Life of Christ Test 3 Flashcards
How many days and nights did Jesus fast?
40 days
When Satan tempted Jesus, He responded with ___.
Jesus met the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s ___.
Bethlehem is also called ___.
the City of David
___ walked on the water with Jesus.
Why was Jesus criticized for healing the man at Bethesda?
It was Sabbath
the disciple who brought Simon to Jesus
In what city was Jesus born?
Jesus told Nicodemus he needed to ___.
be born again
When Mary and Joseph came to the Temple to take Jesus home, He ___.
obeyed them
Whose son did Jesus heal with a word?
the nobleman’s son
announced the of the Messiah to Mary
___ tempted Jesus as He fasted in the wilderness near the Dead Sea.
the disciple Jesus saw under the fig tree
Which name referring to Jesus means “God with us”?
Immanuel or Emmanuel
Name the three gifts the Wise Men brought to Jesus.
gold, frankincense, myrrh
Name the ruler of the Jews who came to Jesus at night.
Who told King Herod that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem?
chief priests and scribes
How many men did Jesus miraculously feed with a boy’s lunch?
Jesus raised Jairus’s ___ from the dead.
Jesus was ___ when His parents found Him speaking with the rabbis in the Temple.
What made Jesus different from the other boys around Him?
He never sinned.
What was Zacharias not able to do from the announcement until after his son was born?
Jesus changed Simon’s name to ___.
The living water which Jesus offered to the Samaritan woman was ___.
eternal life
When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came down in the form of what?
a dove
What was Levi’s occupation?
tax collector
Jesus drove the moneychangers from ___.
the Temple
Whom did the Good Shepherd represent?
What did the Samaritan woman have to realize before she could receive eternal life?
her own sinful condition
An angel warned Joseph to go to ___ to protect his family from King Herod.
The water of the pool of Bethesda had healing properties after being stirred by ___.
an angel
the husband of Mary
Who baptized Jesus at the Jordan River?
John the Baptist
mother of John the Baptist