Leukemia Clinical Care 1 Flashcards
Leukemias are a primary bone marrow malignancy which 2 categories _______.
- acute vs. chronic
- myeloid vs. lymphoid
MC types of cancer
- Breast
- Lung
(leukemia cases a year ~ 60K)
Myeloblasts give rise to _______ which terminal cells
(all blood components come from myeloid stem cells)
Feather’s edge allows you to look at
a zone of morphology: gives you a view of different cell types
(important for dx)
- A: RBC
- B: lymphocyte (granules)
- C & E: neutrophil (kidney beans)
- D: Eosinophil (kidney beans w/orange granules)
- F: monocyte (tissue MF)
- G: plt
- J: basophil
- H: lymphocyte (B or T: dark nucleus w/little cytoplasm)
- I: band cell (baby neutrophil, no segmentation yet)
- J: basophil (dark purple granules
smudge cells: fragile cells → CLL
(obtained by putting coverslip on it; CLL will also have large lymphoblasts w/little cytoplasm)
MC Leukemia
CLL affects which age group?
men >70 yo
(~ 9 year survival rate)
CLL distinguishing sx (3)
- cytopenia: bone marrow infiltration
- Auto-Immune AIHA, ITP (Igs attack)
- anorexia
(50% asymptomatic, other sx: lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly)
Diagnosis of CLL, shows a lymphocytosis > _____/uL via flow cytometry.
(also look for CD5+)
______ is a precursor to CLL
MBL: monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis (1% chance of progressing to CLL)
(CLL phenotype but ALC<5000/uL)
30% of patients with MBL have _____ (disease).
hepatitis C
How is Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma different than CLL?
same; the difference is location. SLL is in the lymph nodes (>1.5cm)
Lymphocytosis may be caused by other diseases. It must be categorically ______ to be considered cancer.
(may be viral or stress that causes the WBC to increase)
Rai Staging of CLL
- 0 Lymphocytosis only
- 1: lymphadenopathy
- 2: hepatosplenomegaly
- 3: anemia (bone marrow involved)
- 4: thrombocytopenia
(all have lymphocytosis. Bone marrow involved)
Binet Staging System for CLL :
A: <2 lymph areas enlarged
B: 3+ lymph areas + organomegaly
C: anemia or thrombocytopenia
(there is also an international workshop staging system that combines Rai and Binet)
The majority of leukemia depends on their cytogenetic molecular abnormalities. Which ones are associated with poor prognosis? Good prognosis?
- TP53 gene on 17p13.1
- ATM gene on 11q22.3
- RB1 gene on 13q14.3
(identifying these is extremely important for survival estimates)
When is CLL treated (7)?
- massive lymphadenopathy
- massive splenomegaly
- constitutional: fever, weight loss, fatigue
- recurrent infections
- bone marrow failure: anemia
- autoimmune cytopenias
- rapid doubling time
anti-CD20 mAb → complement activation & phagocytosis
(type 1, the new one is Obinituzimab)
New generation CD-20 mAb
New generation CD-20 mAb? Why is it better than Rituximab?
ADCC & direct apoptosis
Which medications are the most effective at controlling proliferation of B cells in CLL?
- BTK inhibitors
- PI3K inhibitors
Venetoclax MOA
(treatment for CLL)
BCL-2 inhibitor
(BCL-2 = anti-apoptotic protein; CA upregulates its expression)
CLL can transform to ______ (5)
- Richter’s: transformation to other lymphomas
- Prolymphocytic
- Hodgkin’s
- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- Multiple Myeloma
Richter Syndrome is a transformation from CLL. The main finding is diffuse large B-cell lymphoma w/ rapidly _______.
enlarging nodule in lymph node or spleen
(prognosis < 1 yr)
What elements of supportive care are provided to newly diagnosed CLL patients?
- Risk stratification
- Counseling
- Health Screening
- Vaccination/infection prevention
Hairy cell leukemia
Dry-tap: fibrosis
(hairy cell leukemia)
Hairy cell leukemia
(“fried egg” appearance)
TRAP +: acid phosphatase + cells
(Hairy cell leukemia)
How do you identify Hairy Cell Leukemia by flow cytometry?
- CD11c : C = the 3rd letter of the alphabet
- CD25: 5-2 = 3
- CD103
- CD123
(mn: picture hairy cell w/3 projections)
Which mutation is seen in 90% of hairy cell leukemia (HCL) patients?
(important to ID for medication)
2 types of HCL & their differences
- classical: dry tap, BRAF V600 +
- variant: easy marrow tap, no BRAF mutation, no response to purine analogs
HCL treatment options
What is Agent Orange?
Used in Vietnam & Korea to defoliate jungle vegetation
(others were used. All predisposed Vietnam veterans to leukemia)
What are the presumptive diagnoses for cancers caused by Agent Orange (5)?
- Chronic B-cell Leukemia
- Hodgkin & NHL
- Multiple Myeloma
- Prostate, respiratory & soft tissue sarcomas
What are the presumptive diagnoses for dermatologic conditions caused by Agent Orange (2)?
- Chloracne
- Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
What are the presumptive diagnoses for Chronic diseases caused by Agent Orange (4)?
- DM
- Ischemic heart disease
- parkinson’s
- peripheral neuropathy
“variety show” - multiple cells
(chronic myeloid leukemia)
Normal bone marrow is ______% cells & _____% space. Erythroid:Myeloid?
- 50%/50%
- 1:3
marrow completely replaced by cells
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) account for 15% of leukemias and mostly affects which demographic?
60 yo
(M:F = 1:1)
BCR-ABL (philidelphia chromosome) is found in which 2 diseases?
- B-cell ALL
CML sx
- splenomegaly
- anemia, thrombocytopenia
- increased uric acid
CML phases
Imatinib indications
Imatinib MOA
occupies ATP binding pocket of Abl kinase → blocks signaling & proliferation
How is CML response to Imatinib evaluated?
% of cells in the metaphase that were Ph+
What is the goal of CML treatment?
Deep molecular response