Liabilities - Abduction of a YP Flashcards
Ingredients for 210(1)
• With intent to deprive a parent / guardian / other person having lawful care / charge of YP / possession of a young person
• unlawfully
• Takes / Entices / Detains
• Young Person
Definition of Unlawfully
Without lawfully justification or excuse
What is 210A defence
A person claim in good faith a right to the possession of a young person under 16 years cannot be convicted
Definition Takes ?
Physically removed
R v Wellard - Loss of liberty and taking from place victim wants to be
Definition of Detains ?
R v Pyrce
Detains is an active concept. Keep in confinement or custody
Definition young person
Under 16
Forrest v Forrest
Best evidence possible, proof of victim age
Elements to 210(2)
• Receives
• A YP
• Knowing he/she has been unlawfully taken/enticed away/detained
• with intent to deprive a parent / guardian / person having lawful care or charge / possession of him/her
Definition of receives
Physical custody of the YP
Definition of knowing ?
Knowledge YP has been abducted
Simester and Brookbanks
Knowing or correctly believing, cannot be false