Financial institutions and Mines Flashcards
- Which ratio does a bank usually not calculate?
- What is another name for the cost to income ratio?
The efficiency ratio
What is the capital adequacy ratio?
The CET1 ratio
For an insurance company, what is the largest expense you would expect to find in the Statement of Comprehensive Income?
Claims made by policyholders
- A banks assets are arranged in terms of ………………….. on the Statement of Financial Position?
- The Mining ………………… contains 5 items which all mining companies are trying to promote?
What is the impact of SA banks charging a variable rate (a prime interest
rate that is 3.5% higher than repo) ?
The Impact is that SA banks have best of
both worlds:
– Not exposed to interest rate changes with
regards to loans.
– Earning almost as much interest as they would
have earned if charging a fixed rate.
What is the difference between what bank managers want and what society wants?
Bank (managers) want minimum capital levels
and liquidity (maximise ROE)
Society wants high capital and liquidity levels and
thus low probability of bank failure