LIBS 7001 Flashcards
What is an assumption?
It is an action of accepting things as true without proof.
What is an audience?
It is a group of people who are gathered to be informed by reading writer’s written information or listening to orators.
What is a discourse community?
It is a group that shares the same values and works towards similar goals through communication.
What is denotation?
It is a term used to describe a thing; a designation.
What is a development?
It is an incremental progression to a new stage without any gaps.
What is an etymology?
It is the study of the origins of words and how their meanings have changed throughout history.
What is an elenchus?
It is a Socratic method of eliciting (drawing out) truth by question and answer, especially used to refute an argument.
What is a fractal?
It is a never-ending pattern that repeats itself at different scales.
What is an idea?
It is a unique creation of a standard or principle formed in the mind of an individual out of nothing.
What is an invention?
It is an action of bringing ideas together to create something that did not exist before.
What is a language?
It is a formal, rule-based system of communication that consists of grammar and vocabulary.
What is a microcosm-macrocosm?
It is defined as what is true of a part is identically true of the whole.
(e.g. A book chapter is a macrocosm of an essay; the essay is a microcosm of the book chapter.)
What is narrative framing?
It is a process of controlling a story and evoking a particular interpretation or reaction from the audience.
What is natura non facit saltum?
It is a principle that means “nature does not go by leaps but by tiny increments.”
What is natural definitions?
This is a faithful report of how a term is used within a particular language community.
What is an oratory?
It is a rationale (basic reason or explanation) or practice of persuasive public speaking.
What is a refutatio (refutation)?
It is an act of countering or disproving an argument or claim to find the truth.
What is a strategic incomprehensibility?
It is a political strategy of stating something difficult to understand on purpose.
What is a summary paragraph?
It is a brief statement or restatement of points.
What is a syllogism?
It is a form of deductive argument where the conclusion follows from the truth of two (or more) premises.
What is a taxonomic arrangement?
It is an arrangement specific to a particular text.
What is an organic arrangement?
It is an arrangement considered universal for all texts.
What is the golden mean?
It is the desirable middle between two extremes. (Mushy middle)
Define the Seven Liberal Arts.
These are subject studies consisting of the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, and logic) and the quadrivium (geometry, arithmetic, music, and astronomy) in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
What is a grammar?
It is a rule of how words work.
What is a rhetoric?
It is a rule of how words are selected and arranged for effect.
What is a logic or dialectic?
It is a rule of how ideas are selected and arranged for effect.
What is a thesis?
It is an idea formed with a claim to truth.
Define transitional terms.
These are words or phrases that link sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas.
What is a lexical link?
It is a connection between words or terms in a language.
What is a prejudice?
It is thinking and acting without applying critical reading and writing.
What is realpolitik?
It is politics based on attaining and exercising power rather than justice and morality.
What is a syllogism?
It is a form of deductive argument where the conclusion follows from the truth of two (or more) premises.