Liberation Theology and Marxism Flashcards
Define ‘capitalism’
An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
Who is Adam Smith and what did he believe?
The founder of modern economics and capitalism who believed that the ‘invisible hand’ would guide a capitalist economy
Give a quote from Milton Friedman
“It is the most effective system… to enable people who hate each other to deal with one another”
What did Karl Marx believe the biggest societal problem is and how can it be resolved?
Human history is based on the struggle of the class system but this would disappear by the rise of the proletariat
Define ‘exploitation’
Treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work or resources
Define ‘allienation’
The process of becoming detached or isolated
Define ‘conscientisation’
The process by which a person becomes conscious of the power structures of society
Define ‘structural sin’
The idea that sin is not just a personal action but something brought about through unjust organisations and social structures
What is the ‘Preferential option for the poor
Jesus Christ stood in solidarity with the poor and related himself to them most and this should be the example of the Church
Give a quote from Karl Marx in relation to alienation
“Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains”
How does Marx believe people find their worth? How was this impeded during the industrial revolution?
In what they make and work but people were treated like ‘cogs in a machine’ and could not afford to but the things they made nor saw the final product
Why does capitalism make work insecure?
Workers can be let go when profits drop or replaced by technology
What does ‘primitive accumulation’ mean?
‘Profit’ is just a term used to hide exploitation so workers are paid as little as possible for those to gain money at the top of the chain
Where do the problems of the ‘capitalism crisis’ originate from? How can this be solved?
Over-production because the capitalist system is unstable resolved by a redistribution of wealth
Define ‘commodity fetishism’
Capitalism dissolves relationships for love and honesty and makes them orientate around economic benefit
What is Marx’s communist manifesto? (4)
- No private property or inherited wealth
- Steeply graduated income tax
- Centralised control of banking and transport
- Free public education
Give a quote from Marx’ communist manifesto
“The history of all hitherto societies is the history of class conflict”
What did Marx believe about religion?
Spiritual beliefs act as painkillers to deep-rooted problems of society
How was early Christianity deemed communist?
Members of Christianity communities would have to give up possessions to be shared by the whole group
How did the early introduction of liberation theology affect the Church?
Leaders saw injustice, corruption and a lack of rights. The official line of the Church didn’t adopt Marxism but in recent years has had some sympathy from the Vatican
Define ‘orthoproxy’ and ‘orthodoxy’
P - right practice
D - right belief
Finish the quote by Gutierrez “The growth of the Kingdom…
Is a process which occurs historically in liberation insofar as liberation means a greater fulfilment of man”
In what two ways does Gutierrez believe liberation happens?
Socially and economically
How does Gutierrez believe liberation happens?
- Socio-political liberation should come before liberation from sin
- People must take responsibility and reconcile and then liberate from sin
- Societal sin is in the works of harmful societal practises
Finish the quote by Juan Segundo “Liberation is first…
Liberation from the radical slavery of sin”
Quote Matthew 19:24
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God”
What are ‘Basic Christian communities’?
Groups for Christians to talk about their experiences and challenges to search together for solutions in the Gospel
Describe the beliefs of Gutierrez
- People of Latin America have a deep-rooted desire for liberation from capitalism but not every aspect of Marxism should be endorsed
- Christians should involve in politics otherwise things won’t change
- Responsibility of the Church to denounce demoralising situations
- Working to change lives comes before the official doctrines of the Church
Describe the beliefs of Juan Segundo
- Christians should not be neutral in unjust situations
- Human dignity comes from being made in the image of God as a liberator of the poor
- Liberation from sin should take priority
Describe the beliefs of John Paul the second (poverty)
- Advancements for the poor allows for moral, cultural and economic growth for all of humanity
- Preferential option for the poor includes spiritual poverty caused by consumerism
Describe the beliefs of Cardinal Ratzinger
- Dangerous to use Marxism as he denies individual worth
- Marxism is a perversion of the message of the Eucharist
- Spiritual liberation should be priority
- Only God can remove suffering
Describe the beliefs of Bonaventure Kloppenburg
- Personal sin should take priority because Jesus was most concerned with individual forgiveness
- Liberation cannot be achieved as salvation is a gift from God
Describe the beliefs of Leonardo Boff
- Liberation should be founded in the gospel so Marxism can never be central to Christianity
- Marxism is closed and monolithic denying human dignity
Describe the beliefs of Jose Miranda
- Marxism rejects economic and historic disciplines
- Both Marxism and Christianity both serve for change
Why does Denys Turner believe liberation theology should embrace an apophatic language
If theology rejects language of confirmation then Marxism would lose its atheist language of denial
Why does the Roman Catholic Church oppose Marxism?
- Atheist
- Value should be on the individual not the society
- Gospel claims liberation happens by God and not during life
- Marx is only concerned with economic oppression
How did priests protest during the South American struggles of 1960/70s?
Took off their collars