Life of Christ Test 1 Flashcards
Jesus’ earthly father, Joseph was a(n)
Jesus was ___ when his parents found him discussing Scripture with the rabbis.
What made Jesus different from the other boys around Him?
He never sinned.
Both Mary and Joseph were descendants of King ___.
King Herod ordered his soldiers to kill every boy in Bethlehem from ___ years old and under.
When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came down in the form of what?
a dove
How were the Wise Men led to the house where Jesus was?
by a star
When they returned to Israel, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus lived in ___.
When Satan tempted Jesus, He responded with ___.
Joseph took Mary and Jesus to ___ to escape from Herod.
Angels told the ___ that Jesus was born.
When Jesus was 40 days old, Mary and Joseph took Him to ___.
the Temple
Who told Joseph that he should marry his fiancée Mary?
the angel of the Lord
What three things did Satan tempt Jesus with?
turn stones into bread; rule the kingdoms of the world; jump from the top of the Temple
Jesus was in the wilderness without food for ___.
40 days
After hearing she would bear the Messiah, Mary visited her ___ Elisabeth.
What was Zacharias not able to do from the announcement until after his son was born?
Who told Mary that she would have a son?
the angel Gabriel
Mary and Joseph traveled to ___ to be taxed.
Simeon and ___ saw the Baby Jesus at the Temple of God
The shepherds found Baby Jesus lying in a ___.
Who baptized Jesus at the Jordan River?
John the Baptist
The name ___ means “God with us.”
Immanuel (Emmanuel)
What did Zacharias and Elizabeth name their baby?
Name the gifts the Wise Men presented to Jesus.
gold, frankincense, myrrh