Level 6 - Unit 2 - Going to the doctor Flashcards
Going to the doctor
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
dolor de cabeza
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
He estado vomitando toda la noche
I’ve been vomiting all night
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
dolor de garganta
Sore throat
Going to the doctor - complete
tos fuerte
bad cough
Going to the doctor - complete
Dolor de estomago
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
¿Estas bien?
Are you OK?
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No- me siento terrible
No- I feel terrible
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¿Que pasa?
What’s up?
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He estado vomitando toda la noche
I’ve been vomiting all night
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You poor thing
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Necesitas llamar a un medico
You need to call a doctor
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Me tengo que ir
I have to go
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Pero , Voy a llamarte mas tarde para ver como estás
But- I’ll call you later to see how you are
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Oficina del doctor Brenna
Doctor Brenna’s office
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Mi nombre es Kenan yo soy un paciente del doctor Brenna
My name’s Kenan I’m a patient of doctor Brenna’s
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Estoy enfermo
I’m sick
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Quiero hacer una cita para ver al doctor hoy
I want to make a appointment to see the doctor today
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¿Cual parece ser el problema?
What seems to be the problem?
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Tengo diarrea
I have diarrhea
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Siento mucho oir eso
I’m very sorry to hear that
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¿Por cuanto tiempo ha estado sucediendo esto ?
How long has this been going on?
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toda la noche
all night
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Durante toda la noche
All night long
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Comenzo las 3 de la manana
It started about 3 in the morning
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¿Seras capaz de llegar a la oficina del doctor bien?
Will you be able to get to the Doctor’s office OK?
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Si, Yo creo que si
Yes, I think so
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OK, dame un vistazo aqui
OK, let me have a look here
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El doctor tiene algo de tiempo a la una en punto.
The doctor has some time at 1 O’clock
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¿Podria usted tomarla entonces?
Could you make it then?
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¿Hay algo mas temprano?
Is there anything earlier?
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No. Lo siento. El doctor esta realmente ocupado hoy.
No- I’m sorry. The doctor’s really busy today
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Ok, una en punto esta bien.
Ok- one O’clock is fine.
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Genial. Entonces, te veremos a la una en punto . cuídate.
Great. So- we’ll see you at 1 o’clock. Take care
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Tengo un dolor de cabeza, y estoy mareado
I have a headache, and I’m dizzy
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Tengo mucha tos y dolor de garganta
I have a bad cough and a sore throat
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Tengo un dolor de estomago y siento nauseas
I have a stomachache and I feel nauseous
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Si te estas sintiendo mareado, deberías sentarse
If you’re feeling dizzy- you should sit down
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No dormi bien anoche porque tenia fiebre
I didn’t sleep well last night because I had a fever
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Estoy tan cansado hoy
I’m so tired today
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Ella tiene diarrea y no puede venir a trabajar
She has diarrhea and can’t come to work
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Siento nauseas creo que voy a enfermar
I feel nauseous I think I’m going to be sick
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No pude dormir anoche porque tuve una mala fiebre que estaba demasiado caliente!
I didn’t sleep last night because I had a bad fever I was just too hot!
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Tengo mucha tos también, tal vez porque fumo
I have bad cough too- maybe because I smoke
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Mis colegas siempre se quejan del ruido que hago
My colleagues always complain about the noise I make
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Pero no puedo contestarles porque tengo un dolor de garganta y no puedo hablar
But I can’t answer them because I have a sore throat and I can’t speak
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Yo no comí en todo el dia porque me sentia con nauseas y tuve un dolor de estomago
I didn’t eat all day because I felt nauseous and I had a stomachache
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y cada vez que queria ponerme de pie, no podia porque estaba tan mareado
and every time I wanted to stand up, I couldn’t because I was so dizzy
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Creo que me voy a ir a casa tengo realmente un muy fuerte dolor de cabeza
I think I’m going to go home I hace a really bad headache
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Comi demasiado a la hora del almuerzo y tengo un dolor de estomago
I ate too much at lunch time and I have a stomachache
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He estado vomitando mucho
I HAVE BEEN vomiting a lot
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He estado teniendo problemas para dormir
I HAVE BEEN having problems sleeping
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Me he sentido muy mal por los dos ultimos dias
I have been feeling very bad FOR the last two days
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¿Cuanto tiempo te has sentido asi?
How long HAVE you BEEN FEELING like this?
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¿Has estado experimentado algun otro problema ?
Have you been experiencing any other problems?
