Level 2, lesson 5 Flashcards
La ciudad
la carta
Stairs/ ladder
La bolsa
this school
Esta escuela
Car (2 options)
Coche o carro
el apartamento
cerca de
To rest
To look for
To lend
To learn
To leave
To request
To prohibit
As soon as possible
Tan pronto como posible
To sweep
Give me the ball. I want to play this game (informal)
Dame la pelota. Quiero jugar este juego
Please use this kitchen because MINE is far away and it is dirty
Por favor usa esta cocina porque EL MIO es muy lejos y es sucia.
Please use it (2 options)
Por favor usala. Favor de usarla
Please eat IT
Por favor comeLO
There is broom over there. Please use it.
Hay una escoba alli. Por favor usala.
Before leaving today, please give me your schedule because I want to see it.
Antes de salir hoy, por favor dame tu horario porque quiero verlo
I would like to rest before leaving the house.
Me gustaria (Quisiera) descansar antes de salir DE la casa
Are you finishing the work today before leaving the building?
Terminas el trabajo hoy antes de salir del edificio?
Where do you live in Peru? Do you live in Lima? I have a friend that lives in Lima but she does not speak spanish.
Donde vives en Peru? Vives en Lima? Tengo una amiga que vive en Lima pero no habla espanol.
you want, you have, you are (present and past)
Quiere/queria, Tiene/tenia, Esta/estaba
Where were you (familiar) last night?
Donde estabas anoche?
I was cleaning the building and sweeping the floor before painting tomorrow afternoon.
Estaba limpia el edificio y barre el piso antes de pintar manana por la tarde.
You rest while I clean the kitchen.
Tu descansas mientras que limpia la concina
we talk with them every day.
Hablamos con ellos cada dia
They sleep in the bed in that room over there.
Ellos duermen en la cama en ese cuarto alli.
Will they translate this book from spanish to english?
Traducen este libro de espanol a ingles?
Can I use your phone now? I want to speak with them as soon as possible.
Puedo usar su telefono ahora mismo? Quiero hablar con ellos tan pronto como posible.
We buy all our clothes in this store because the prices are cheap.
Compramos toda nuestra ropa en esta tienda porque el precios son baratos
We open all the doors every morning and evening.
Abrimos todas las puertas cada manana y tarde.
We request that they talk to us in the morning.
Pedimos que ellos nos hablan en la manana.
I like the food and weather in mexico.
Me gusta la comida y el tiempo en mexico.
I had time to study spanish every day when I was not working.
Tenia tiempo para estudiar espanol cada dia cundo no estaba trabajando.
I will lend the book to my sister when I finish reading it.
Voy a prestar el libro a mi hermana cuando termino de leerlo.
I’m LOOKING FOR my husband because I am hungry and want to eat as soon as possible
BUSCO mi esposo porque tengo hambre y quiero comer tan pronto como posible.
I speak spanish, I am speaking spanish and I will speak spanish
Hablo espanol
I WILL OPEN the window when it is windy
ABRO la ventana cuando es ventoso.
Please SEE ME (2 options).
Por favor VEME or Favor de VERME