Library Modules (Course Reserves) Flashcards
What are course reserves?
Materials such as textbooks, film,s and other items set aside in the library by instructors for students to use for specific classes. Course reserves allow students to access their required course materials conveniently and for free while on campus for a limited amount of time. If your course text isn’t on reserve, you should ask the professor to contact the library.
How do you find and borrow course reserves?
On the library website, search one or more of the following items in the search bar: title and/or author of the course material-Instructor’s last name-Course number, as written in the schedule.
If you want course reserves search results box, select the item you want. Make a note of the correspond call number listed.
What are the steps in order to borrow the course reserves?
R’Card-Course Material’s Call #- Visit the circulation/reserves desk to borrow the item.
What is the loan period for course reserves?
Most material can be checked out for 2 hours at a time. Loan times are noted next to the call number in the library search; when you check out the item, you’ll also be told when it’s due back. Overnight checkout is also available. Items are due at a specific time on the following day.
Explain everything about Returning and Renewing Course Materials.
Return items at the circulation/reserves desk. If the library is closed, place the items in the drop-off box outside of the library.
Return items on time to avoid paying fees. Fees start accumulating immediately for overdue items.
To extend your loan period, items can be renewed in person as long as no one else in waiting for it.
Explain everything about scanning course reserves.
While you have your course reserve checked out, you can scan sections of the book that you may need for longer than two hours.
For example, if you have a problem set that will take you more than 2 hours to complete, you might scan those pages.
Both libraries have overhead book scanners that will allow you to scan pages quickly.
The scanners will allow to save files as a pdf to a flash drive, directly into Google Drive, or sent as email. Please note that you are agreeing to abide by the copyright laws of the U.S when scanning materials.
Where can book scanners be found?
First floor of the libraries; if you have trouble finding them, as the circulation/reserves or information desks.
Can you scan more than 10% of a book?
You probably shouldn’t