the male and female sex organ of pteridophytes called?
Male sex organ - Antheridia
female sex organ - Archegonia
Which phase is dominant in pteridophytes?
Sporophyte is dominant in pteridophytes/
What does gymnosperms mean?
Gymnosperms mean those plants that produce seeds without fruit.
What is the main body of gymnosperm?
The main body of gymnosperm is sporophyte.
What is the main body of gymnosperms differentiated into?
Root, stem and leaves.
What type of leaves do gymnosperms have?
They may have needle-like leaves or pinnately compound leaves.
Why are most gymnosperms called coniferous?
Because they have inverted cone shape
Do gymnosperm contain vascular tissues.
Yes gymnosperms contain vascular tissues.
How do gymnosperm reproduce?
Gymnosperms bear male and female cone instead of flowers which are responsible for sexual reproduction.
How does pollination take place in gymnosperms?
Pollination takes place by the help of wind
Why do gymnosperms do not bear fruit?
Because female cones do not produce ovary, gymnosperms do not bear fruits.
Why are gymnosperms seed called naked seed?
Because their seeds are not enclosed in fruits.
Describe about angiosperms.
Angiosperms are the most advanced flowering plants whose seeds are enclosed in fruits. They grow in both land and water.
Are angiosperms annual, biennial or perennial?
Angiosperms are annual, biennial, and perennial herbs but perennial shrubs and trees.
What is the main body of angiosperms and what is it differentiated into?
The main body of angiosperm is sporophyte and its main body is differentiated into root, stem and leaves.
Are angiosperms bisexual or unisexual?
Most of the plants are bisexual but some are unisexual.
Angiosperms roots are modified into what types of root?
Tap root or adventitious root.
How does pollination takes place in angiosperms?
Pollination takes place in angiosperms through wind, water and animals.
Where are ovules found in angiosperms? And what do they develop into after fertilization?
Ovules are found inside the ovary of carpels. Ovules develop into seeds and ovary develops into fruit.
Where is their seeds enclosed in?
Their seed are enclosed inside fruit.
What type of fertilization and fusion takes place in angiosperm?
Double fertilization and triple fusion takes place in angiosperm.
examples of angiosperms
In what form does phylum Animalia store food.
Fat or glycogen
What is the mode of nutrition of kingdom animalia?
The mode of nutrition of the kingdom Animalia is heterotrophic i.e. holozic
What does term porifera mean?
It means those plants that bear pore.
Which phylum is known as the first multicellular diploblastic animals?
Phylum porifera.
What are porifera called?
They are called sponges.
Why are poriferans called sessile?
Because they do not move from place to place.
What are the types of pores of sponges?
-Small pores: Ostia (mouthlets)
- large pores: Osculum (anus)
Body shape of Phylum porifera.
They may be asymmetrical or radially symmetrical.
Why are porifera called simplest multicellular animals?
Because they are multicellular animals with no tissues or organs.
What are the two layers of phylum porifera?
- Outer dermal layer
- Inner gastral layer
How do phylum porifera breathe?
They breathe through their body surface.
Do phylum porifera have specialized digestive, nervous or circulatory system?
NO They do not have specialized digestive, nervous or circulatory system.
How is body of sponges designed?
The body of sponges are designed in such a way that the water moves through the central body cavity, filter out food, and absorb the dissolved oxygen, and throw out excess waste.
Why are sponges hermaphrodite?
Because their sexes are not seperated.
How do sponges conduct asexual reproduction?
They asexually reproduce by the method of budding, regeneration and fragmentation.
What do sponges feed on ?
They generally feed on bacteria and other food particles present in water.
Examples of phylum porifera.
- Sycon
- Spongilla
What is coelenteron?
Phylum coelenterata have central tubular cavity called coelentreron.
What does coelenterata mean?
Coelenterata means the group of organs having central tubular cavity called coelenteron.
What is the study of coelenteron called?
The study of coelenteron is called cnidology.
can coelenterates move from one place to another?
No, coelenterates are sessile, sedentary or free swimming
What is the purpose of mouth in coelenterates?
The mouth serves the purpose of both ingestion and ejection in phylum coelenterates.
How is the mouth of coelenterates surrounded? and what purpose do they serve?
The mouth of coelenterates is surrounded by tentacles which encircles the mouth in one or two whorls and help for locomotion.
What are the stinging cells of coelenterates called? and what purposes do they serve.
The stinging cells of coelenterates are called cnidoblast and they are generally used for food capture, offence and defense.
Which level of body organization is exhibited in coelentrates?
Tissue level of body organization is known in coelentrates and they are known as 1st tissue graded animals.
Why are coelenterates called diploblastic?
Because they contain two cell layers outer layer called ectoderm (epidermis) and inner layer called endoderm (gastrodermis).
What is the gastrovascular body cavity of coelenterates called? and write its purpose
The gastrovascular body cavity of coelenterates is called coelenteron and it is used for transportation and digestion purpose.
What is the mouth of coelenterates called?
The mouth of coelenterates is called hypostome.
What is the mode of nutrition of coelenterates and how does digestion occur in them?
They are carnivorous and the digestion is intercellular or extracellular.
How do coelenterates breathe or respire?
They respire through the general body surface.
How do coelenterates reproduce? And how do they ocucr.
They may reproduce sexually or asexually. Asexual reproduction takes place through budding and regeneration while sexual reproduction takes place through gametes.
Examples of phylum coelnterata
Hydra, Coral, Jellyfish etc.