Life of Christ Test 4 Flashcards
Jesus said that ___ had chose the best part by sitting at His feet.
Who appeared with Christ during the Transfiguration?
Moses and Elijah
Why did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?
to glorify God
What does leprosy represent in the Bible?
Martha was upset with Mary because she was ___.
not helping
What prevented the rich young ruler from following Christ?
his love for money
During the storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus was ___ on the boat.
How long had Lazarus been dead before he was resurrected by Christ?
four days
When the rich man died, what did he want the beggar Lazarus to do?
warn his brothers
The publican who cllmbed a tree to see Jesus was ___.
When Zaccheaus was saved, he restored ___ times what he had stolen.
Who were Lazarus’s sisters?
Mary and Martha
___, James, and John witnessed Jesus’ Transfiguration.
Jesus told the first leper who had been healed to ___.
show himself to the priest
The ___ criticized mary for using the expensive ointment on Jesus.
Of the ten lepers healed by Jesus, how many returned to thank him?
The disciples asked, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” when ___.
a storm arose
When Jesus saw Zacchaeus, He told him ___.
“I want to go home with you.”