Level 4: Measuring Real Property Flashcards
Measurement Conversions Visual Aid
Square Footage
a unit of area measurement, equal to 1 foot by 1 foot
Square Footage Formula
Length x Width = Total sq. ft.
1 yard is equal to ? feet
3 feet
1 square yard is equal to ? square feet
9 square feet
Sq feet to sq yards
Sq ft / 9
sq yards to sq feet
sq yards * 9
Price Per Square Foot Formula
Asking price ÷ Total sq. ft. = Price per sq. ft.
Asking Price Formula
Total sq. ft. x Price per sq. ft. = Asking price
Livable Area
rooms within the house or connected to the house that are typically heated and/or air-conditioned, making them suitable for habitation year-round
Volume of Structures Formula
Length x Width x height = cubic feet
1 acre = ? square feet
43,560 square feet
Acreage Formula
Total sq. ft. ÷ 43,560 sq. ft. per acre = Acres
1 section = ? square mile = ? acres
1 square mile = 640 acres
1 township = ? sections = ? square miles
36 sections = 36 square miles
1 linear mile = ? linear feet
5,280 linear feet
Area of a Triangle Formula
1⁄2 x Base x Height = sq. ft.
Frontage (Front Feet)
the portion of the boundary of a lot that borders the street, measured in front feet (when giving the dimensions of a property, the front feet are always stated first)
46,905 square feet and a depth of 313 feet = frontage of ? front feet
46,905 ÷ 313 = 150 feet (front feet)
Perimeter Formula
Add all sides together