Learning Guide #8 - Education, Religion and Health Institution Flashcards
implies training or disciplining especially in what is hard to master.
Who defines education as “various ways in which a society transmits knowledge, including factual information and occupational skills as well as cultural norms and values”.
Macions, 1993
school came from the Greek word ”_____” which means _____.
Beginning of educatiom
- Associated with APPRENTICESHIP
- Developed institution for WEALTHY FAMILY
- Dark ages in Europe, educations are for the MONKS
- Development of new machines and 3r’s Writing, Reading, Arithmetic
In Pre-Magellanic times education was
More vocational
In Spanish colonization times education was
Spanish missionaries replaced tribal tutors
teaching of spanish is compulsory
What republic in Philippines when we are colonized by America
School was once again open in
August 29, 1897 by secretary of interior
Law for public school system
1901 Philippine commission act no. 74
How many teachers are send from us to ph
High school system, special education system, agricultural school were established by?
Philippine commission in 1902
what are the functions of education
Transmission of Culture
Social integration
Career Selection
Techniques of Learning Skills
Rational Thinking
Adjustment in Society
Education instills and transmits the social norms values and beliefs into the next generation.
Transmission of Culture
Education unifies the individuals in society and creates a sense of solidarity among them.
Social integration
Education helps individuals to think about their careers which they want to pursue in the future.
Career Selection
Education teaches individuals various techniques for learning professional skills.
Techniques of Learning Skills
Human beings are social animals, in order to learn social skills and social norms of society, one has to socialize.
Education helps us to think rationally and conclude any event, situation, and issue with a reasonable explanation.
Rational Thinking
Education grooms the personality of an individual which helps him/her to adjust in any environment, group, community, and society.
Adjustment in Society
Love for nation and country is instilled in people from a very young age through the educational institution.
education performs a number of important services that contribute to the operation and maintenance.
The Functionalist Perspective
A _____ believes that when a part of society is working properly, each contributes to the well-being or stability of the society.
Who defined functionalist
(Henslin, 2011)
is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society.
schools transmit cultural values and norms in civic classes, an example of which is the National service Training Program or NSTP.
Cultural Innovation
schools help to forge mass of people into a unified whole.
Social Integration
formal education helps young people to assume culturally approved status and perform roles that contribute to society.
Social Placement
one function of the school that sometimes is not visible but has an effect is child care.
Latent Function
What are the sub categories of a Functionalist perspective
Cultural Innovation
Social Integration
Social Placement
Latent Function
analysis links formal education to social inequalities, schools develop people’s individual talents and skills, but promote social inequalities based on sex, race, ethnicity, and social class.
Social Conflict Perspective
this refers to the attitude, values and unwritten rules of behavior that schools taught and develops among learners in addition to the formal curriculum.
Hidden Curriculum
also conflict theory discusses that intellectual quotient test creates inequality in education.
Testing and Social Inequalities
is a society that requires a person to have a particular diploma or degree as a condition for employment.
Credential Society
What are the sub categories of Social Conflict Perspective
Hidden Curriculum
Testing and Social Inequalities
Credential Society
is a sociological theory that develops from practical considerations and alludes to people.
Symbolic Interaction Perspective
is another form of inequality
means clustering of people together into classes or track.
Ability Grouping
What are the sub category of symbolic interaction perspective
Ability Grouping
Formal Education
Non-Formal Education
is guided by a systematic; organized educational model.
Formal Education
refers to the education that occurs outside the formal school system.
Non-Formal Education
Types of Non-Formal Education
Correspondence Course
Distance Learning
Open Learning System
participants are found in all age brackets and economic-social class.
Correspondence Course
is based on Non-Contiguous communication.
Distance Learning
which offers students flexible and self-governing way to study the program of their choice when and where they wish to study.
Open Learning System
“ to give chances for the put of school youth to finish their school at a convenient time.
Alternative Learning System
ALS is under the mandate of the
Republic Act 9155 or the Governance Act for Basic Education
The following are some outcomes of education:
Productive Citizenry
Human Rights Education
What is being defined?
According to Toffer education in the 21st century should allow people to _____, _____, and _____. One of the purposes of education is to create responsible, productive, and socially contributing citizens.
Productive Citizenry
it refers to the desire of self-fulfillment, namely to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potential.
as education, training, and information aimed at building a universal culture of human rights through the sharing of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Human Rights Education
Gender Inequality
Suitable Infrastructure
According to the _____ “The states shall protect and promote the rights of all the citizens to the equality education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all”.
1987 Constitution Article XIV Section 1
During the Pre-Spanish Period, people pay high regard to the _____ and the _____ for having the power as leaders.
“ the State recognizes the liberty and equality of all religion in the same manner as the separation of the Church and the State.”
Malolos Constitution
“ The separation of Church and The state shall be inviolable.”
