Life Histories Flashcards
Consists of the adaptation of an organism that influence aspects of it’s biology
Life history
If an organism uses energy for one function such as growth, it reduces the amount of energy available for other functions such as reproduction
Principle of allocation
He Pointed out that fish show more variation in many life history traits
They are interested in determining the relationship between egg size and egg number
Turner and trexler
Is the number of eggs or seeds produced by an organism
Are small, stream-lined benthic fishes that live in rivers and streams
Four families of plants
Daisies (Asteraceae)
Grasses (poaceae)
Mustard (brassicaceae)
Beans (fabaceae)
If seeds had hooks, spines, or barbs, they were classified as
Seeds with wings, hairs, or other structures that provide air resistance
Wind-dispersed category
A structure on the surface of some seeds generally containing oils attractive to ants
Is the allocation of energy, time, and other resources to the production and care of offspring
Reproduction effort
They explored life history variation among snakes and lizards
Shine and Charnov
Limited supplies are allocated to three functions
He explored patterns in adult in survival and reproductive effort
Donald Gunderson
Was taken as the ovary weight of each species divided by the species body weight
Gonadosomatic index or GSI