Lezione 3A Flashcards
Possessive adjectives
Masc. Sing
il mio…….. my
il tuo/Suo……. your (your form.)
il suo……..his, her, to
il nostro…….. our
il vostro……..le vostre
il loro…….their (just “loro” in all forms)
*Fem Sing, Masc Pl, Fem Pl have logical endings.
la mia, i miei, le mie… etc
In most cases, the possessive adjectives are where in relation to the noun they modify?
la nostra famiglia
i tuoi cugini
il mio cane
When do you not use the definite article with possessive adjectives?
When using nouns singular, unmodified, nouns denoting family members.
When do you use the definite article when referring to family members?
When the family member is plural or modified by an adjective or a suffix such as -astro/a, igno/a, or ino/a.
il mio suocero simpatico
my nice father in law,
la tua sorellina
your little sister.
la vostra mamma
your mom
* Loro is ALWAYS accompanied by the definite article.
What do you use before the possessive adjective to express of mine, of yours, of his/hers, etc?
Use the indefinite article.
un mio gatto
a cat of mine
una sua zia
an aunt of hers/his
una nostra cugini
a cousin of ours.
In English we use -‘s after a noun or name to express relationships or ownership. In Italian, you use….
di + [noun or proper name]
di che è il cane?
Whose dog is it?
È di mia madre
It's my mother's.
È di Stefano
It's Stefano's .
Preopsitional contractions (preposizioni articolate) are formed when certain prepositions contract wih a definite article.
Which prepositions become contractions in this way?
a, da, di, in, su
What are the prepositional contractions?
a + il =……………al
da + il =………….dal
di + il =…………..del
in + il =…………..nel
su + il =………….sul
Continue with…..
lo i
l’ gli
la le
Di can be used to express possession. What else can it be used for?
Da is used to describe what?
Di can also be used to describe a person or item
il professore di spagnolo
The Spanish teacher
la partita di calcio
the soccer game.
Da reflects an items purpose.
il costume da bagno
the bathing suit (the suit for bathing(
la racchetta da tenis
the tennis rocket (the rocket for tennis)
Using da + [noun] denotes what?
It means at [a person’s] place or home
Andiamo dai miei genitori.
We're going to **my parent's house**
Studio da Cinzia oggio
I'm studying at Cinzia's today.
a and in can express destination and location. When used with a modified location, a and in are changed in what way?
You use their prepositional contraction forms.
nella bella Toscana.
in beautful Tuscany.
alla Roma di Pasolini
in Pasolini's Rome.
What are the idiomatic expressions using Su?
sul computer
on the computer
su Internet
online/on the Internet
sul giornate
in the newspaper
What preopisitions do you use for the idiomatic phrases “on the radio” and “on (the) television”
~ a is used for radio, and a or in for telelvision.
C’è una bella canzone alla radio
There is a pretty song on the radio
il film è alla (in) televisione.
The movie is on television.
Conjugate partire.
*Note that there are other -ire verbs conjugated similarly.
partire, to leave
parto partiamo
parti partite
parte partono
*Partire is often used with prepositions per and da.
Mio padre parte per Milano alle due.
My father leaves for Milan at 2
Noi partiamo da Firenze a mezzogiorno
we leave Florence at noon.
Other verbs conjugated like partire:
apire: to open
dormire: to sleep
offrire: to offer
seguire: to follow; to take (a class)
sentire: to feel; to hear
servire: to serve
Conjugate capire.
*Note that other -ire verbs are conjugated like it.
capire, to understand
capisco capiamo
capisci capite
capisce capiscono
*note that -isce is added between the stem and the endings in all singular forms + third person plural form.
What are other verbs conjugated like capire?
finire: to finish
preferire: to prefer
pullire: to clean
spedire: to send
The verb finire can be combined with prepositions to mean several things.
When used before an infinitive, what preposition do you use?
To mean “to end up” doing something?
~ Before an infinitive, use the preposition di.
Finisce di studiare a mezzanotte
She finishes studying at midnight.
~ To mean “to end up” doing something, use finire per + [infinitive]
Finiscono per leggere due saggi.
They end up reading two essays.