Level 2 Knowledge Test 2023 Flashcards
263- Major incident procedure
10.2 Tactical Co-ordination Group (TCG) ??10.9??
TCG- Co-ordinating group at the tactical level- ensure effective Communications & coordinate with each other and with strategic and operational functions.
466- BA
BA sector
In addition to stage 2, to coordinate and support BA resourcing, logistics and operations at incidents where large number of additional BA are required.
BA sector min rank Station Commander + if required.
BA sector commander responsible for establishing additional controls to coordinate all BA requirements.
BA sector function should be supported by crew of a pumping appliance and command unit.
466- BA Sector Commander duties
BA aide memoire No3
Don ‘BA Sector’ Commander surcoat.
Set up BA comms network with each ECPS and the IC- radio to IC channel not BA.
BA sector clock synchronised with initial ECB.
Identify location of each ECB, record name of each ECPS on the BA sector board CSS.
Ensure stage 2 applied to each board and correctly resourced.
Regularly update IC- assessment of BA resources and requirements and operational activities.
Establish and record the requirements of BA relief teams required by ECPS.
Record and update the info on the VA sector board- suitable and sufficient records.
Have sufficient BA wearers to provide relief teams- and dispatch to each ECPS to arrive in time.
Establish and monitor a BA equipment pool
Be responsible for BA wearer welfare and establish and appropriate area for hydration/ rest and recuperation.
Recommit SDBA (for 2nd wear only) if no fresh BA wearers- ensure had min. Rest and recovery. (BA wearers both SDBA and EDBA only to be used in exceptional circumstances).
Set up a BA maintenance area away from scene of operations.
Ensure DTW procedure and notifications are followed,
Use an additional BA sector to record other Brigades/ agencies- at incident.
467- Subsurface procedure
Sect 3 General.
Incidents at extensive sub surface premises where there is no evidence of unsafe conditions at surface level may require the implementation of special procedures that allow:
A reconnaissance team wearing BA (not started up) to be committed.
BA ECP to be set at Co s bridgehead within the premises.
In recognition of inherent risks attached to sub surface- following principles must be followed.
Only implemented when no evidence of unsafe conditions at surface level.
These should not be adopted at sewer incidents or other risks where presence of unseen toxic gas may be expected.
All personnel proceeding below surface level must be equipped with a BA set and operate in teams of two- until UC decides BA not required
A record of all personnel working below ground must be kept at surface level,
759 BA- protection from particulates Sect 4 use of respirators
Before deployed a risk assessment to be carried out to include-
Nature and hazard of particulate.
Whether deployment is inside or outside.
Whether confined space involved.
Tasks to be performed,
Confirmation that if fire was involved, it has been extinguished and area cooled and ventilated (except grass/ woodland).
Likely deterioration of the incident,
Travel distances involved.
Whether DIM- detection, identification and monitoring required.
Scientific advice required.
971 Joint emergency services interoperability principles JESIP
Section 7 joint decision making/ model
Decision making in incident management follows a general pattern of: Situation, Deciding and Action.
Working out what’s going on- SITUATION.
Establishing what you need to achieve DIRECTION.
Deciding what to do about it ACTION, all informed by a statement and understanding of overarching values and purpose,
What is the JDM- joint decision model?
One of the difficulties facing responding agencies from different responding agencies is how to bring together the available information, reconcile potentially different priorities and then make effective decisions together.
Working together to save lives, reducing harm.
Joint decision log- with rationale.
Once established situational awareness- preferred end state- working strategy - what trying to achieve and how we are going to achieve it…
979 Rescue
5- additional control measures rescue from vehicles
Our main partners on road network- police, highways agency, local authorities, ambulance and paramedics and vehicle recovery agents.
Police retain overall primacy.
Highways agency manage traffic, reduce congestion and improve traffic flows- police guidance states that they and HA have responsibility to provide a safe working area for other services. The LFB incident Commander is responsible for the safety of LFB personnel and for the impact of LFB operations on others.
979 Rescue
13- additional control measures rescue from confined spaces
Entry into confined space should not be made in an uncontrolled manner.
Entry into a confined space not undertaken unless-
to save a saveable life
If the incident cannot be resolved safely unless an entry into a confined space is made.
Documented and recorded on key decision log- analytical risk assessment.
IC check all available hazard signage at site/ surrounding risks.
Site engineer RP to provide info/ plan etc
Early deployment of safety/ sector commanders.
Etc etc
979 Rescue
13- additional control measures rescue from silos
Silo- container/ tower cylindrical, used for storage of silage, grain, powders, pellets, crops.
Personnel not enter- unless immediate threat of serious injury or loss of life.
If decision made to comity personnel into a silo, the IC must/
Seek advise from RP and/ or TAR before commencing operations the following info obtained-
If silo empty, contents previously stored and whether any decommissioning has taken place, explosive risk and extent of safe working area, availability of on- site specialist equipment, fixed installations available and/ or activated.Water supplies and effects of applying extinguishing media on contents/ structure.
