Level 6 - Unit 3 - Problems and solutions Flashcards
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Necesito un cafe
I need a coffe
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
¿Quieres un cafe caliente - ahora?
You want a hot coffe - now ?
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Es como 115 grados fuera
It’s like 115 degrees outside
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soy adicto
I’m addicted
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
¿Hablas en serio ?
Are you serious?
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Tu sabes - De verdad deberias dejar de beber cafe
You know - You really should quit drinking coffe
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Pero lo necesito
But I need it
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De todos modos - ¿Cual es tu problema?
Anyway - What’s your problem?
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Es solo una taza de cafe
It’s just a cup of coffe
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Cuando bebes cafe - Tu fumas
When you drink coffe - You smoke
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Deje de fumar
I stopped smoking
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
dejar de
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Si no puede parar de hacer algo - usted es adicto a ella - O usted tiene una adiccion.
If you can’t stop doing something - you are addicted to it - or you have an addiction.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
El es adicto a los cigarrillos.
He’saddicted tocigarettes.
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Ella es adicta al cafe.
She’saddicted tocoffee.
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Son adictos a los juegos de azar.
They’readdicted togambling.
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El es adicto al alcohol. El es un alcoholico.
He’saddicted toalcohol. He’s analcoholic.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Ella tiene problemas financieros.
She hasfinancial problems.
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El tiene un problema de peso. El tiene sobrepeso.
He has aweight problem. He’soverweight.
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Tengo un problema para dormir. Tengo insomnio.
I have aproblem sleeping. I haveinsomnia.
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Ellos tienen problemas maritales.
They havemarital problems.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
juego de azar
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Ella no puede parar. Es adicta a los cigarrillos.
She can’t stop. She’s addicted to cigarettes.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Ellos siempre estan peleando. Ellos - tienen problemas maritales.
They’re always fighting. They have marital problems.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
El tiene un problema de peso. El tiene sobrepeso.
He has a weight problem. He’s very overweight
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Ella no duerme en la noche. Ella tiene insomnio.
She doesn’t sleep at night. She has insomnia.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Estan teniendo algunos problemas financieros.
They’re having some financial problems.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
El es adicto al chocolate. el no puede parar de comerlo
He’s addicted to chocolate. He can’t stop eating it.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Pobre John. Tiene un monton de problemas personales. Su trabajo es muy estresante estresante
Poor John. He has a lot of personalproblems. His job is very stressful
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Por la noche el no puede parar de pensar en su trabajo - y el tiene terrible insomnio
At night he can’t stop thinking about his job - and he has terrible insomnia
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El tiene problemas maritales porque bebe demasiado. Y el tiene sobrepeso porque no se ejercita
He has marital problems because he drinks too much. And he’s overweight because he doesn’t exercise
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
John necesita hacer algunos cambios
John needs to make some changes
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Una vez que has identificado un problema - tu podrías querer explicarlo en mas detalle.
Once you’ve identified a problem- you might want to explain it in more detail.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Algunas expresiones estan aqui para ayudarle hacer de ese modo
Here are some expressions to help you do so.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Tengo insomnio. El problema es que no puedo parar de pensar en el trabajo.
I have insomnia.The problem is thatI can’t stop thinking about work.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Ella no puede dejar de fumar. Un gran problema es que su marido fuma tambien.
She can’t quit smoking.One big problem is thather husband smokes too.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
El es muy gordo. El problema es que el come demasiado chocolate.
He is very overweight.The trouble ishe eats too much chocolate.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Ella no puede dejar de fumar. Un gran problema es que su marido fuma tambien.
She can’t quit smoking.One big problem isher husband smokes too.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Un gran problema es
One big problem is
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Ella tiene un monton de problemas personales.
She has a lot of personal problems.
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Ella esta teniendo problemas financieros.
She’s having financial problems.
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El problema que ella es adicta a las compras.
The trouble is that she’s addicted to shopping.
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Si. Ella no puede parar de comprar ropa.
Yeah. She can’t stop buying clothes.
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¿Como esta el? No tan bien.
How is he? No so good.
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No se por que Yo alguna vez que empece.
I don’t know why I ever started
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Quiero decir - Fumar - Hace que tus manos apesten
I mean - smoking - makes your hands stink
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Marcos esta siempre pensando en mi salud
Mark’s always thinking about my health
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Esa es una razon yo decidi venir en este viaje
That’s one reason I decided to come on this trip
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Pense que si podia ir dos semanas - en un coche - con Mark - sin fumar - Definitivamente rompia el habito
I thought if I could go two weeks - in a car - with Mark - without smoking - I’d definitely break the habit
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
romper el habito
break the habit
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Deberia renunciar a fumar
I should give up smoking
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give up
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Renunciar - trabajo
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Yo realmente deberia
I really should
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¿Quieres parar?
Do you want to stop?
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
No - ¿Y usted?
No - Do you?
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¿Tienes que hacer eso?
Do you have to do that ?
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¿Hacer que?
Do what?
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Estamos recibiendo gas?
We’re getting gas?
