level-3-lesson-24-르-irregular-르-불규칙 Flashcards
주연 씨, 마시고 싶은 거 골랐어요?
Jooyeon, have you chosen what you would like to drink?
아니요, 아직 안 골랐어요.
No. I have not chosen yet.
빨리 고르세요.
Please hurry up.
뭐 골랐어요?
What did you choose?
저도 몰라요.
I do not know, either.
비행기는 빨라서 좋아요.
Planes are good because they are fast. / I like airplanes because they are fast.
누가 케이크 잘랐어요?
Who cut the cake?
토끼를 5년 동안 길렀어요.
I had a rabbit as a pet for five years. / I raised a rabbit for five years.
Jooyeon, have you chosen what you would like to drink?
주연 씨, 마시고 싶은 거 골랐어요?
No. I have not chosen yet.
아니요, 아직 안 골랐어요.
Please hurry up.
빨리 고르세요.
What did you choose?
뭐 골랐어요?
I do not know, either.
저도 몰라요.
Planes are good because they are fast. / I like airplanes because they are fast.
비행기는 빨라서 좋아요.
Who cut the cake?
누가 케이크 잘랐어요?
I had a rabbit as a pet for five years. / I raised a rabbit for five years.
토끼를 5년 동안 길렀어요.