Lice and Scabies Flashcards
What are the differences between nits and lice?
Nits are eggs and need to pick them out –> attached to hair follicle –> do not wash out and laid close to scalp for warmth
Lice will get away from light and will stay near the scalp where there is warmth
Describe the life cycle/transmission of lice?
- Lice will lay eggs (nits) that can survive some shampoos
- Therefore you need to hit the eggs with a second time with shampoo once they hatch
- Cannot wait to long and have lice become adults that start the egg laying cycle again
Can lice jump from one person to another?
Unlikely; would need really close and lengthy contact
- They have to know they can set up nicely somwhere else
- Need to sense the warmth of the next scalp
Lice Transmission
- Mainly young children
- Most probable route is:
Head to head (Rare 2-3 mins of contact)
Unlikley –> towel, bed, combs, brushes, furniture, pets
No difference between clean and dirty hair –> Lice can survive shower
Symptoms of Lice
None <–> Itching
GBH/Lindane (Kwellada)
- Historical –> off the market
Insecticide (pediculocide) for lice
Was safe fro head lice
Issues came from scabies where consistent use lead to neurological symptoms in kids
Pyrethins (+ piperonyl butoxide) MOA and Directions For USe
- Insecticide
- Chrysantheum plant extract
- safe in children
- Directions for use:
Apply to dry hair
Shampoo for 10 mins
- S/e –> Local rxns
- Needs repeats, nit removal and resistance is possible
Permethrin 1% MOA and Directions of Use
- Synthetic pyrethroid
Very safe in children
Directions for use:
Wash hair with regular shampoo
Add cream rinse for 10 mins
- Has residula activity; however, still a good product to repeat
Nit removal needed and resistance is possible
Rinse out
What are the pediculoside txs?
Are some lice resitant to certain tx’s?
Should pharmacists use the word pediculoside or insecticide?
Physical Agent
- Essential oil; repeat every 2 days
Other Physical Agents for Lice?
1) Isopropyl Myristate
- 10 min, nit pick, repeat in 7 days
2) Coconut/anise oil
- 15 min, nit pick, repeat in 9 days
3) Dimethicone
10 mins and nit comb time, nit pick, and reapply as needed
Can shampoo’s, insectides and/or physical agents kill nits?
Olive Oil
- aromatic compounds are somewhat deadly to lice
What is the drug of choice for Lice? How is it used?
- Dimethicone –> safe just make sure to cover the hair
Penetrates deeply in lice/eggs breathing system - Death of lice and eggs within 58 seconds
30 min of contact, then start nit combing with product in hair (product will dry)
Then 8 hours of contact and recheck in 8-10 days
Can the scalp be itchy after a few days?
Lice will put anticoagulants in the scalp
What if tx fails? What caused the tx to fail?
Tx may have failed due to:
missing some lice
- Use a different agent
- if used NYDA, use again as no resistant lice to it and may have missed some lice
Other tx’s for head lice
Bug Busting –> Not medicated shampoo, just combing with lice comb every 3 days
Heat –> No medicated shampooeither, just a heat source –> Not to effective
Electrocution –> Not high hopes it works
Te tree oil –> hard to know right amount to use
Dry-on Suffocation method using lotion
When will the itch stop?
After a few days
How fast do they work?
10 mins
When can the kids go back to school?
The next day if has a NO NIT Policy
How can one clean the house of lice?
- Hot water and dry cleaning
Should nit combs be dipped in vinegar?
NOT if using Permethrin
What kind of comb is needed?
- Not fancy
- Cheap plastic one
How do Nits grow?
- hair growing speed
Nit distance from scalp dtermines viability - 1/2 inch to far for egg to hatch
Are body lice common?
Is there a tx for body lice?
No tx the clothes
- Crawl from clothes, feed on skin and leave back into clothes
Pubic Lice Shape
- Crab Like
Pubic Lice Tx
- Pyrethins/pb
Officially indicated - Same procedure, shave the area
- No repeast; shave the area
- Tons world wide
Crowded areas and people stuck in dire situations - Bugs right in skin
- Tons of antigenic material –> itching after initial tx
Scabies Transmission
- Person to person close contact
Scabies Tx
- Neck line all the way down body
Tough to diagnose
Scabies Tx issues
- Treat head to toe for 12 hours
Permethrin = 5% dermal cream/lotion
Itch will persist for a few weeks
repeat after 7 days
Blind tx of close contacts
treating Lice and Scabies Blindly
Lice –> Go ahead –> every 2 days not even looking, low-level risk but may be overkill
Bed Bugs Tx
- Woodwork, come out to feed in bed then go back
- Treating the itch –> Calamine