level-3-lesson-21-linking-verbs-with-는데-noun-인데-adjective-ㄴ데 Flashcards
이 가방 너무 사고 싶어요.
I want to buy this bag so bad.
사세요. 지금 세일하지 않아요?
Buy it. Isn’t it on sale now?
맞아요. 지금 세일하고 있는데, 세일해도 너무 비싸요.
Right. It is on sale now, but even on sale is too expensive.
내일 친구 생일인데, 선물을 아직 못 샀어요.
It is my friend’s birthday tomorrow, but I have not been able to buy a present.
이거 일본에서 샀는데, 선물이에요.
I bought this in Japan, and it is a present for you.
오늘 뉴스에서 봤는데, 그거 진짜예요?
I saw it in the news today. Is that for real?
이거 좋은데요!
I like this! / This is good!
어? 여기 있었는데.
Huh? It was here…
영화 재미있었는데, 무서웠어요.
The movie was interesting, but it was scary.
영화 봤는데, 무서웠어요.
I saw a movie, and it was scary.
저 지금 학생인데, 일도 하고 있어요.
I am a student now, but I am working, too.
I want to buy this bag so bad.
이 가방 너무 사고 싶어요.
Buy it. Isn’t it on sale now?
사세요. 지금 세일하지 않아요?
Right. It is on sale now, but it is still too expensive.
맞아요. 지금 세일하고 있는데, 세일해도 너무 비싸요.
It is my friend’s birthday tomorrow, I have not bought a present yet.
내일 친구 생일인데, 선물을 아직 못 샀어요.
I bought this in Japan, and it is a present for you.
이거 일본에서 샀는데, 선물이에요.
I saw it in the news today. Is that for real?
오늘 뉴스에서 봤는데, 그거 진짜예요?
I like this! / This is good!
이거 좋은데요!
Huh? It was here…
어? 여기 있었는데.
The movie was interesting, but it was scary.
영화 재미있었는데, 무서웠어요.
I saw a movie, and it was scary.
영화 봤는데, 무서웠어요.
I am a student now, but I am working, too.
저 지금 학생인데, 일도 하고 있어요.