Job Swap - 5c Flashcards
Job Swap - 5c
Intercambio de Trabajo
Job swap
Job Swap - 5c
Job Swap - 5c
Job Swap - 5c
Jake estaba desempleado y estaba buscando un TRABAJO
Jake was UNEMPLOYED and was looking for a JOB
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aplico por
applied for
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Él solicitó un trabajo con una empresa de alimentos - y envió en su CV
He APPLIED FOR a job with a food company - and sent in his CV
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El tuvo una ENTREVISTA - y consiguió el trabajo
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tuvo que trabajar muy duro y hacer horas extras
he had to work very hard and DO OVERTIME
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hacer horas extras
do overtime
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él era feliz porque tenía un buen sueldo y un coche de la empresa
he was happy because he had a good salary and a company car
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fue ascendido
got promoted
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después de seis meses, consiguió el ascenso
after six months he GOT PROMOTED
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pero luego tuvo una discusión con su jefe
but then he had an ARGUMENT with his boss
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eso es basura
it’s rubbish
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no podemos vender este alimento a los niños, eso es basura
we can’t sell this food to kids, it’s rubbish
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fue despedido
was sacked
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EL fue despedido. Jake estaba desempleado de nuevo
he was sacked. Jake was unemployed again
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medio tiempo
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jornada completa
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horas de trabajo
working hours
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Yo sólo trabajo medio tiempo - cuatro mañanas en la semana
I only work part-time - four mornings a week
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Yo a veces hago horas extras en un sábado por la mañana
I sometimes do overtime on a Saturday morning
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No gano un sueldo grande
I don’t earn a big salary
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es un trabajo temporal y sólo tengo un contrato de seis meses en el momento
it’s a temporary job and I only have a six-month contract at the moment
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pero las horas laborables me convienen ya que tengo niños muy pequeños
but the working hours suit me as I have very young children
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me conviene
suit me
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Cuando vayan a la escuela me gustaría encontrar un trabajo permanente y trabajar a tiempo completo
When they go to school I would like to find a permanent job and work full time
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Lo que más me gusta de ….
What I like most about ….
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Lo que más me gusta de mi trabajo es trabajar en completo silencio
What I like most about my job is work in complete silence
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el único ruido que puedes oír es de la gente pasando páginas y susurrando
the only noise you can hear is of people turning pages and whispering
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curso de formación
training course
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trabajador independiente
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Hice un curso de capacitación de seis meses en la universidad técnica para obtener mis titulaciones
I did a six month training course at technical college to get my qualifications
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Luego trabajé para una compañía local para obtener algo de experiencia
Then I worked for a local company to get some experience
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Trabaje largas horas por un salario bajo y entonces renuncie el año pasado y me converti en independediente
I worked long hours for a low salary and I so resigned last year and became self-employed
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Prefiero trabajar para mí mismo
I prefer working for myself
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Yo no trabajo horas regulares a veces la gente llama en medio de la noche
I don’t work regular hours sometimes people call in the middle of the night
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Usted puede ganar un montón de dinero en este trabajo
You can earn a lot of money in this job
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Si tengo suerte voy a ser capaz de retirarme cuando tenga 60
If I’m lucky I’ll be able to retire when I’m 60
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a written legal agreement
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The knowledge you get from doing a job
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a series of lessons to learn to do a job
training course
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the time you spend doing a job
working hours
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working for your self - not for a company
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to stop working when you reach a certain age
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left a job because you wanted to
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lasting for a short time
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for only a part of the day or the week
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exams you’ve passed or courses you’ve done
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Yo trabajo para
I work FOR
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Yo trabajo como
I work as
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Yo trabajo en
I work in
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Yo trabajo para una empresa multinacional
I work for a multinational company
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Yo trabajo como gerente
I work as a manager
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Yo trabajo en una fábrica
I work in a factory
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Yo estoy a cargo de
I’m in charge of
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Yo estoy a cargo del departamento de marketing
I’m in charge of the marketing department
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responsable de
responsible for
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Soy responsable de los créditos a clientes
I’m responsible for customer loans
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Estoy en
I’m at
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Estoy en la escuela
I’m at school
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Estoy en mi tercer año
I’m in my third year
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Admitió hacer trampa en la prueba.
He admitted cheating on the test.
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El médico generalmente aconseja tomar leche baja en grasa.
The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk.
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Irlanda no permite fumar en los bares.
Ireland doesn’t allow smoking in bars.
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Yo esperaba llegar tarde.
I anticipated arriving late.
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Yo le agradecí haberme ayudado.
I appreciated her helping me.
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El evitó hablar con ella.
He avoided talking to her.
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Empecé a aprender chino.
I began learning Chinese.
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El no puede soportar tener tanta responsabilidad.
He can’t bear having so much responsibility.
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Él no puede dejar de hablar en voz tan alta.
He can’t help talking soloudly.
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No puedo ver pagar tanto dinero para un coche.
I can’t see paying so much money for a car.
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No puede soportar que ella fume en la oficina.