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No he estado durmiendo bien
I haven’t been sleeping well
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Me he sentido muy cansado durante unos dias ahora no he estado durmiendo bien
I’ve been feeling really tired for a few days now I haven’t been sleeping well
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¿Como te has estado sintiendo?
How have you been feeling?
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Me he estado sintiendo enfermo por tres dias
I’ve been feeling sick for three days
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¿Tiene algo mas temprano?
Do you have anything earlier?
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Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
enfermedad (especifica)
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
ataque del corazon
heart attack
Going to the doctor - complete
enfermedad del corazon
heart disease
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
doctor familiar
family doctor
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
sin dolor
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
band aid
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
Going to the doctor - complete
silla de ruedas
Going to the doctor - complete
para sentirse bien
to feel good
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coger un resfriado
to catch a cold
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tener un resfriado
to have a cold
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to sneeze
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to cough
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Sonarse la nariz
to blow one’s nose
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sentirse enfermo
to feel sick
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sentirse mareado
to feel dizzy
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to faint
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to pass out
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estar cansado
to be tired
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Estar exhausto
to be exhausted
Going to the doctor - complete
tener dolor de espalda
to have backache
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tener dolor de oido
to have earache
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tener un dolor de cabeza
to have a headache
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tener un dolor de garganta
to have a sore throat
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tener un dolor de estomago
to have a stomach-ache
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tener dolor de muelas
to have toothache
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Tener temperatura
to have a temperature
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tener una tos
to have a cough
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a tener diarrea
to have diarrhoea
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tener una erupcion
to have a rash
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tener manchas
to have spots
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tener un ojo negro
to have a black eye
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conseguir un moreton
to get a bruise
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to get burnt
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perder el apetito
to lose one’s appetite
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perder la voz
to lose one’s voice
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Romperse un brazo
to break one’s arm
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torcerse un tobillo
to sprain one’s ankle
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Torcerce un tobillo
to twist one’s ankle
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estar estrenido
to be constipated
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tener estrenimiento
to have constipation
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Ser alergico a
to be allergic to
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sufrir de
to suffer from
Going to the doctor - complete
to vomit
Going to the doctor - complete
to throw up
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hacer dano
to hurt
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to swell
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tomar una aspirina
to take an aspirin
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tomar un medicamento
to take a medicine
Going to the doctor - complete
¿Como te sientes ?
How are you feeling?
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No demasiado genial
No so great
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¿Cuanto tiempo has estado sintiendo mal ?
How long have you been feeling bad?
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Desde ayer. Pero me puse realmente enfermo en mitad de la noche
Since yesterday. But I got really sick in the midle of the night
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Bueno, tienes una leve fiebre , pero eso no es nada de que preocuparse
Well, you have a slight fever, but that’s nothing to worry about
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Su presión sanguínea es buena
Your boold pressure is good
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¿Comiste algo inusual ayer?
Did you eat anything unusual yesterday?
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No. No lo creo. Tuve pizza para el almuerzo, y no comi la cena
No. I don’t think so. I had pizza for lunch, and I didn’t eat dinner
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Bueno , basado en los sintomas que has descrito , creo que tienes un virus estomacal
Well, based on the symptoms you’ve described, I think you have a stomach flu
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Ha estado dando vueltas
It’s been going around
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Si , eso fue lo que pense
Yes, That was I thought
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Yo te voy a escribir una receta para medicamento para ayudar a tu estomago y detener el diarrea.
I’m going to write you a prescription for medicine to help your stomach and stop the diharrea.
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Quedate en la cama y bebe muchos liquidos
Stay in bed and drink plenty of liquids
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Si no se siente mejor despues de 24 horas , quiero que llames a la enfermera
If you don’t feel better after 24 hours, I want you to call the nurse
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Cuando usted tiene apettite nuevo, tomalo con calma. es recomendable el arroz blanco normal y tal vez un poco de yogur
When you have apettite again, take it easy. It’s recommend plain white rice and maybe some yoghurt
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Tiene la presion alta
You have high blood pressure
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¿Cuales son sus sintomas?
What are your symptoms?
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Beba mucho liquido
Drink lots of liquids
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Creo que tienes la gripe
I think you have the flu
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No tengo hambre . No tengo apetito
I’m not hungry. I have not appetite
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Me he estado sintiendo mal durante unos dias .
I’ve been feeling bad for a few days.
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He estado esperando a que la enfermera durante 20 minutos.
I’ve been waiting for the nurse for 20 minutes.
