Briefing Flashcards
What do the individual letters in METHANE relate to?
Major Incident Exact location Type of Incident Hazard/ Controls Access/ RVP Number and types of casualties Emergency service required
What does abbreviations CARP
Stand for?
And when is it used?
Incident comm briefing a role - for example a sector commander
Imagine an incident…
Now practice giving a brief to an oncoming Police Officer
(could be something like…)
Intro IC xx is there anything you need from me?
Brief description of incident
I would like you to do x, y and z Traffic management plan- avoid immediate area
Evacuation plan for flats/ office
Locate safe area for persons evacuated- hall/ church with LALO/ community support team
Gather details from them- name, flat number, contact numberetc
Large numbers of people- manage
Please confirm (any question?)
Please could we have your name and contact number- in case we need to get hold of you.
We will be holding a TCG at xx:xx to review progress and formulate strategy
Practise briefing HART or LAS- think of a complicated incident and think of key points on briefing
Did you utilise METHANE? Major Exact location Type of incident Hazard/ controls Access/ RVP Number and type of casualties Emergency service required
Or Intro IC xx Brief description of incident Situation and what you would like them to do Any questions Obtain name call sign and contact number TCG at xx to review progress and plan strategy
You arrive at a four pump fire and as you arrive it is made 6. Once you have gathered all information from the IC what should you do?
State to the IC - I am taking over and ensure
Inform control of new IC- tactical mode
Inform fire ground of new IC
Take IC tabard
Tactical mode
You have just taken command of a eight pump fire as GC and the first additional SC arrives. Think about how you will utilise.
Practise a briefing, before turning over..
I am IC xx
What have you come as- any other attributes? Backfill.
Brief description-
building, Life, Fire and Hazards.
SC x I would like you to take command of Sector 1/ safety the front face and internal area of the building. From point a to point b. Currently Sub O xx is running that sector- please utilise as required - BA
Please report back to me every 15 minutes utilising CARP
Or if anything risk critical
What is your call sign, name
Any questions
Water supplies are poor the SC BMA arrives on scene- what is your brief?
IC xx Brief Description SHOP AC LFH Water supplies poor/ over running supplies- why? what supplies have you utilised/ MDT/ how many branches/ conditions/ run off Likely escalation SECTOR WATER Need a plan to help improve Inform if additional resources BMA would require EA control run off Thames water HVP HL etc
You are IC at a large industrial fire with copious amounts of run off going into a stream, the EA arrive what is your brief?
IC xx
Brief Description (NEED MORE DETAIL)
Crews have utilised EA damage control packs but still run off.
Looking to develop a plan to reduce run off
Wind direction/ pollution
Joint message for local community
Any suggestions or strategy they recommend
Contact number and name
TCG at xx:xx
You are IC at high rise incident and an FSG call has just been received- what are your actions?
Ensure all information is captured (is info matched on MDT tablet) and relay info to fire sector/ bridgehead to either divert resources or instruct officer as fire survival guidance coordinator.
Establish structure- FSG coordinator- check MDT est airwave channel, deploy crews to resolve. Nominate dedicated officer to deal with FSG coordinator and get SC FSG Sector/ P/ CU (link in with control dedicated airwave channel) to assist take over on arrival. Ensure you are informed of progress.
Send informative with actions.
Using the abbreviation BUDAPEST for a message- what do letters stand for?
Building Use Dimensions Alight percentage Persons involved Equipment being used Special operating procedures (HR/ Basement etc) Tactical mode
What is the PDA for a six pump fire including officers?
6x PA (1 x 135) 3x WMR 1x FIU (not for grass) 2x CU 2x SM 1x GM as MO 1x PR 1x FS (nfg)
What is the PDA for an 8 pump incident?
8x PA 1x 135 (PA) 3x WMR 1x FIU (not for grass) 2x CU 3x SM 1x GM IC 7-10 Pumps 1x FS (nfg) 1x PR 1x DAC as MO 1x DCU
What resources are available on request only?
Aerial 32 or.64 Staff welfare- PHU Lighting Highly volume pump HVP Hose Layer Unit HL Mass Decon Unit MDU Bulk Foam Unit BFU USAR prime mover Drone team Community engagement team Scientific Support Unit SSU All wheel drive vehicle AWD
How many calls will be considered multiple?
Four or more calls to a fire in a building will be classed as ‘multiple calls’
When received 1xSM 1x Command Unit
Will be ordered.
As a general rule reliefs should be ordered how long in advance?
90 minutes
What are the incident type codes
A Fires
B Special service
C Haz Sub Surfaces
What are the incident type codes
D Tunnels
E Aircraft/ airports
What are the incident type codes
G Special procedures
H suspect Explosion/ incendiary device
J Waterborne incident
What is the PDA for a 9-12 pump fire?
