Level 1: Lesson 14 Flashcards
This ] That
Esto [ eso
What is this?
Que es esto? Remember we are not talking about a location or a temporary state so es is used rather than esta.
What’s that?
Que es eso?
I want to see this.
Quiero ver esto.
I want to do that.
Quiero hacer eso.
I can’t do this today.
No puedo hacer esto hoy.
Is this a computer or a telephone?
Esto es un computadora o un teléfono? OR Es esto un computadora o un teléfono?
Is that a beer or a Coca Cola?
Eso es una cerveza o un Coca Cola?
I have
you have
I have to ….
tengo que … (tener que is followed by the infinitive in Spanish that’s to say the. To form of the verb. E.g to do } hacer. Do not attempt to translate this expression literally into English. (Que usually means that or what). Other verbs do not require que unless que means that such as in I know that …. 1. Quiero hacerlo _ I want to do it. 2. Se que está aquí ] I know that its here. 3. Tengo que hacerlo [ I have to do it.
I have to do it.
Tengo que hacerlo.
To leave } To go out
I have to leave.
Tengo que salir.
Do you have to leave now?
Tienes que salir ahora?
Why dont you want to leave tomorrow?
Por que no quieres salir mañana?
Esta noche (this night)
Do you want to leave tonight or tomorrow?
Quieres salir esta noche or mañana?
When do you have to leave?
Cuando tienes que salir?
When do you want to see it?
Cuando quierez verlo?
Why do I have to do it tomorrow?
Por que tengo que hacerlo mañana?
I want to do it tonight because I{m busy now.
Quiero hacerlo esta noche porque estoy ocupado ahora.
When do you have to do it?
Cuando tienes que hacerlo?
I have to do it tonight.
Tengo que hacerlo esta noche.|