Liabilities and provisions Flashcards
What IFRS standard deals with Provisions?
IAS 37
What is the Liability definition?
A liability is a present obligation arising from past events the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits
When do you recognize a liability?
When the definition and recognition criteria are met
What is the recognition criteria of a liability?
1) The outflow of economic benefits must be probable
2) The amount must be measurable
What is the provision definition?
A provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount
What types of present obligations exist for a provision?
1) constructive obligation
2) Legal obligation
How does a constructive obligation arise?
It arises from past practices, published policies, or public announcements giving rise to a valid expectation on other parties.
What is the Recognition criteria for provisions?
1) The Outflow of FEBs are probable
2) A reliable estimate
of the amount can be made
What is the amount of the provision based on?
It is based on the best estimate of consideration required to settle the obligation at reporting
What is the best estimate of a provision based on?
It is based on:
1) the judgement of management,
2) past experience of similar transactions,
3) reports of experts, and
4) events after reporting period.
When is discounting a provision required?
Discounting provision to PV is required where the effect is material (using the pre-tax rate)
Can a provision be recognized for future operating losses? Why?
No provision is to be recognized for future operating losses because there is no past obligating event
What may an expectation of future operating losses indicate?
An expectation of future operating losses may
indicate that an asset is impaired, thus necessitating
impairment testing.
What is an onerous contract?
An onerous contract is one where unavoidable costs
of meeting the obligations under the contract are
greater than benefits to be received.
Are onerous contracts provisions?
Yes. If a contract is onerous, the present obligation under
the contract should be recognized as a provision