9- 12x PA 1x 135 (PA) 4x WMR 1x FRU 1x FIU (not for grass) 2x CU 5x SM 2x GM IC 7-10 Pumps 1x FS (nfg) 1x PR 1x DAC (MO/ IC 11-15 pumps) 1x AC as MO 1x DCU
What additional resources arrive at a 13+ pump fire? (Compared to 9-12)
Additional appliances (13) 1 additional WMR (5) 1 additional SM (6) 1 additional GM (3) DAC IC 11-15 AC MO IC 16+
Explain the BA Sector
Set up in addition to Stage 2 in order to coordinate and support BA resourcing, logistics and ops at incident- where large number or additional BA are required.
BA Sector Commander
Min role SM.
Supported by crew from appliance and CU and BA Sector assistant.
Aide memoirs no 3.
Explain a ‘ Key decision’?
How is it recorded?
Operational discretion
4.6 Key decision is where a decision is made to carry out actions that amend or change a current operational procedure.
This will need to be recorded in a KDL and a risk assessment of activity undertaken.
Form 6182 or CU via CSS.
What is the difference between a key decision log and a decision log?
Decision log is where policy is not amended and additional safety measures are not needed but still
For example- long term closure of railway line/ road- no impact on firefighters but still an important decision that needs recording.
What information should be included in a simple decision log?
Name of person making decision A decision number The time log entry made The time that the action was, or intended to be carried out Location on incident ground A description of action Rational underpinning the decision What is the anticipated impact- who will be affected for how long...
What is operational discretion?
Operational discretion (DRA) is used to achieve a specific objective, move away from policy justifiable risk to benefit- min. necessary to achieve objective and min exposed to increased level of risk
DRA 342 section 1.11
This then needs to be logged 828 KDL
What info is on the Key Decision Log Form 6182?
Incident details- number date, name, decision number, time and role at incident
Location at incident (decision refers to)
Proposed action- activity
Reason/ rational- benefit/ what will it achieve
Hazard/ Risks identified
Control measures to minimise risk- specific
Risk ranking (Risk =.Severity x Likelihood) 5 point scale (25 max = red 16+ very likely single or multiple fatalities Amber 8 to 15 down to 1-5 Green
When you receive pager message talk through the information you can obtain?
Time of call- day/ night My call sign Inform or Mob Incident number with date Incident code Address with postcode Type of incident RVP Map ref Radio group Role
When you contact control after receiving pager message what should you do?
Confirm call sign and pager message for you and specific role.
Run through message
Appliances attending- on their own ground
OIC Name
How many calls, who made and what are they saying- single multiple 4+.
999 eye
Persons involved/ reported
Time of initial call
In attendance or en route
Messages received (within 20 mins)
Under writes/ special note of interest
Any incidents in area or Brigade?
Listen for MDT RVP ICP TM
5 x Rs
Any other agencies requested/ attending?
Any information you think I may have missed?
Status 2 if mobilising
If you are remote monitoring and suspect incident may escalate what 5 Rs can you gather info on?
Route- in out access and egress
Roads- suitable RVP
Rivers- in out environment impact or potential open water source
Railways- impact or operational difficulties
Risks- affected premises MDT/ Farynor and surrounding- use ORD
En route considerations and expectations OAT
On arrival tactics OAT Siting appliances Water supplies Weight of attack Recon 360 at rear SSOW- PPE/ basement/ HR etc Relevant procedure Use of fixed installations Activity levels - tempo MDT ICP RVP TM to match activities DRA
You arrive at an incident as monitoring officer what do you expect of the IC?
IC in prominent position, wearing IC tabard Information gathering/ liaison Suitably resourced Clear objective Managed plan Allocated responsibilities Common communications structure Anticipated progress
What are your three first priorities at a fire incident?
Cover these before you move on to other issues…
What are your actions as you approach and arrive at an incident? Outer and inner cordons
Outer cordon Park in position not to block operations Observe incident and crews while donning PPE- tempo activities Listen to fire ground radio traffic Impact on community Police Public excluded
Inner cordon Stability security of scene Focal point ICP Command point resourced Correct procedures twinned BA ECO vehicle stable Crew energy levels Location of IC
You take over as IC at an incident, what are your other priorities once you have considered Life, fire and hazards?
LFH (always return to these if not resolved) Water supplies SSOW Safety ARA Info MDT local knowledge plans Tactical mode Utilities RVP Marshalling 360 Resources Specialist officers RVP/ marshalling Sectors/ support officers Fixed installations Damage/ salvage Environment TCG Silver methane/ multi agency meeting Business continuity Press Investigations
Name Sector support officers
Sector commanders
BA Sector
Damage/ salvage
What is a small known fire?