The 1987 Constitution Article II Section 6
(respect for what is sacred)
From the Latin religio
(to bind or tie back, in the sense of an obligation)
describes various systems of belief and practice that define what people consider to be sacred or spiritual
(Fasching and Dechant 2001; Durkheim 1915)
are more concerned with people rather than the divine aspect of religion. _____ are concerned with how different religious institutions and organizations to function in society.
“Religion is the opium of the people”
Karl Marx
Religion represents human
“Blessed are those who are meek for they will inherit the Earth” Religion is the hindrance to the development of capitalist ideology.
Karl Marx
“Religion as sacred or profane.”
Emile Durkheim
“unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things” We are confronted by the power of society every day.
Emile Durkheim
- Provides answers to questions
- Provides comfort and meaning to life suffering
- Provides guidelines for everyday life
- Promotes social solidarity
- Sets limit on people’s behavior
- Leads to some changes in society
- Religion justifies persecution
- War and Terrorism
It is an organized way of trying to explain the world around us.
The following are examples of belief systems.
- Animism
- Monotheism
- Polytheism
since ancient times, people believed in _____, they believe that there are spirits in trees, rocks, mountains, and as well as people._____ also worships their ancestors.
a belief in the existence of one god.
Monotheism Came from the greek word
“monos” means one
“theos” means god.
worship of multiple gods or deities.
Institutionalized Religions
- Christianity
- Islam
- Hinduism
became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Its followers are the 1/3 the population of the earth.
believe that their religion started with the ancient Hebrew prophet Abraham.
5 Pillar of Islam:
- Recognizing Allah as one God - Shahada
- Ritual Prayer - Salah
- Giving alms to the poor - Zakat
- Fasting during Ramadan- Sawm
- Pilgrimage to Mecca - Hajj
moldest religion that dates to 4,500 years ago.
Hinduism is different from other religion because of :
A. No founder
B. No sacred writing
C. Do not picture God as a single entity
is the state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
is also known as the study of the cross-cultural health system.
Ethno medicine
A health system encompasses many areas:
perception and classification of health problems, prevention measures, diagnosis, healing.
A combination of psychiatric and somatic symptoms that are considered to be a recognizable disease only within a specific society.
Cultural-Specific Syndrome and Illness
A culture-specific syndrome is characterized by:
- categorization as a disease in the culture (i.e., not a voluntary behaviour or false claim);
- widespread familiarity in the culture;
- complete lack of familiarity or misunderstanding of the condition to people in other cultures;
- no objectively demonstrable biochemical or tissue abnormalities (signs);
- the condition is usually recognized and treated by the folk medicine of the culture.
Examples of a culture-specific syndrome:
also means unreasoning murderous rage by an individual.
In 1876, the Spanish governor-general of the Philippines ____ coined the term_____ for the behavior (from juramentar – “to take an oath”), surviving into modern Philippine languages as huramentado.”
José Malcampo
In ____, amok was officially classified as a psychiatric condition. It iss also sometimes considered one of the subcategories of dissociative disorders (cross-cultural variant)
is a culture bound delusional disorder in which an individual has an overpowering belief that their sex organs are retracting and will disappear, despite the lack of any true longstanding changes to the genitals. It is also known as shrinking penis, and it is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Philippine Folk Medicine
- Albularyo
- Manghihilot
- Medico
- Magtatawas
is referred to as a general practitioner, he uses medicinal plants, and their understanding is usually based on hand-me-down practices and tradition. Method of healing is through prayers, bulong, orasyon, and herbal plant
concentrates on the methods and treatments applicable injuries, fractures, and musculoskeletal conditions. Hilot in the Philippines is a therapeutic massage used in ancient times.
is an albularyo but adopts the western way of healing. He prescribes a traditional way of healing and gives prescription medicine.
detects illness through a ritual called tawas. Pagtatawas originally came from a chemical-crystalline double sulfate of aluminum and potassium—and early on, it used exclusively for diagnostic ritual.
It is the method of treatment that involves research through a scientific process. It is the treatment of an illness by doctors and nurses and other health care providers. The practitioners of Western medicine are doctors, nurses, and physical and respiratory therapists.
Western Way of Healing
Any form of medicine not recognized and practiced by Western medicine
Alternative Medication
Alternative medication includes
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- Aromatherapy
is similar to acupuncture but in here it is the use of finger to treat ailments such as stress.
- Acupressur
use of needles inserted at a specific point to stimulate, disperse and regulate the flow of vital energy.
- Acupuncture
is the use of essential oils distilled from plants.
- Aromatherapy
can be defined as the employment of more than one medical system or the use of both conventional and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for health and illness.
Medical pluralism (MP)
Health contains four elements:
- Availability is sufficient for functioning public health and health care
- Accessibility health facilities, goods, and services accessible to everyone
- Acceptability all health facilities, goods, and services must be respectful of medical ethics and culturally
- Quality must be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quality