LG 8 (ADDITIONAL) Flashcards
3 Rs in pre spanish Period
Spanish period when?
SPANISH PERIOD (1521–1898)
Education was religion-oriented.
Education during that period was inadequate, suppressed, and controlled.
Access to education by the Filipinos was later liberalized through the
enactment of the Educational Decree of 1863 which provided for the
establishment of at least one primary school for boys and girls in each town
under the responsibility of the municipal government.
ed the way for Aguinaldo’s
Republic under a Revolutionary Government. The schools maintained by Spain
for more than three centuries were closed for the time being but were
reopened on August 29, 1898 by the Secretary of Interior.
The Burgos Institute in Malolos, the Military Academy of Malolos, and the
Literary University of the Philippines were established.
A highly centralized public school system was installed in 1901 by the Philippine
Commission by virtue of Act No. 74.
The Philippine Commission authorized the Secretary of Public Instruction to
bring 600 teachers from the U.S.A to the Philippines. (Thomasites)
Japanese Period
Japanese Period (1941–1946)
Japanese educational policies were embodied in Military Order No. 2 in 1942.
The Philippine Executive Commission established the Commission of
Education, Health and Public Welfare and schools were reopened in June 1942.
On October 14, 1943, the Japanese – sponsored Republic created the Ministry
of Education. Under the Japanese regime, the teaching of Tagalog, Philippine
History, and Character Education was reserved for Filipinos with emphasis
on Love for work and dignity of labor.
Is the primary law establishing
the framework for basic
education in the Philippines
The Governance
of Basic
Education Act of
2001 (Republic
Act No. 9155)
This law established a national system of excellence for teacher
education by identifying and designating Centers of Excellence
for Teacher Education. It also created the Teacher Education
Council to formulate policies and standards for teacher
Republic Act No. 7784
This law introduced the K to 12 curriculum, expanding basic
education from 10 to 12 years and introducing a senior high
school level.
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
responsible for managing and governing the
Philippine basic education system
his includes
both the elementary and secondary school
Department of
Education (DEPED)
TESDA stands for
Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority
It is a government
agency responsible for providing technical-
vocational education and training (TVET) to
Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA)
It is a non-formal education program designed
for out-of-school youth and adults who missed
the opportunity to complete basic education
provides flexible learning options, including
distance learning and community-based
Alternative Learning
System (ALS)
government agency
responsible for ensuring the quality of tertiary
education in the Philippines.
Commission on Higher
Education (CHED)
a type of
belief system, it is an
system of religious
attitudes, belies and
practices. It involves
belief and trust in a
Generally are a set
of mutually
supportive beliefs,
Often religious,
philosophical, or
Everybody has
believe that Jesus is the Son of God
Means “submission” or “surrender” to the will of Allah,
began in the 7th century in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, with
the prophet Muhammad. It is the youngest of the major
world religions.
Followers of islam
Texts of islam
God of islam
prophet of islam
Sects of islam
shia and sunni
the only real leaders come from Ali, and from those who follow after him,
member of one of the two major branches of Islam,
5 pillars of islam
Shahada - Faith
Salah - Prayer
Zakat - Almsgiving
Swam - Fasting
Haji - Pilgrimage
is a collection of Indian religions, cultures, and philosophies that
share the concept of dharma, or a cosmic order. It is the world’s oldest
religion, dates back over 4,000 years and has over 2 billion followers,
making it the third-largest religion globally.
All living beings are respected, with cows
considered sacred. Many Hindus avoid beef or pork
and follow vegetarian budget.
is a local Filipino term which translates to “relapse.
someone is recovering from illness but gets sick again shortly
after or even during the recovery period
Binat or bughat
is a Filipino superstition whereby an
affliction or psychological disorder is attributed to
a stranger’s greeting or evil eye hex. It is usually
attributed to afflictions of infants and toddlers. But
basically, usog or balis is similar to an evil eye hex
— wherein an affliction or psychological disorder is
attributed to a stranger’s greeting.
Chinese Healing
Dietary Therapy
Tai chi & Qi gong
Herbal medicine
A technique that involves inserting thin needles into
specific points on the body to stimulate the release of painkillers and
affect areas of the brain that process pain
A practice that involves making changes to your
diet, such as avoiding spicy foods or alcohol.
Dietary Therapy
A technique that involves applying heated glass cups to
the skin along the body’s meridians to create suction and stimulate
energy flow
A technique that involves burning moxa-moxibustion
sticks or moxibustion grass on specific acupoints on the body to
stimulate heat
Practices that combine movements, breathing,
and mental focus to manage stress and emotions, and restore and
maintain health.
Tai chi & Qi gong
A plant-based medicine that can be packaged as
powders, pastes, lotions, or tablets.
Herbal medicine