Bin or small item alight in a room, not a room on fire- HR would acceptable for a small known fire but not a room on fire!
What should you base your decisions on?
Base decisions on information that we know
Name as many specialist officers that can support you as IC
Monitoring officer ORT NILO TA USAR UA BMA SA Haz mat HMEPO SAI SFSO Press FI Loggist Drone team USAR
Pager message
Verbalise out each element
After pager contact control- what am I going to ask
No of calls
999 eye images
SC in charge/ en route/ IC in attendance
Number of calls
Underwrites RAAC
5 R s
Other agencies in attendance
After pager and control- may get asked
Thoughts and expectations
On arrival what I’m expecting
How can I utilise JESIP partners better- Police MPS, LAS, LALO
Traffic management/ avoid area tweet/ joint up messaging.
Cordon outer
People management
Evacuation plans
Recording with body worn cameras
Casualty handling area
Refuge for evacuees/ displaced members of public
Resource grid
Get these sorted and working and use to brief and inform
Overview of situation
Awareness of what’s happening
Nature and implications of the incident
How anticipate it developing
Safety critical information
Location of hazards- are they involved?
Area and details of access, egress and escape routes
Control measures
Safety officers
LFB support officers
External agencies
Explain OBJECTIVES use
LFH etc
Overall objectives to be achieved
Detail- Rescue casualties- detail - where etc
Resolve FSG 2 adults on 4th floor room x at rear- (plan rescue with smoke hoods, rear staircase)
rescue with
How will their role or task contribute to that objective
Add more
Crew welfare
Community impact
Business continuity
Actions or tactics to be employed
Safest way to achieve objectives
Resources available
Means by which further requested
Sector 1 deploy resolve FSG- deploy BA crew with jet to x rescue 1 adult from room x.
Ask Qs clarify
Confirm understanding- verbalise
Ask to verbalise brief
What do I want in terms of frequency and report- risk critical deal and communication every 10/ 15 minutes progress.
Unless change or risk critical info.
Channel 9, will be setting up incident command channel if escalated further.
First getting on CU
Good morning GC Cousins.
Team leader- hello - etc names on board- please could you book me on.. Looking forward to working with you. I will be obtaining info from IC2, please could you inform incident ground and only relay risk critical info- last informative message/ tactical mode?
ORD info
Persons who are here- RP, police, LAS?
Join Briefing
thank you.
IC I am GC Cousins- here to support, guide and assist.
Please can you detail full SHOP AC brief.
Are you dealing with anything risk critical- if so action.
Team can we update board with info…SHOP AC
Team leader listen in.
Time line
Resource grid
Thank you
GC- role at an incident
Act like a GC
Big picture
Slow down and control tempo
One thing at a time well
Clear full briefs
HMEPO- how can they assist me
Appropriate control measures
Chem data
PPE/ half masks
Level of incident
Emergency action code
Cannabis- coordinate with police/ NILO- electrics/ boobie traps/ crime scene FI
Safety sector considerations
Appoint safety officer in each sector- name rank min. LFF
SSOW ie basement/ HR procedure
Complete ARA- check following policy/ control measures in place
Evacuation RVP identify
Firefighter safety maxim
At every incident the greater the potential benefit of fire and rescue actions, the greater the risk that is accepted by commanders and firefighters. Activities that present a high risk to safety are limited to those that have the potential to save life or to prevent rapid and significant escalation of the incident.
ICs objectives in relation to safety
Minimise danger and protect life, property and the environment- ensure SSOW.
Developed, maintained and reviewed throughout the incident.
How to develop safe working area?
Identify hazards and risks
Identify who is at risk and evaluate those risks
Select the most appropriate control measure
Consider benefit of proceeding with actions, taking account of the risk
Take into account any time constraints
Explain ARA- analytical risk assessment
ARA- more detailed risk assessments- have you completed one before?
Written record of significant hazards at the incident completed on my behalf.
Prioritise- most hazardous first.
Associated risks, those at risk, likelihood and severity of the associated risk- control measures to mitigate the risk.
Risk/ benefit analysis.
When to use an ARA
Used to underpin the continuous assessment and control risks at an incident.
IC recognises an enhanced supervision of safety and coincides with appointment of a Safety Sector Comlander
Hierarchal approach to safety
Engineering controls
Administrative controls
Personal protective clothes/ equipment
Safety ARA assessment- define risk
Likelihood (probability)
Severity (consequence)
Risk/ benefit analysis
Who to get advice from…SME
LFB tactical advisors
Technical rescue advisors TA
Hazardous material
Environmental protection officers HMEPO
How often should the ARA be reviewed?
