LHA/LHD Definitions Flashcards
Advisory Control
A form of air traffic control in
which the controlling agency monitors radar and radio
contact with aircraft under its control and provides
traffic advisories. Traffic separation is the responsibility
of the individual pilot, with the assistance provided by
the control agency.
Air Capable Ship
All ships other than CV/CVN
or LHA/LHD from which aircraft can take off, be
recovered, or routinely receive and transfer logistic
Amphibious Air Traffic Control Center (AATCC)
The centralized air traffic control agency
for LHA/LHD responsible for maintaining the status
and operational control of aircraft departing the ship
and recovery of inbound aircraft after a mission is
completed. AATCC is responsible for providing IMC
approach and departure control services. Also, AATCC
is responsible for maintaining the status and tactical
control of airborne helicopters in support of amphibious
assaults as directed by Tactical Air Control Center
(TACC) Helicopter Coordination Section (HCS).
Amphibious Assault Aviation Ship
Altitude in thousands of feet
Approach Control
A control station in AATCC
responsible for controlling air traffic within the control
area except that controlled by final, departure, or marshal
control. It also is responsible for providing positive
control for all CCA waveoff traffic until a radar handoff
to another control station has been accomplished.
A term used to identify when a radar or NAVAIDis
down/out of service.
A pilot report indicating that the visual landing aid
is in sight.
An order to proceed and land at the field specified,
utilizing a bingo profile. Aircraft is considered to be in an emergency/fuel critical situation. Bearing, distance,
and destination shall be provided.
An order used by a ship controller to direct an
aircraft to proceed at maximum safe speed.
A signal for aircraft to land aboard the ship. A
number suffix indicates time delay in minutes before
landing may be anticipated.
A pilot transmission meaning he does NOT have
the visual landing aid (meatball) in sight.
Control Area
A circular airspace with a radius of 50
nm around the ship that extends upward from the surface
to unlimited altitude and is under the cognizance of
Control Zone
The airspace within a circular limit
is defined by 5 nm horizontal radius from the ship,
extending upward from the surface to and including
2,500 feet unless otherwise designated for special
operations, and is under the cognizance of the air officer
during VMC.
Refers to any helicopter in a folded
configuration with blade clamps and support poles
Dearming (safing)
An operation in which a weapon
is changed from a state of readiness for initiation to a
safe condition.
Dearming Area
That area where ordnance is changed
from a state of readiness to a safe condition. All
dearming evolutions are to be conducted in the dearming
area by the individual stores loading manual/checklist.
The area ahead/behind and/or surrounding the aircraft
shall be kept clear until all weapons/ordnance are
completely safe. When taxiing aircraft from the landing
area to the dearming area, care must be taken to
minimize exposure of the armed ordnance to personnel
and equipment.
A signal given to hold and conserve fuel at an
altitude and position appropriate to type aircraft and case
recovery in effect. Also a pattern around the ship used to
hold aircraft pending further clearance, assignment, etc.
Density Altitude
Pressure altitude in feet corrected
for temperature and relative humidity. The higher the
ambient air temperature/relative humidity, the higher
the density altitude, resulting in a decrease in aircraft
Departure Control
A control station in AATCC that
is responsible for the orderly flow of departing traffic.
An order for an aircraft to proceed and land at the
field specified. This is a nonemergency situation.
An operation that removes airborne
weapons/stores from an aircraft.
Easy Rider
Precision approach landing system used for CCA approaches (SPN-46/35)
Emergency Expected Approach Time
The future time, assigned prior to launch,
at which an aircraft is cleared to depart inbound
or penetrate from a preassigned fix under lost
communications conditions.
EFB Emergency Final Bearing
A magnetic
heading provided by AATCC to all flightcrews prior to
launch to be used when executing emergency procedures
for communications failure in IMC. The emergency
marshal pattern shall be relative to the EFB and is
the final bearing for the lost communications tacan
Emergency Marshal
A marshal established by
AATCC and assigned to each aircraft prior to launch.
The emergency marshal consists of a radial, DME,
altitude, and emergency expected approach time.
Emission Control (EMCON)
Control of all
electromagnetic radiations, including electronic
communications, radar, and visual systems. During its
imposition, no electronic emitting device within the
designated bands shall be operated unless absolutely
essential to the mission of the force.
Expected approach time (EAT)
The future time
at which an aircraft is cleared to depart inbound from
a prearranged fix. Aircraft shall depart and commence
approach at assigned time if no further instructions are