Liberal State 1911-18 Flashcards
What was Risorgimento?
The unification in Italy in 1861 - means resurgence or rebirth.
What was ‘the Roman Question’?
The split between the Italian state and Catholic church - political problem in uniting the Papal states with the rest of Italy.
What was ‘questione meridionale’?
The Southern Question - an attempt to understand why the South had fallen into such poverty, and what could be done to stop it.
What was Irredentism?
Foreign policy goal to reclaim Italian-speaking lands, such Istria and South Tryol (now Croatia and northernmost Italy.) Also means ‘unredeemed’ in Latin.
What was Colonisation?
Where Italy wanted overseas colonies, especially in Africa - first Tunisia, then Abyssinia.
What two beliefs did Italian foreign policy focus on?
Irredentism and colonisation.
Why could Italy not get Tunisia?
France claimed it in 1881.
Why could Italy not get Abyssinia?
They lost 5000 men when defeated by the Ethiopian army.
When did the Ethiopians defeat the Italians?
The Battle of Adwa, 1st March 1896.
Who was Giolitti?
Giovanni Giolitti, five time Prime Minister of Italy. Wanted to make Italy a modern, industrialised country united in values and beliefs.
What was the ‘Southern Question?’
The issue of the South being economically inferior to the North.
What was ‘Trasformismo?’
Political corruption and manoeuvring.
When was Italy unified?
Began in 1861, went on until Papal states joined in 1870.
When was the invasion of Libya?
29th September 1911
What was franchise extension?
Where suffrage changed - 1912 all men over 30 or those with military experience could vote.
Who benefitted from franchise extension?
Catholics and nationalists - God and patriotism were simple messages for the illiterate to understand.
Who was Antonio Salandra?
1853-1931. Italy’s PM in 1914, wanted Italy to enter WW1 so that the country could be unified under nationalist beliefs.
What does liberal mean?
Political ideology believing in equality and individual liberty - supporting private property and individual rights.
What are nationalists?
People with a strong patriotic identification with their country, shared with a desire to make the country strong and more united, supreme to other countries.
Who are radicals?
People with extreme views or those who want extreme change
Who was Luigi Cadorna?
1850-1928. Commander of the Italian army from 1914 to 1917. A harsh, conservative leader who though defensive policies were defeatist and brought. back decimation for ‘cowardice.’
What was the PSI?
The Italian socialist party formed in 1892
What is suffrage?
Being given the right to vote
What was the ANI?
The Italian nationalist association formed in 1910
What was the Treaty of London?
26 April - Italy’s agreement to enter the war on the side of the Allies (Entente) in return for promised irredente lands.
What was the Battle of Caporetto?
1917 - biggest defeat of WW1. Huge humiliation for Italy, chaotic retreat and revealed poor leadership - led to Cadorna being replaced by Diaz.
What was the Battle of Vittorio Veneto?
24th October 1918, a resounding success that split the Austrian army in half and allowed Italy to win the war