Reviewed- change to risk or benefit.
Worsening of the operational environment or new/ previously unidentified hazard are identified,
Who to communicate ARA to?
Changes announced sector/ partners and new actions implemented,
Key findings shared with all responders.
Form part of multi agency decision making process- JESIP.(and methane)
Tactical mode to Brigade Control.
What should I declare every time and consider afterwards.
Tactical mode
Explain tactical mode offensive/ defensive
Offensive- all sectors
Defensive- all sectors
If some offensive/ some defensive- detail which.
Sector 1 offensive, sector 2 defensive so on…
If withdrawing from an area to safety what should I do??
Tactical withdrawal of responders in progress or emergency evacuation of responders in progress.
Once confirmed all out of hazard zone- Sector x- TM Delta…
Role of Safety Sector Commander
Coordinate work of safety officers (LFFs) deployed across incident/ sectors
Min rank SC
Responsible for-
Surveying operational sectors, identifying hazards and advising the sector commanders
Working with sector safety officers to support the exchange of info
Confirm validity of the initial risk assessment and recording this as appropriate
Collating and recording an ARA (analytical risk assessment)
Providing additional monitoring of safety for sector commanders
Working with the IC or Operations Commander
Reporting H & S issues
Reviewing ARA timely fashion
Acting on behalf of IC
What is an emergency evacuation? When?
Immediate and controlled withdrawal of all personnel from the scene of operations to a place of safety.
Initiated when unsafe conditions are detected which place personnel at an unacceptable level of risk v benefit.
Any FF personnel can initiate but IC must be informed- other repeat signal.
Muster point established- usually initial ICP or CU.
Short blasts whistle.
Multi agency informed of signal.
BA evacuate all
Priority radio message.
Roll call- all agencies
Declare/ review- tactical mode
What is a tactical withdrawal
Redeploy resources or move personnel away from a risk- tactical withdrawal- does not need evacuation signal/ or full roll call.
Explain a firefighter emergency and what actions IC should take.
Fire service personnel or persons working under the control of LFB, are unaccounted for and/ or are in need of rescue.
Roll call
Send From x at y, Firefighter emergency, tactical mode Oscar
Brigade mobilise predetermined attendance, in addition to appliances in attendance.
Consider RVP.
PDA for firefighter emergency? Mobilise/ inform
6 x pumps inc 3 x Stn O
2 x FRU
Fire investigation unit FIU
Command unit CU
An ambulance
Press liaison officer PLO
Senior fire safety officer SFSO
3 x Station Commanders
Senior accident investigator
SEND PRIORITY then Informative TM
Duty AC
Duty DAC
Directors staff officers
USAR rescue advisor
Duty radio officer
Duty press officer
Counselling and trauma services
IC other considerations
Multi agency meeting
Marshalling / RVP
Crew welfare- PHU lighting
Relief plan…
Media/ press
Community impact team/ LALO
Communications- multi agency
Things to think about as GC
I am a GC
75% front facing 25% rear
Control tempo
Do one thing at a time- well!
Review plan
Review risks-ARA
Review resources
Review salvage plan/ RP
Crew welfare/ reliefs
Business continuity
Messages- tactical mode
High rise sectors
Fire sector commander- fire floor- 1 above/ 1 below
Lobby sector Commander- below fire
Search sector above fire
BA sector
FSG sector w coordinator
Safety sector
What can the NILO do for me?
Support IC in strategic and tactical coordination groups, or remotely for guidance, advice and support.
Link between Brigade and multi agency partners- aid decision making and incident resolution.
Interoperable working
Intelligence/ sharing
Planning Etc
Major incidents
Complex or protracted police led incidents
Spontaneous and/ or planned serious public order
What does a Tactical rescue advisor help with?
Line and water operations
What can a USAR/ UA assist with?
Available remotely for advice
Potential collapse, shoring up etc
Large area for prime movers/ RVP large 25m x 8m each
Six stages of rescue
Incident near Thames consideration?
Fire boat
River Thames Grid mobilising system
Tidal- Teddington to Erith
21 strategic APs Access Points along Thames (plus another 30 if primary unavailable).
Each AP unique identifier AP 25N access point 25 on North bank
Appropriate for appliances and fire boats- access/ egress from river.
TA line ops
Railway hazards/ controls
Think safety- unfamiliar operational environment.
