Level 3 - Contract Practice Flashcards
- What is a contract?
A legally binding agreement (between two parties) to provide goods and services within a specified timeframe.
- What is necessary to form a contract?
Offer Acceptance (or counter offer) Consideration Intention (to be legally bound) Capacity (to make agreement) (e.g. power of attorney on behalf of a company)
- How is a contract executed?
- Under hand, signed by both parties, 6 year limitation period. Means that a party must bring about any claim for breach of contract within 6 years of the breach taking place. Any later and the claim will be time-barred.
- Under Seal (as a deed), signed and witnessed, 12 year limitation period. Valuable consideration not required,
- What are common contract documents?
- The Contract (with any amendments)
- Preliminaries
- Contract sum analysis/Pricing Schedule
- Drawings
- Specification
- Planning conditions/agreements
- Contractors Proposals
- What are the main contract suites?
- JCT (Joint Contract Tribunal)
- NEC (New engineering contract)
- FIDIC (International federation of Consulting engineers)
- ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers)
- How did you try to mitigate a delay on one of your projects?
Coventry demolition - Liasing with Main contractor to overlap the works, early survey work can begin on site whilst last section of demolition taking place.
N 1. Why use standard forms of contract?
- They are cheaper than getting a bespoke contract drawn up
- Offer a level of familiarity between the parties
- Tried and tested contracts in court, therefore you should be able to predict the outcome in the courts.
N 2. Why wouldnt you use a bespoke contract?
- They are costly to produce and time consuming
- Contractors do not like them, as they regularly put alot of the risk onto the contractor
- They are not tried and tested like a standard form
N 2. Why wouldnt you use a bespoke contract?
- They are costly to produce and time consuming
- Contractors do not like them, as they regularly put alot of the risk onto the contractor
- They are not tried and tested like a standard form
N 3. What is required to form a contract?
Offer Acceptance Consideration Capacity Intention Legality?
N 4. What should you consider when selecting the contract?
- The criteria of the client
- The procurement method you are going to use
- Nature of the works
- Timings, are the works required to start quickly or do you have time to produce robust set of docs
N 7. What standard forms of contract do you know that are offered by JCT?
- SBC 2011/2016
- Intermediate building contract 2011/2016
- Minor works Building contract 2011/2016
- Major Projects building contract 2011/2016
- Design and build contract 2011/2016
- Management Building contract 2011/2016
- Construction management contract 2011/2016
- Prime cost building contract 2011/2016
N 8. Can you name some NEC standard contract forms?
NEC - Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC)
- Option A, Priced contract w/ Activity Schedule
- Option B, Priced contract w/ BoQ
- Option C, Target contract w/ Activity Schedule
- Option D, Target contract w/ BoQ
- Option E, Cost reimbursable
- Option F, Management contract
N 12. When is a JCT Minor Works contract NOT suitable?
- Complex projects
- Detailed control procedures
- Where there are named Sub-Contractors
N 13. Can you provide more information on the JCT Major project construction contract?
- Used on large , complex project by experienced clients
- They place most of the risk on the contractor
- Has sub-contract derivatives
- All derivatives/versions have a yellow and purple cover
N 14. Can you provide more information on the JCT Design and Build Contract 2011?
- They are used by all types of clients, create a single point of responsibility for the design and construction with the contractor
- Can be used on projects of all sizes
- Client must produce the Employers Requirements
- Has a sub-contract derivative broken into two parts: JCT DB11 Sub-contract Agreement, JCT DB11 Sub-contract Conditions
- All derivatives have a Yellow and pink cover
N 15. Can you provide more information on the JCT Management Building Contract?
- Used then a management contracting route is chosen
- Used by experienced clients who understand the construction costs
- No real cost certainty until all packages are let
- Works are completed by a number of ‘Works Contractors’ who are placed under a management works contract.
- Works Contractors are contracted to the Management Contractor
- Management Contractor is a fee earning professional onto the the final construction costs.
- All derivatives have a yellow and brown cover
N 16. Can you provide more information on the JCT Construction management contract?
- Used where a CM procurement route is chosen
- Used by experienced clients who understand the construction costs
- No real cost certainty until all packages are let
- Works are completed by a number of ‘Trade Contractors’, who are placed under a ‘Construction Management Trade Contract’.
- Trade contractors are contracted directly with the client
- The Construction Manager is only responsible for looking after the programme and construction.
- All derivatives have a Yellow and Brown cover.
N 17. Can you provide more information on the JCT Prime Cost Building Contract?
- Used on projects which require an early/quick start
- Usually on a cost plus basis, as the extent of the works are not known until the project is underway
- Has sub-contract forms
- All derivatives have a yellow and pink cover
N 18. Can you provide more information on the NEC Option A contract?
Priced Contract with an Activity Schedule
- For all types of clients, the balance of risk is mainly with the contractor
- It comes with/requires an activity schedule, containing a list of activities the contract expects is required to complete construction.
- Lump sum
N 19. Can you provide further information on the NEC Option B contract?
Priced Contract with a Bill of Quantities
- For all types of clients, the risk is mainly with the contractor
- Comes with a detailed BoQ, which can either be produced by the client or Contractor, which is a detailed statement of all the works that will be undertaken.
- Lump sum
N 20. Can you provide further information on NEC Option C contract?
See revision sheet
N 21. Can you provide further information on NEC Option D contract?
See revision sheet
N 22. Can you provide further information on NEC Option E contract?
See revision sheet