level-3-lesson-4-shall-we-i-wonder-으-ㄹ까요 Flashcards
지금 바빠요? 이따가 올까요?
Are you busy now? Shall I come later?
아니요. 지금 시간 있어요. 여기 앉으세요.
No. I have time now. Please take a seat here.
내일 비가 올까요?
Do you think it will rain tomorrow? = I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. = Will it rain tomorrow? What do you think?
내일 우리 영화 볼까요?
Shall we see a movie tomorrow? = Do you want to see a movie together tomorrow?
이 사람은 누구일까요?
Who do you think this person is? = Who is this person, I wonder? = I wonder who this person is.
커피 마실까요? 맥주 마실까요?
Shall we drink coffee? Shall we drink beer? = Do you want to drink coffee or beer?
어제 했을까요?
Do you think (they/you) did it yesterday?
누가 전화했을까요?
Who do you think called?
어제 탈리아나가 한국에 왔을까요?
Do you think Taliana came to Korea yesterday?
Are you busy now? Shall I come later?
지금 바빠요? 이따가 올까요?
No. I have time now. Please take a seat here.
아니요. 지금 시간 있어요. 여기 앉으세요.
Do you think it will rain tomorrow? = I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. = Will it rain tomorrow? What do you think?
내일 비가 올까요?
Shall we see a movie tomorrow? = Do you want to see a movie together tomorrow?
내일 우리 영화 볼까요?
Who do you think this person is? = Who is this person, I wonder? = I wonder who this person is.
이 사람은 누구일까요?
Shall we drink coffee? Shall we drink beer? = Do you want to drink coffee or beer?
커피 마실까요? 맥주 마실까요?
Do you think she did it yesterday?
어제 했을까요?
Who do you think called?
누가 전화했을까요?
Do you think Taliana came to Korea yesterday?
어제 탈리아나가 한국에 왔을까요?