Access/ location
Movement of trains
Variety of rolling stock
Transport of hazardous materials-TOPs info system/ HMEPO
Electrical power supplies
Track hazard
Overhead line equipment/ OLE
Liaise with RIO
Safety/ lookouts signal RVP muster point
Brief Team leader in SHOP AC- brief on coming Officers
Large incident considerations
RVP large with marshalling area
Comms channel- command team
Press/ public interest- comms- crowds
Welfare PHU
Lighting Salvation army
Community engagement team
What can HMEPO assist with?
Provide advice to the IC
ID hazards
Chem data
Liaise with Scientic advisor/ technical advisors/ EA
Manage RRT/ DIM- unidentified
Confirm if it’s a hazardous materials incident
Cordons- appropriate to risk
PPE- level of
Decontamination plan/ resources
Evaluate and plan to deal with safely
Safety- consider briefing personal hygiene/ hydration.
Run off following fire- foam/ water.
Smoke plume- hazard manager software provided by Met office- on CU- predict smoke plume/ vapour cloud dispersal.
If hazardous- inform Public Health England PHE
Based on situation and hazards are my objectives and plan effective?
Accurate assessment of what you have heard and seen? Have I missed anything?
Brief damage control/ salvage sector
Functional role
Damage control plan
Liaise with RP/ establish effective comms
On Site specific plan/ expertise/ contingency
Valuable items- moved/ covered/ raised to protect- safe place!
Those closet to risk first/ prioritise
Inventory of items
Security RP
Fragile items/ protected
Doors closed- prevent fire/ smoke spread
Crew etc
IC ground level
Designated fire control centre
Additional resources
Location of fire/ persons
Fixed installations
Ventilation systems
SFSO advise
AFA panel sprinklers- prior to BA committing
Sufficient weight of attack 45mm 230lpm
Access/ egress protected
Basement procedure implemented- tactical mode Oscar
Stage 2 BA
Declare EDBA- 3 appliances
Guide lines
Decontamination of crews/ rest- metabolic heat stress/ hydration
Comms- leaky feeder
Water supply
Ventilation- stall boards
Fixed installations- falling mains, sprinkler system, foam inlets, mechanical ventilation, gas flooding systems, protected shafts/ lifts etc
Plans complex
Thermal barrier
Early reliefs
Lithium ion incidents
Thermal runaway- chemical reaction- toxic gas
White vapour gases- explosive
Blast/ shrapnel
Large volume of water
Electrical charge- arcing
Chem data/ crash data
HMEPO/ environmental officer run off
One thing
It’s a game….
Act and behave like a GC from start to finish- unflappable and in control
Basement hazards
FIRE BEHAVIOUR- metabolic heat stress, higher temps- entry point, limited ventilation- increased likelihood of backdraft,
Uncontrolled ventilation in other parts influencing fire behaviour.
LAYOUT- complex- several levels, extend beyond building footprint, access/ egress restricted, cramped conditions, poor lighting, sun surface + travel distances = loss of comms between surface/ sub surface.
STORAGE- hoarding, high stacking, collapse goods/ racking. Likelihood of processes, plant and storage- diff conditions.
Basement Control Measures
IC remain at ground level
Fire Control Centre
Impact of ducting- within and to other parts- covering jets.
Personnel committed to basement- minimum to complete task.
Sufficient weight of attack-
45mm 230lpm
Access/ egress routes kept clear and suitably protected
Early implementation of stage 2 BA entry control.
Use of extended duration breathing apparatus EDBA
The use of guide lines is considered for more complex basements??
When can ‘Basement procedure implemented’ be declared?
Once IC committed BA teams to the basement area with min of 45mm hose line (230lpm) and a team to protect the egress route with a second 45mm hose line.
Other basement considerations
Physically demanding- metabolic heat stress
Early reliefs
BA teams not recommitted (unless exceptional)
Welfare for crews- hydration
VENTILATION- not while crews committed- influx of oxygen- rapid fire spread/ back draft.
Incident command system
Populated and set up??
Command support sector- intermediate and advanced
Cordons/ gateways
Functional officers
Access routes/ RVPs
Marshalling and appliance positioning
Evacuation points
Co ordinate multi agency briefings
Collate ARA in absence of Safety Sector Commander
Co ordinate media liaison
BA Sectors role
Functional role- coordinating and supporting BA resourcing, logistics and operations at incidents where large number of BA resources are required.
Set up comms network with each ECPS and IC.
Syncr clocks, stage 2 etc
Equip, resources, personnel- welfare etc.
Sector Commander
Appointed in charge of defined physical, geographical or functional area of operations.
Command resources within their sector.
Obtain brief from IC
Implement ICs plan
Set priorities and objectives for their area of operations.
Manage and deploy resources.
Communicate with personnel in their sector and IC
Brief/ de- brief- support situational awareness.
