Level 2, lesson 4 Flashcards
To leave
Too much noise
Demasiado ruido
So delicious
Tan delicioso
As you ALREADY know
Como usted YA sabe
A glass of water
un vaso de agua
el postre
I would like
Quisiera (more polite than Me gustaria)
Que (no accent)
IR verbs finish with an E in present tense ie live, leave, write
vivir/vive, salir/sale, escribir/escribe
Does she leave at 5 today?
Sale (ella) a las cinco hoy
Are you practicing your spanish?
Pratica su espanol?
Will you study tomorrow?
Estudia manana?
Are you eating right now?
Come ahora mismo?
When do you leave?
Cuando sale?
What’s happening?
Que pasa?
Will you finish the job soon?
Termina el trabajo pronto?
Will you buy this one?
Compra este?
What are you studying? I’m studying spanish.
Que estudia? Estudio espanol
My aunt wants to live in New York but her family is here in California. Now she lives in Sacramento.
Mi tia quiere vivir en New York pero su familia esta aqui en California. Ahora ella vive in Sacramento.
She likes Sacramento but she prefers New York.
Ella le gusta Sacramento pero mas le gusta NY
She was in NY last year and she liked it very much. Once she went to eat in a different restaurant with some friends.
Ella estaba in NY el ano pasado y le gustaba mucho. Una vez ella fue a comer en un restaurante diferente con unas amigas.
I would like to see Fernando
Quisiera ver a Fernando
The girl who speaks spanish
La muchacha que habla espanol
The schedule that I want
El horario que quiero
The pen that I wanted
La pluma que queria
The money that you had
El dinero que tenia
The car that was here
El coche que estaba aqui
The woman who is buying the skirt
La mujer que compra la falda
There is a table over there that I want to use because the table that you have here is too small
Hay una mesa alli que quiero usar porque la mesa que usted tiene aqui es demasiado pequena.
It’s so delicious. I want more.
Es tan delicioso. Quiero mas
I would like the room which has the view of the beach.
Me gustaria (or Quisiera) el cuarto que tiene la vista de la playa.
I would like lots of towels because my son who is over there with his grandmother, like the beach a lot.
Quisiera muchas toallas porque my hijo que esta alli con su abuela, le gusta mucho la playa.
Please give me your schedule (2 options)
Favor de DARME su horario. Por favor DAME su horario
Please help me (2 options)
Favor de AYUDARME. Por favor AYUDAME
I talk, I am talking, I will talk
He eats a lot, he is eating a lot, he will eat
(El) Come mucho
I would like to see the menu for dinner tonight
Quisiera ver el menu para la cena esta noche
I would like a glass of water because I am thirsty
Quisiera un vaso de agua porque tengo sed.
I would like to rent the same car as my borther.
Quisiera rentar el mismo coche que mi hermano.
The knife that I wanted to use is silver like the fork that is on the table.
El cuchillo que queria usar es plata como el tenedor que esta sobre la mesa.
I had 2 balls of wool but needed another to finish the scarf.
Tenia dos pelotas (bolas) de lana pero queria (necesita) otra para terminar la bufanda
There is another book that I would like to borrow.
Hay otro libro que me gustaria pedir prestado