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Si - deberiamos conseguir gas
Yeah - we should get gas
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necesitas romper el habito
You need to break the habit
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Usted deberia empezar a comer menos comida rapida
You should begin eating less fast food
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¿Cuando comenzaron a tener problemas maritales?
When did they start having marital problems?
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Realmente necesito renunciar a eso.
I really need to give it up.
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¿Cuando dejo de fumar?
When did you stop smoking?
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Dejo de fumar hace tres anos.
He quit smoking three years ago.
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Yo se que fumar es realmente malo para mi. Realmente tengo que renunciar a eso
I know that smoking is really bad for me. I really need to give it up
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el quiere perder peso - entonces el va a empezar a ejercitarse más.
He wants to lose weight - so he’s going to begin exercising more.
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Ella quiere parar de tomar cafe - pero es realmente duro romper el habito.
She wants to stop drinking coffee - but it’s really hard to break the habit.
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¿Hace cuanto tiempo que paraste de fumar?
How long ago did you stop smoking?
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Realmente deberias dejar de comer tanta sal. Es malo para usted.
You really should quit eating so much salt. It’s bad for you.
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debe - deberia
ought to
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el es muy gordo. Deberia que perder algo de peso .
He’s very overweight. He ought to lose some weight.
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era necesario que usted pague su deudas
you ought to pay your dues
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debe a ser mas cuidadoso con su dinero
you ought to be more careful with your money
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Su salud es muy pobre. Habias salir mejor de fumar.
Your health is very poor. Youhad betterquit smoking.
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Sera mejor que no empiece a fumar . Es un habito terrible .
Youhad better notstart smoking. It’s a terrible habit.
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mas vale que
had better
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uoght to
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Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Lo negativo es de debe no debe . Es muy rara vez se utiliza .
The negative ofought toisought not to. It is very rarely used.
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Ella tiene terribles insomnio. ¿Debia no beber cafe por la tarde.
She has terrible insomnia. Sheought not todrink coffee in the evening.
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Tuve un terrible insomnio
I had terrible insomnia
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Me siento tan cansado en el trabajo
I feel so tired at work
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¿Puedo darte un consejo ?
Can I give you some advice ?
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Si - claro -
Yes sure
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Bueno - no comer la cena a finales de
Well - don’t eat dinner to late
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No. Usted habia beber mejor cafe de la tarde y por la noche
You had better no drink coffe in the afternoon and evening
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En lugar de beber mucha agua - tambien hacer algo de ejercicio despues del trabajo
Instead drink lots of water - Also get some exercise after work
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Usted debe ir a dar un largo paseo o tal vez ir al gimnasio
You ought to go for a long walk or maybe go to the gym
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y esto es muy importante - Es mejor que no ver la television en la cama - que usted debe leer un libro
and this is really important - You had better not watch TV in bed - You ought to read a book
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Eso siempre me ayuda a dormir
That’s always helps me sleep
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Una cosa mas - Abres los deberes wimdow - el aire fresco es ideal para dormir
One more thing - You should open your wimdow - fresh air is great for sleeping
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Tendria que dejar mientras pueda .
She ought to stop while she can.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Sera mejor que no comience el juego.
You had better not begin gambling.
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Me deberias dejar de comer mucho chocolate.
I should quit eating so much chocolate.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Seria mejor que dejar de fumar
He had better give up smoking
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Realmente deberias dejar de beber cafe.
I really should give up drinking coffee.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Usted debe comenzar a ejercitar mas .
You ought to start exercising more.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Tengo muchas ganas de dejar de fumar - pero no puedo. Cada vez que hablo por telefono o beber cafe o alcohol - tengo que fumar
I really want to quit smoking - but I can’t. Every time I talk on the phone or drink coffee or alcohol - I have to smoke
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Mi novio dice que huelo mal . Mis amigos no quieren salir conmigo . ¿Que puedo hacer yo ? Por favor - ayudame .
My boyfriend says I smell bad. My friends don’t want to go out with me. What can I do? Please help me.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Es muy - muy dificil dejar de fumar . Es una adiccion . Algunas personas no pueden hacerlo solos.
Quitting smoking is very - very difficult. It’s an addiction . Some people can’t do it alone.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Mi consejo es que usted debe ver a su medico . Su medico le puede dar medicamento para ayudarle .
My advice is that you ought to see your doctor. Your doctor can give you medicine to help.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Ademas - cuando se habla por telefono o bebe el cafe o el alcohol - que habias comer mejor algo. Que mantendra su boca ocupada .
Also - when you talk on the phone or drink coffee or alcohol - you had better eat something. That will keep your mouth busy.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Asegurese de dormir lo suficiente .
Make sure to get enough sleep.
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Asegurese de no beber cafe por la noche .
Make sure not todrink coffee at night.
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asegurese de hacer ejercicio cada semana .
Be sure toexercise every week.
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Ten cuidado de no comer demasiada comida rapida .
Be sure not toeat too much fast food.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
No empiece a fumar .
Don’tstart smoking.
Unit 3 - Problems and solutions
Usted debe renunciar a los juegos de azar .
You ought togive up gambling.