Key info recorded- forward info board/ ICW.
Provide updates to IC/ Ops C.
Seek approval to change tactical mode…
Operations Commander
Supervise and coordinate operations.
IC maintain workable span of control.
Damage control
Damage control sector- functional.
Consider at earliest stage
ORD/ heritage team fire safety
Liaise with RP- implement any on site damage control plans
‘Emergency response and salvage plan’
Grab sheets- show crews- what/ where…how to remove/ protect/ cover up etc
Utilise on site teams, equipment and expertise.
Prioritise- work away from area of highest risk outward.
Supply resources to implement.
Three phases:
1. work at same time as FFing
2. Mitigate damage which already occurred
3. Prevent subsequent damage or loss.
Request OSU…
If working with non LFB we are responsible for their H & S.
Duty in LFB to take reasonable steps to mitigate damage and reduce loss…
What’s important- contents or building???
Damage control- potential hazards
Hazards likely to be same- unless remote from scene….
Manual handling
Irrespirable or hazardous atmospheres
Damaged/ dangerous structures
Explosions- damaged utilities- gas build up
Exposed electrical utilities
Unexpected fire spread
Flooded environments
Hazardous materials
Operating at night/ poor visibility.
What equip does an OSU carry?
IC must request specific equipment-
Resource packs
Damage control- scoops/ squeegee etc
Water removal- aqua vac, submersible pumps.
BA- BA Sector- EDBA etc
Environmental pack- Absorption and/ or booms or containment
Motorised rescue trolley
Smoke extractor kit
Mega warehouse- storage/ large distribution premises
Size and travel distances
Numerous access/ egress points
Processes going on inside
Robots- complex automation
Lithium ion
Large numbers of staff
Limited compartment
Size/ travel distances
Means of escape
FF facilities/ access
Effectiveness of sprinklers
Frames- grid- access difficulties
Consider life risk- roll call
On site staff/ RP
Plans- fixed installations- fire control rooms.
EDBA- penetration
Suppression systems
Continually monitor structure- aerial look outs??
Ensure effective tactical w, emergency evac plan put in place.
Consider defensive FFing
Care home fire considerations
Progressive horizontal evacuation
Fire panel
Fixed installations
RP staff/ plan
Evacuation strategy- FFing not to hinder
Mobility aids
Type of persons within
Hazards- oxygen/ mattresses
Find suitable alternative
Community engagement team
Lithium-ion batteries
Thermal runaway
White vapour gases
Water run off/ EA
Explosion risk
Isolate electrical charge points
Arc/ flashing
Brief team leader
Good morning.
Team leader plus command team.
My name is GC Cousins.
I will be getting a SHOP AC handover brief from IC2/ SC xx (in order to take over as IC).
Listen in as I will be asking you to brief oncoming officers/ partner agencies on Generic situation and hazards
Can you write your names down,
Can we keep noise levels down.
I’d like you to inform Incident ground handover/ briefing is taking place- filter out information unless risk critical.
Also like you to listen into SHOP AC briefing.
Manage the CU door and brief officers on initial generic brief- Situation/ Hazards so I can carry out task specific brief.
Need plan/ hazards plus control
Resource grid
I want you to start a time line of the incident, is CSS working?
I would like to start logging all decisions/ key decisions.
I would like a hazard inventory with control measures.
Lastly when an action needs managing I’d like this written on the board.
As example- write down Sector safety, multi agency meeting, damage control, welfare/ reliefs, press/ media- as an action that needs to be arranged once resources allow.
IC driving incident forward
Populate CSS
Map incident ground
Include pumps, jets, BA in each sector
Objectives on white board
Multi agency meeting in 30
Relief plan in 1 hour
Phase 1 damage control now- start when resources are available
When was the last informative
Tactical mode
Thank you
Sector Safety Briefing
Received a generic brief?
We have a blah blah- x persons unaccounted, currently xx pump fire, x sectors in place. Current hazards as follows
I want you to be Sector Safety.
Have you carried out this role before- if not aide memoire.
I want you to go to each sector introduce to Sector Commander and explain role- I want you to ensure safety officers are in place- name rank briefed.
Aware of hazards in sector and have appropriate control measures to mitigate risk.
Ensure SSOW implemented in each sector.
If you need to make changes go through Sector Commander.
I want you to complete the ARA in each Sector.and return to CU to update my hazard board- showing hazard, risk and control measures in place. As you can see on the board- as you go around each sector can you confirm this is actually what I do have.
You are to communicate in channel 9. Any questions.
Fire Sector Commander briefing
Have you had a generic brief?
We have a xx block of xx floors xx m x xx m. A fire on x floor- xx flat. Xx persons unaccounted. HR procedures in place. Bridgehead located on the xx floor.
