Level 2, lesson 2 Flashcards
the stairway
la escalera
the school
la escuela
the main entrance
la entrada principal
the schedule
el horario
the pencil
el lapiz
the pen
la pluma
the elevator
la ascensor
the exit
la salida
the teacher
el maestro (la … a)
I am, he is
Estoy, Esta
I was, he was
EstaBA, estaBA
I have, he has
Tengo, tiene
I had, he had
I want, he wants
Quiero, quiere
I wanted, he wanted
Queria, Queria
Where is your family? They are in the house
Donde esta su familia? Esta in la casa
Where is the elevator?
Donde esta el ascensor?
Where was your family in Mexico? They were in Puerto Vallarta.
Donde estaba su familia en Mexico? Estaba en PV
Where was Ricardo? He was here
Donde estaba Ricardo? Estaba aqui
Where was the course?
Donde estaba el curso?
Where was Francisco Monday, because I was here at 2:00 with the guy over there.
Donde estaba Fransicso el lunes porque yo estaba aqui a las dos con el tipo alli.
Is it possible to see me here Tuesday at 3:00?
Es posible verme aqui el martes at las tres?
Is there an elevator?
Hay un ascensor?
The book was here
El libor estaba aqui
There was a reservation
Habia una reservacion
Was the pen here?
Estaba la pluma aqui?
Was there a pen here?
Habia una pluma aqui?
The course was wonderful
El curso estaba maravilloso
I was here in the building and Marta was here too
Yo estaba aqui en el edificio y Marta estaba aqui tambien
He was here with me Tuesday
El estaba aqui conmigo el martes
Were you here at the job?
Estaba usted aqui en el trabajo?
How was the course?
Como estaba el curso?
How was Marta yesterday?
Como estaba Marta ayer?
Were you at work?
Estaba usted en el trabajo?
I was fine
Estaba bien
Pablo was sick Friday
Pablo estaba enfermo el viernes
I went to study at the school
Fui a estudiar en la escuela
There were problems with the door in the kitchen
Habia problemas con la puerta en la cocina
Did you go help?
Fue a ayudar?
There wasn’t a main entrance
No habia una entrada principal
You were there, weren’t you?
Usted estaba alli, no?
She was at home, wasn’t she?
Ella estaba en la casa, no?
There was a party at my sister’s house and her daughter has problems with her dog.
Habia una fiesta en la casa de mi hermana y la hija de ella tiene problemas con su perro.
I don’t understand. Why didn’t you call me on the telephone? I was here for 3 hours.
No entidendo. Por que usted no fue a llamarme por telefono? Yo estaba aqui por tres horas
My sister does not have a telephone and my cell phone doesn’t work
Mi hermana no tiene un telefono y mi telefono cellular no funciona
I had problems with your work yesterday. Is it possible to see me here Tuesday at 1:00, because I want to speak with you.
Tenia problemas con su trabajo ayer. Es posible verme aqui el martes a la una, porque quiero hablar con usted.
I enjoy the beach view from my window.
Yo gozo (from gozar) la vista del mar desde mi ventana
By the way, did you have your schedule with you yesterday?
A proposito, tenia (usted) su horario con usted ayer?
I was hungry and she was thirsty.
Yo tenia hambre y ella tenia sed
I was hot and I was in a hurry to leave
Tenia calor y tenia prisa para dejar
Ana wants to work on Friday but there are problems with her work especially in the office.
Ana quiere trabajar el viernes pero hay problemas con su trabajo sobre todo en la oficina.
Were you tired?
Estaba cansado?
PRONUNCIATION Santana (Santa Ana) rule Esta aqui
esta qui
PRONUNCIATION Santana (Santa Ana) rule Estaba alli
estaba lli
PRONUNCIATION Santana (Santa Ana) rule La casa azul
la casa zul
PRONUNCIATION Santana (Santa Ana) rule La habitacion
la bitacion
PRONUNCIATION Santana (Santa Ana) rule Mi hijo
mi jo
She wanted the pencil and I wanted the pen
Queria el lapiz y yo queria la pluma
I wanted coffee with cream and my husband here wanted a glass of hot water
Queria café con crema y mi esposo aqui queria un vaso de agua caliente
Do you have a dog?
Tiene un perro?
I want a cat
Quiero un gato
She wanted a rabbit
Usted queria un conejo
There was a cat on the table
Habia un gato sobre la mesa
Did you want an egg for breakfast
Queria un huevo para el desayuno?
Especially at the store
Sobre todo en la tienda