He can’t stand her smoking in the office.
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El gobierno dejó de brindar atención médica gratuita.
The government ceased providing free healthcare.
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Él terminó la renovación de la casa.
He completed renovating the house.
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Ella considero mudarse a Nueva York.
She considered moving to New York.
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Él siguió hablando.
He continued talking.
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El abogado la defendió haciendo tales declaraciones.
The lawyer defended her making suchstatements.
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Se retrasó haciendo sus impuestos.
He delayed doing his taxes.
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Él negó haber cometido el crimen.
He denied committing the crime.
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Ella desprecia despertarse temprano.
She despises waking up early.
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Hablamos (debatimos) de trabajar en la empresa.
We discussed working at the company.
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A ella no le gusta trabajar después de 17:00.
She dislikes working after 5 PM.
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No me importa ayudarte.
I don’t mind helping you.
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Ella teme el levantarse a las 5 AM.
She dreads getting up at 5 AM.
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Él anima a comer alimentos saludables.
He encourages eating healthy foods.
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Nos gusta ir de excursión.
We enjoy hiking.
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Terminó haciendo su tarea.
He finished doing his homework.
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Me olvidé de darle mi libro.
I forgot giving you my book.
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Odio limpiar el baño.
I hate cleaning the bathroom.
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Se imagina trabajando allí un día.
He imagines working there one day.
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El trabajo implica viajar a Japón una vez al mes.
The job involves traveling to Japan once a month.
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Mantuvo interrumpirme.
She kept interrupting me.
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Le gusta escuchar música.
She likes listening to music.
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Me encanta nadar.
I love swimming.
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Mencionó que va a la universidad.
He mentioned going to that college.
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¿Te importa esperar aquí durante unos minutos.
Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes.
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Echa de menos a vivir cerca de la playa.
She misses living near the beach.
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El acuario necesita limpieza.
The aquarium needs cleaning.
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A veces se olvida que hacer sus deberes.
Sometimes she neglects doing her homework.
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California no permite fumar en los restaurantes.
California does not permit smoking in restaurants.
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Se pospuso de regresar a París.
He postponed returning to Paris.
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Practicó de cantar la canción.
She practiced singing the song.
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Prefiere sentarse en la parte trasera de la sala de cine.
He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater.
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Propuse de almorzar en la playa.
I proposed having lunch at the beach.
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Dejó de preocuparse por el problema.
She quit worrying about the problem.
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Tom recordó el uso de su tarjeta de crédito en la tienda.
Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.
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Ella recordó que vive en Kenia.
She recollected living in Kenya.
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De Tony recomienda tomar el tren.
Tony recommended taking the train.
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Ella lamentó diciendo eso.
She regretted saying that.
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Recuerdo decirle la dirección de ayer.
I remember telling her the address yesterday.
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Informó ella robar el dinero.
He reported her stealing the money.
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El certificado requiere completar dos cursos.
The certificate requires completing two courses.
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Nick resintió Debbie de estar allí.
Nick resented Debbie’s being there.
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Se resistió a pedir ayuda.
He resisted asking for help.
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Se corría el riesgo de ser atrapado.
He risked being caught.
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Él comenzó a estudiar con más fuerza.
He started studying harder.
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Dejó de trabajar a las 5 en punto.
She stopped working at 5 o’clock.
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Sugirieron su estancia en el hotel.
They suggested staying at thehotel.
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Toleré hacerla hablar.
I tolerated her talking.
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Sam trató de abrir la cerradura con un clip.
Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip.
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Entiendo su dejar de fumar.
I understand his quitting.
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Instan a reciclar botellas y papel.
They urge recycling bottles and paper.
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Espero verte de nuevo.
I look forwardtoseeing you again.
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El apoligized por no pagar la factura.
The apoligizedfornot paying the bill.
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Lucy no le gusta su forma de pensar.
Lucy doesn´t like his wayofthinking.
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He admitted cheating on the test.
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advise [9]
The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk.
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allow [9]
Ireland doesn’t allow smoking in bars.
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I anticipated arriving late.
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I appreciated her helping me.
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He avoided talking to her.
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begin [14]
I began learning Chinese.
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can’t bear [14]
He can’t bear having so much responsibility.
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can’t help
He can’t help talking soloudly.
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can’t see
I can’t see paying so much money for a car.
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can’t stand [14]
He can’t stand her smoking in the office.
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cease [14]
The government ceased providing free healthcare.
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He completed renovating the house.
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She considered moving to New York.
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continue [14]
He continued talking.
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The lawyer defended her making suchstatements.
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He delayed doing his taxes.
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He denied committing the crime.
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She despises waking up early.
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We discussed working at the company.
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She dislikes working after 5 PM.
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don’t mind
I don’t mind helping you.
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dread [13]
She dreads getting up at 5 AM.
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encourage [9]
He encourages eating healthy foods.
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We enjoy hiking.
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finish [13]
He finished doing his homework.
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forget [13]
I forgot giving you my book.
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hate [14]
I hate cleaning the bathroom.