Resources at bridgehead,
I want you to go to bridgehead and be my Fire Sector Commander.
Responsible for all firefighting and search operations within the fire sector. Which is floors x to y.
Anything specific flat involved?
Ensure you have comms officer, safety and all risks identified with appropriate control measures in place.
If need make use of floor below for staging area- ensure all crews monitoring BA channel, FIB, ORD ePIP, plans.
Locate a SFSO to assist with tactics.
Communicate with me on channel 9- regular updates.
Your sector current Tactical mode is Oscar.
If need to change to Delta you have authority but let me know.
I want you to make Stn Officer- search sector coordinate during handover.
Command Support brief
I want you to be my Command Support- have you done this before?
Responsible for establishing links between all functional sectors (not safety - I want to report direct to me) and partners at this incident- except safety as I want them working directly for me.
Please ensure all contact numbers are on the board.
We have a second CU in attendance, please ensure multi agency meeting is on that CU on time.
Anything risk critical let me know.
Command team can we establish an additional channel for Command Support- comms link with us channel 9.
EDBA Required
3 x EDBS (Pumping appliances)
FSG Sector Commander
You will be my FSG Sector Commander
Responsible for ensuring the FSGP (pump) is established along with comms between fire and search sector Commander and control.
Appoint fire sector coordinator
Ensure all FSGs are acknowledged, actioned and concluded with control and MDT tablet.
Appoint a FSG coordinator to assist you at the bridgehead.
Update me- on channel xx.
Lobby Sector Commander
You are going to be my Lobby Sector Commander.
Responsible for Ground floor up to and including bridgehead.
I want you to establish, staging area for both personnel and equipment throughout the building.
Capture info of people leaving the building.
Appoint safety officers throughout your sector identifying any hazard and implement any control measures to mitigate them.
I want you to link in with both the fire and search sector commanders and update me - CARP conditions, actions, resource requirements, progress on channel x.
Search Sector Commander
Get Fire sector to brief
You are going to be my Search Sector Commander. You are responsible for all floors above fire sector- so floor x to y.
I want you to establish line of communications with fire sector, lobby sector and FSGP/ Sector commander.
Coordinate the plan for search and rescue operations within your search sector.
Ensure all relevant info on FIB- give me updates on CARP- conditions, actions, resource requirements, progress.
SFSO briefing
Generic- Situation Res block of x floors, xx m x xx m- fire on x floor etc HR procedure in place.
Currently a xx Pump fire.
I want you to speak to the RP and ensure plans we have are up to date. I want to know exactly what type of building I have in front of me. I want to know layout of the building- MDT, ORD, ePIP, PIB, farynor info?
If it stay put policy or simultaneous evacuation. Is it ACM clad, waking watch, fixed installations, ventilation system in place. Are internal fire safety fabric intact.
If you have any additional solutions to fight fire, let me know- get back to me asap
Sector Commander 1
Generic SH
I want you to be my Sector Commander 1
You are responsible from this part of the building to this part of the building and all firefighting, search and rescue operations inside as far as this.
I want you ensure a safety officer is in place and all risks have been identified and appropriate control measures in place.
You are to communicate to me on channel 9 and give regular updates every 10 mins on CARP.
Your sector is currently TM Oscar- if you need to change you have the authority but let me know immediately.
I want you to make the Station/ Sub O Search Sector Coordinator, BA briefings?
MPS brief
Before we start is there anything urgent you need from me?
For your info we have a….METHANE/ SHOP AC
Please can you implement a traffic management system around this incident. I need safe access/ egress for emergency vehicles from the marshalling area to the incident ground.
I need xx m cordon around this incident.
There are residential premises to the rear of the building, can you send a unit there to reassure residents and ask them to close their windows.
There are businesses adjacent to the fire, can you get hold of the RP so we can access their premise.
Please leave your name and mobile number with the team leader as I am arranging a multi agency meeting in xx minutes at xx pm.
CU 1 or 2 tbc
LAS brief
For your information we have a xxx.
Xxx persons missing?
Please can you set up a casualty handling area outside on the grass area away from the fumes of vehicles near evacuation point.
Please can you update me with names, age, condition and whether or not you are going to remove them to hospital.
As my crews are working in hot and humid conditions, please can you monitor my BA crews metabolic heat stress as they leave the incident ground.
We have a multi agency meeting in xx minutes at xx pm.
Please leave name and contact number with the team leader.
Confirm injuries incompatible with life.
LALO briefing
For your information we have a x x. I have xx families/ people displaced that are being held, or need somewhere to go- warm etc,
Could you liaise with Police and let me know their names/ addresses.
