Liberalism Flashcards
What are the core tenets of Liberalism?
- Individualism
- Liberty
- Rationality
- Justice/Equality
- Toleration
What is the definition of Individualism?
The belief in the suprem importance of the individual over any social group or collective body
What are the 4 kinds of individualism?
- Methodological Individualism
- Ethical Individualism
- Egoistic Individualism
- Developmental Individualism
What does methodological individualism suggest?
- The individual is central to any political theory or social explanation.
- All statements about society should be made in terms of individuals who compose it.
- It is descriptive
What does ethical individualism suggest?
- Society SHOULD be constructed to benefit the individual and their rights/needs/interests
- It is normative
What is egoistic individualism and who subscribes to it?
- Classical liberals
- You should look after yourself and satisfy your own interests only
What kind of economic system goes hand in hand with egoistic individualism
free market economics
What are the political implications of egoistic individualism?
State is viewed as a necessary evil and must be minimised to only protect individual rights but nothing more to prevent corruption
What is developmental individualism and who subscribes to it?
- Modern Liberals
- Individual development and flourishing is more important than personal interest satisfaction
What kind of economic system goes with developmental individualism?
Mixed economy with a welfare state
What are the political implications of developmental liberalism?
More government intervention is legitimate as long as it acts to remove obstacles to individual flourishing hisself (e.g. education, health)
What do Classical Liberals think about the Developmental Individualist view on the government
Government intervention is illegitimate even if it helps overcome obstacles to development because it will necessarily restrict liberty elsewhere to do so.
What is the general definition of ‘Freedom’?
The ability to think or act as one wishes
What is Positive Freedom?
The Freedom TO DO anything you choose, due to the development of human capacities
What is Negative Freedom?
Freedom FROM external restraints (e.g. imprisonment or tax). (Fits well with minimal state, and egoistic individualism)
What kind of freedom do Classical Liberals believe in?
Negative Freedom
What kind of freedom do Modern Liberals believe in?
Positive Freedom
What is the general rule about the limitations of liberty for a liberal?
Freedom extends in every circumstance except those in which you inhibit other’s ‘3 Natural Rights’ (e.g. stealing, killing, kidnapping, etc.)
What are John Locke’s 3 Natural Rights?
Life, Liberty, Property
What did J.S. Mill think about the limits of freedom?
- Total Freedom in Self Regarding Acts (even drugs)
- Limited freedom in other regarding acts, so no harm can be caused
What are the limitations of J.S. Mill’s view on the limits of freedom?
- How do you quantify harm? Physical vs Psych?
- How can you be sure it won’t cause harm?
Explain the Liberal belief in Rationality/Reason
- Open Debate and Discussion is important to resolve conflict
- Leads to progress because cumulative growth of human understanding
What kinds of Equality do Liberals believe in?
- Foundational Equality
- Formal Equality
- Equality of Opportunity
What is Foundational Equality?
All lives have equivalent moral worth and people have natural rights (Locke)
What is Formal Equality?
Equality in the eyes of the law in formal processes
What is Equality of Opportunity
Everyone gets the same opportunity to be successful so inequality exists due to differences in talent/effort between individuals
What is a Modern Liberal take on Equality of Opportunity?
Government intervention is necessary to provide it; illness, ignorance, etc. are obstacles to it so must be solved
What is a Classical Liberal take on Equality of Opportunity?
Everyone already has equality of opportunity
Explain the Liberal Belief in Tolerance?
Flows from belief in Freedom. Not everyone’s free choices will be the same so you need to be okay with that in order to preserve everyone’s freedom
What does J.S. Mill think about Toleration?
It is important to provide a diversity of ideas to debate about, for the progress of society
What is the paradox of Liberal Tolerance?
Should intolerance be tolerated or banned?
What is the liberal opinion about the power of the State?
A sovereign state is necessary evil to protect individual freedom from encroachment on Locke’s 3 Natural Rights by others
What is the Social Contract Theory?
It’s in a persons self interest to give away SOME freedom to a state in order to protect their overall freedom from encroachment by others
What is the problem of the Social Contract Theory?
- the ‘State of Nature’ is flawed and inaccurate
- Government is made up of individuals who may abuse power for their own interest
What might be a solution to the problem of the Social Contract Theory?
- Danger of Govt. Can be circumvented by sovereign constitution
- Separation of Powers
What are the reasons for Liberals to Accept Democracy?
- Voting to Consent to Government
- Consent to taxation
- protection allows flourishing
- Both based on Tolerance
- Democracy is corollary of formal equality
Why is voting a reason for Liberals to accept democracy?
-Allows them to consent to government and protect from encroachment by tyrannical government
What are the reasons Liberals may Reject Democracy?
- Can hinder liberty
- Not based on Individuals
- Inequality of Political Education
- Potential for Demagoguery
How can Democracy Hinder Liberty and why would Liberals reject democracy because of it?
Tyranny of the Majority undermines the rights and liberties of the minority
How is the fact that democracy is not based on individuals a reason for Liberals to reject Democracy?
Liberal Tenet of Individualism; politics should be centred around the individual
Why is unequal political education a reason for Liberals to reject Democracy?
Uneducated people are given power to restrict liberties of others
Why is demagoguery a reason for liberals to reject democracy?
Potential for individuals to manipulate the basic instincts of the masses in order to get power and be corrupt/tyrannical
What are the core features of a Liberal Democracy?
- Consitutional Govermnent with formal laws
- Civil Liberties/Rights
- Institutional Fragmentation/Checks and Balances
- Regular Elections, Uni Suffrage, 1 person 1 vote.
- Political Pluralism
- Govt. Independent Civil Society
- Capitalist economy
What are the links between Liberalism and Liberal Democracy?
- Allows for accountable and limited authority to protect individual liberty from eachother
- Constitutional Government limits its own powers
What are the strengths of Liberal Democracy?
- Democratic Peace Thesis
- History of Success
- Delivers Material Prosperity
- Delivers Political Authority and Individual Freedom
- Stable; mechanisms to secure consent so no revolutions
What are the criticisms of Liberal Democracy?
- Can swap out elites to rule, but not challenge elite rule
- Marxists think capitalism can’t be democratic because its inherently unequal
- Radical Democrats dislike it because of not enough direct democracy
What similarities are there between Modern and Classical Liberals?
- Both agree with Tolerance
- Both agree with Rationality
- Both agree with limiting Govt. with constitutionalism
- Both agree with individual freedom