Implement Level 2 line ops
Ensure adequate light/ ventilation inside silo.
Appoint and brief safety officers before personnel enter the silo,
Gas monitor use- bridging- irrespirable atmosphere.
Content- dislodged- behavioural characteristics.
TIC- locate casualties/ beware not intrinsically safe.
Equipment- not being used return to ground- prevent falling hazard.
Vehicles/ staff prevented from tipping in contents at another access point.
Crews entering led by LFF minimum.
If silo has discharge mechanism/ set to closed position,- FF placed by mechanism.
Consider use of fine spray to reduce/ prevent dust build up.
979 Rescue
13 additional control measures rescue from sewers
Thames water RP brief IC layout size, access points, what employees doing, last known location, any specific hazards and possible nature of injuries.
Despite Thames Water safety measures- some risk of personnel becoming overcome or trapped within sewers, or unauthorised persons becoming trapped etc.
If decision made to commit personnel into a sewer-
Seek advice from site representative- control.
Request weather info- rainfall
Send informative stating personnel being deployed below ground- include number of personnel, location and activities carrying out.
Etc etc
979 Rescue
16.2 additional control measures rescue Level 3 water ops- wading
Level 1- 3m unprotected waters edge- talk, reach, throw. Enter, no danger of being swept off feet and structural not compromised.
Level 2- entering- wading SRT ideally- safety measures.
Wade- other than exceptional circumstances, a wade rescue can only be carried out by FRU SRT. Was rescue defined as, where circumstances dictate, it may be necessary to enter the water and then carry out a ,’reach’ or ‘throw’ rescue,
979 Rescue
16.3 additional control measures rescue level 3 water operations from vehicles.
Vehicle water buoyant, water reaches cill and can move in uncontrolled fashion.
IC make contact with occupants- reassure them and brief on plan,
Pose risk/ hazards- uncontrolled movement of vehicle impacting or trapping casualty/ rescuer.
Hazardous fluids leaking.
Sharps and snagging hazards in vehicle.
Upstream/ downstream siphon and entrapment hazards.
Unpredicted failure if roles/ lines under tension.
979 Rescues
18- Additional hazards- working from height
Covers activities where possibility of a fall involving a distance liable to cause injury, even if it’s below ground.
Unguarded edges
Falling objects
Exposure to inclement weather
RF antenna
Live electrical apparatus of cables
Biohazards from birds and other animal activity
Physiological effects of hanging in a harness- suspension syncope/ orthostatic shock.
979 Rescues
19- additional control measures- rescues from height
Explain Level 1 & Level 2 line ops
Line ops FRU appliances/ Line ops capability- technical skills and technical rescue centre-
4 personnel.
Line ops team leader- must be FRU line operations technician.
Line ops team safety officer- FRU line ops technician final check
Rescuer- FRU line ops technician.
2 x operators at least one FRU line ops technician.
IC required SSOW at height request FRU for line ops level 1.
If require rescue- raise or lower IC state line ops level 2 ops.
979 Rescues- working from height- explain- level 1 level 2
Support officer
Level 1- SSOW for FFs line ops stand by
Level 2- raise or lower for rescue
Distinction between level 1 and level 2 is that in level 1 the individual is wholly supporting their own weight and using equipment to provide back up whereas level 2 the individual is wholly reliant on equipment to both support their weight and provide the back up.
To support L1 & L2- number of senior officers are trained as technical rescue tactical advisors (TAR) to provide advice and liaise with incident commanders.
979- Rescues- additional control measures-
25- rescues from collapsed structures and environments
London authorities- have full powers to deal with structures which may become dangerous-
Dangerous structures engineer.
Control, cordon off, erecting barriers.
LFB memorandum of understanding with NESST- national emergency services support task force- request via USAR advisor.
Require investigation by HSE/ police - preserve evidence.
Extreme public pressure- early stages.
IC plan for protracted.
After structural collapse rest will be unsafe condition,
Heightened risk of injury..
Obstructed access
Restricted vision
Underfoot conditions
Falling objects
Overhanging hazards
Airborne particulates
Oxygen deficient atmosphere
Secondary collapse
Weight and position of casualties
Bulk and weight of debris
Explosive/ flammable atmospheres
Further acts of terrorism…
Request DSE
USAR advisor- develop operational plan and advise on any additional USAR resources.
Specialist teams from partner agencies
USAR modules- RVP
Appliance and equipment further vibrations/ collapse.
Six stages of rescue- REPEAT
Reconnaissance and survey
Elimination of utilities
Primary surface search and rescue
Exploration of voids/ spaces
Access by selected debris removal
Termination by general debris removal
979- rescues- what are NGOs?
Non government organisations
Capability for S & R
Large incidents can attract- offer of assistance.
IC to be aware may attend, various levels of PPE.
Refer all offers of help to OOD, via LOC- duty DAC for consideration and approval.