Due to the serious fire and potential water damage… people cannot return to their homes, you will need to consider temporary accommodation for these people.
We have a TCG/ MAM planned in xx minutes at xx pm.
Please leave your name and contact number with the team leader.
Responsible person briefing
Intro myself.
Have you got plans for this building?
Layout, hazards, utilities, valuable items and keys/ access numbers
Team leader can you photocopy and distribute them to all sectors.
What is the construction of this building?
Possible defects with dry riser/ outlets.
Is this building stay put or simultaneous evacuation.
Fire is in flat xx do you know the occupant.
Any hazards likely to cause harm to firefighters?
Are you aware of oxygen cylinders or work being carried out where other cylinders- size/ number,
Is there ventilation/ sprinkler system in building,
Where are the utilities?
Please leave your name and contact details with the team leader. We have a fire safety officer en route that will need to speak to you.
Cylinders reported
Request HMEPO
What are they, how many and what size?
Are they directly involved, can they be moved?
If yes, do you need more resources?
Pass info to Sector
Cordon- tactical mode?
Cylinder procedure- hazard zone- 200m?- unless fire extinguished, cylinders not involved, definitely not acetylene, all located and being cooled.
Relax 200m
Fire survival guidance received
Ensure this is recorded on CU time etc/ MDT
Inform Fire Sector Commander immediately.
Allocate an xxx as interim FSG coordinator.
Set yourself up with a crew.
Establish link between yourself, control, fire sector and CU.
Let me know what resource required,
Give me an update every 5 minutes on where we are with each FSG.
Casualty handling area/ LAS informed
I want crews in BA with jet because going above fire floor.
Contact control let me know what comms channel.
Role of CU
Command function supporting operations.
Communications- fire ground & main scheme updates
Mapping up to date plan of incident/ location of resources
Headline board/ CSS
Info reflects current status
Multi Agency meeting - agenda
Marshalling/ RVP
Reliefs book in- arrange
What does a Sector Commander do?
Deliver Objectives within a defined area of operations.
Ensure safe systems of work
Formulate effective plan within overal incident plan and tactical mode
Assist with developing picture
Direct & coordinate resources
Request additional resources
Role of the Safety sector commander
Maintain safe systems of work, identify safety issues and initiate corrective actions
Identify, inform and monitor hazards- ensure application of agreed controls
Maintain vigilance- report and act on any changes in fire behaviour or signs & symptoms of building
Monitor condition of personnel
Initiate evacuation, if required
Resource officer
Marshalling and equipment
Welfare and recovery
Briefing on-coming crews
Provision of crews from marshalling/ holding area to fire ground.
Water officer
Sector Water
SECTOR WATER not BMA (tactical advisor)
Develop and organise a water management strategy
Supported by BMA
Secure sufficient Ff media
Effective siting of appliances
Liaise with water authority
Effective comms
ID secondary water supply- increased demand/ failure
Implement water relay/ shuttle
Effective used of FIREBOAT, LWPP, HL, HVP
Implement any required use of wet/ dry risers, fire mains, boosters
Ensure adequate water supply based on flow and multi jets used at height
BA sector
Manage BA resources- equip/ personnel to support foreground requirements
OSU Resource pack- BA
Liaise with resource officer
Count up BA wearer on incident ground
Spare set/ spare BA boards
Find a covered area to carry out maintenance
Fire safety
Locate fixed installations and how they operate
Advise on facilities and operations
Establish legislation, gather evidence and instigate further action
Manage FIU teams
Provide advise on premise handover
Est holding area
Coordinate with other agencies
Liaise with press office
Agree info/ interviews
Intelligence on address/ persons at address
Duty sent to assist
Agency liaison
Develop deliberate action plan
Liaise with police, military, govt agencies on terrorism, firearms, public disorder
Competent SC
DON’T INTERRUPT - get all the information
Use any Qs to clarify
Press if redeploying
Taken any photos en route to CU?
Can these be sent to Duty Press Office with brief incident outline?
I want you to do another role.
Can we backfill press.
Multi Agency Meeting
Before introduction
Anything risk critical to share
Any partner agency have anything risk critical.
CU team leader can you send MAM in progress, control incident ground filter out messages, unless risk critical.
What are your priorities and how can I assist?
Press- joint up strategy
Risk vs Benefit
Control measures
Consider tactical mode
Good decisions mitigate
Bad decisions escalation of incident
Revisit objectives
Check plan working
Verbalise it
Update board
Achieve objective tick off- write time- TL
Every time
Tactical mode
Don’t forget
Tactical mode
Any accidents incidents who do I request?
Senior Accident Investigator