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Me he estado sintiendo nauseas desde el martes.
I’ve been feeling nauseous since Tuesday.
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He estado teniendo problemas para dormir desde el pasado viernes .
I’ve been having trouble sleeping since last Friday.
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He estado esperando a que la enfermera desde que llegue.
I’ve been waiting for the nurse since I arrived.
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Desde que llegue a casa , me he sentido terrible.
Since I got home, I’ve been feeling terrible.
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Me he estado sintiendo terribles desde que llegue a casa.
I’ve been feeling terrible since I got home.
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¿Cuales son sus sintomas ahora?
What are his symptoms now?
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¿Cuando empezo a tomar el medicamento ?
When did he start taking medicine?
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Cansado, y durante los ultimos dias me he estado sintiendo nauseas , tambien.
Tired, and for the last few days I’ve been feeling nauseous, too.
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¿Ha estado tomando algo?
Have you been taking anything?
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Si. He estado tomando la medicina desde que me empece a sentir enfermo.
Yes. I’ve been taking medicine since I started feeling sick.
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Ha tenido los mismos sintomas durante tres dias.
He’s had the same symptoms for three days.
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He estado esperando por mi receta desde 24:00
I’ve been waiting for my prescription since 12 p.m.
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Ella ha tenido la gripe durante una semana.
She’s had the flu for a week.
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Desde que me enferme , me he estado bebiendo mucho liquido
Since I got sick, I’ve been drinking lots of liquids
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Ha estado vomitando desde anoche.
He’s been vomiting since last night.
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He estado teniendo problemas para dormir durante dos semanas.
I’ve been having trouble sleeping for two weeks.
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¿Que hace el medico piensa que esta mal con el?
What does the doctor think is wrong with him?
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¿Que es lo que el medico le diga que hacer?
What does the doctor tell him to do?
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¿Para que es ?
What’s it for?
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¿Puedo volver a trabajar manana ?
Can I go back to work tomorrow?
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Tengo la nariz congestionada
I have running nose
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Me gustaria surtir una receta
I’d like to fill a prescription
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¿Cubre mi seguro de esto?
Does my insurance cover this?
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¿Es usted alergico a algun otro medicamento?
Are you alergic to any other medications?
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La dosis es de dos tablas cada seis horas
The dosage is two tables every six hours
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Es mejor si lo toma con un poco de arroz como el alimento natural o huevos revueltos. Nada picante
It’s better if you take it with some plain food, like rice or scrambled eggs. Nothing spicy
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Tomar dos capsulas dos veces al dia durante tres dias.
Take two capsules twice a day for three days.
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Tomelo con calma cuando se tiene un apetito de nuevo, nada picante para la primera semana de acuerdo?
Take it easy when you have an appetite again- nothing spicy for the first week, OK?
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Por cierto-Lamento decir que su seguro no cubrira esto. Usted tendra que pagar de su bolsillo.
By the way- I’m sorry to say your insurance won’t cover this. You’ll need to pay for it yourself.
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Tome las tabletas con comida sencilla. Nada picante.
Take the tablets with plain food. Nothing spicy.
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No soy alergico a ningun medicamento.
I’m not allergic to any medication.
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Espero que mi seguro cubrira esto.
I hope my insurance will cover this.
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Tomar cuatro tabletas, dos veces al dia.
Take four tablets, twice a day.
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El medicamento viene en forma de capsulas. Tome dos cada dia.
The medicine comes in capsules. Take two every day.
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Tomar una cucharadita despues de las comidas-.
Take one teaspoon- after meals.
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El efecto secundario de este medicamento es que puede causar somnolencia.
The side effect of this medicine is that it may cause drowsiness.
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Los efectos secundarios pueden incluir la perdida de apetito.
Side effects may include loss of appetite.
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Dosis maxima: cuatro capsulas al dia
Maximum dosage: four capsules per day
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Adecuado para: adultos y ninos mayores de 12 anos
Suitable for: adults and children over 12 years old
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¿Que medicina podria causar sueno?
Which medicine might make you sleepy?
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Adecuado para
Suitable for
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Me cai por las escaleras .
I fell down some stairs.
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¿Como hiciste eso ?
How did you do that?
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Yo estaba caminando por unas escaleras . Y yo no estaba prestando atencion
I was walking down some stairs. And I wasn’t paying attention
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Yo no estaba prestando atencion.
I wasn’t paying attention.
