Levels 4-6 Week 4 Flashcards
Definition: To successfully deal with or defeat a problem or obstacle.
Example: “She worked hard to overcome her fear of public speaking.”
Definition: A punishment or consequence for breaking a rule or law.
Example: “He received a penalty for speeding in a school zone.”
Personality trait
Definition: A characteristic or quality that defines someone’s personality.
Example: “Kindness is a personality trait that people admire.”
Definition: A competition where people or animals try to be the fastest to reach a goal.
Example: “She won the race by running faster than everyone else.”
Definition: An answer or reaction to something that has been said or done.
Example: “I sent an email, but I haven’t received a response yet.”
Definition: Easily affected by emotions or able to understand others’ feelings.
Example: “He’s very sensitive to criticism and takes things personally.”
Definition: Feeling nervous or uncomfortable around other people, especially in social situations.
Example: “She’s too shy to speak in front of the class.”
Definition: Your name written by you in your own way, often used to show agreement or identity.
Example: “Please sign your signature at the bottom of the form.”
Definition: To help or encourage someone, especially in difficult situations.
Example: “Her friends always support her during tough times.”
Think on your feet
Definition: To make quick decisions or give quick answers without preparation.
Example: “In a job interview, you need to think on your feet to answer unexpected questions.”