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En realidad - Usted estaba prestando atencion. Pero no para las escaleras
Actually - You were paying attention. But not to the stairs
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el estaba prestando atencion a una mujer.
He was paying attention to a woman.
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Creo que las escaleras estaban mojadas .
I think the stairs were wet.
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¿Cuando sucedio esto?
When did this happen?
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¿Como lo llevas con las muletas ?
How are you coping with the crutches?
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¿Por que no le dices toda la historia?
Why you don’t tell her the whole story?
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No se lo que estas hablando
I don’t know what you’re talking about
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Ven . Dime waht sucedido
Come. Tell me waht happened
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¿Que significa eso ?
What does that mean?
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el estaba prestando atencion a una joven muy atractiva.
He was paying attention to a very attractive young woman.
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Quien iba caminando uo las escaleras y el estaba caminando por
Who was walking uo the stairs and he was walking down
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De todos modos - Se cayo por las escaleras y se rompio la pierna
Anyway - He fell down the stairs and broke his leg
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¡Es horrible
That’s awful
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Me lastime tres costillas y un esguince en la muneca derecha
I bruised three ribs and sprained my right wrist
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No hay problema en absoluto.
No problem at all.
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Vamos por ella.
Come over her.
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¿Cuando sucedio esto?
When did this happen?
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Yo estaba caminando por la calle cuando me resbale y cai - andbroke mi pierna.
I was walking down the street when I slipped and fell down- andbroke my leg.
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No he estado durmiendo desde que sucedio a causa del dolor . Me duele mucho !
I haven’t been sleeping since it happened because of the pain. It really hurts!
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Yo estaba hablando por mi celular cuando una bicicleta me golpeo.
I was talking on my cellphone when a bicycle hit me.
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Me lastime el brazo y ha estado doliendo mucho desde entonces
I hurt my arm- and it’s been hurting a lot since then
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Yo estaba buscando algo de ropa en mi atico cuando me resbale y me rompi el hombro.
I was looking for some clothes in my attic when I slipped and broke my shoulder.
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Me cai y me lastime el hombro.
I fell down and bruised my shoulder.
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Me torci el tobillo mientras jugaba al futbol.
I sprained my ankle while I was playing soccer.
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Yo estaba caminando en una carretera helada cuando me resbale y me rompi la pierna.
I was walking on an icy road when I slipped and broke my leg.
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Tengo un moreton en el brazo.
I have a bruise on my arm.
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Tengo un esguince en la muneca .
I have a sprained wrist.
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Tengo una pierna rota.
I have a broken leg.
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Estaba tan tonto ! Yo estaba corriendo para llegar a una reunion - y yo no miraba por donde iba.
I was so silly! I was running to get to a meeting - and I wasn’t looking where I was going.
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Me puse un poco de agua en el suelo y cai. Me rompi el brazo , y tengo una muy grande contusion en la cabeza
I slipped on some water on the floor and fell down. I broke my arm, and I have a really big bruise on my head
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Tambien tengo un esguince en la muneca . Supongo que tuve suerte , aunque . Mi amigo hizo lo mismo y estaba en el hospital durante dos semanas con dos piernas rotas
I also have a sprained wrist. I guess I was lucky- though. My friend did the same thing and was in the hospital for two weeks with two broken legs
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Me torci la muneca.
I sprained my wrist.
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estaba corriendo por un autobus cuando me torci el tobillo.
was running for a bus when I sprained my ankle.
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Me rompi el brazo mientras jugaba voleibol .
I broke my arm while playing volleyball.
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Me cai y me lastime el hombro.
I fell down and bruised my shoulder.
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Me cai de una pared y me rompi la pierna.
I fell off a wall and broke my leg.
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Soy un paciente del doctor Smith .
I’m a patient of Doctor Smith’s.
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Soy paciente del doctor Smith.
I’m Doctor Smith’s patient.
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el es paciente del doctor Brennan.
He’s Doctor Brennan’s patient.
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Supongo que el accidente mas extrano que he tenido fue un accidente que tuve hace poco . Estaba jugando al futbol con amigos en el parque local.
I guess the strangest accident I have ever had was an accident I had quite recently. I was playing soccer with friends at the local park.
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El juego estaba muy bien, y yo estaba jugando bien , cuando me golpeo en la cara con el balon!
The game was fine, and I was playing well, when I got hit in the face with the ball!
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Estuve inconsciente durante cinco minutos, y luego uno de mis companeros de equipo me llevaron al hospital.
I was unconscious for five minutes, and then one of my teammates took me to the hospital.