Letter U Vocabulary Flashcards
An option that is sold without the seller holding the underlying asset or another offsetting position.
Uncovered Option
The financial instrument upon which a derivative’s price is based.
Underlying Asset
A margin account that does not meet the minimum equity requirement set by the brokerage firm.
Undermargined Account
An entity, usually a financial institution, that assumes the risk of a business venture or guarantees the issuance and sale of securities.
A contract between an underwriter and an issuer detailing the terms of a security’s issuance.
Underwriting Agreement
Exposure to an investment risk without taking measures to offset or reduce the potential impact.
A model state law designed to guide each state’s own securities laws and regulations.
Uniform Securities Act
A contract where only one party makes a promise in exchange for the other’s performance.
Unilateral Contract
An investment company that offers a fixed portfolio of stocks and bonds as redeemable units to investors for a specific period.
Unit Investment Trust (UIT)
An assertion by an auditor indicating that financial statements are fairly and appropriately presented, without any identified exceptions.
Unqualified Opinion
A security that has been in the market for less than three years.
Unseasoned Issue
Risk specific to a single asset or a small group of assets, also known as “idiosyncratic risk” or “specific risk.”
Unsystematic Risk
A transaction executed at a price higher than the preceding transaction.
Up Tick
The volume of shares traded during a day when the price increased.
Up Volume
A type of barrier option that activates when the price of the underlying asset reaches a set barrier.
Up-and- In Option
A type of barrier option that becomes void if the price of the underlying asset reaches a set barrier.
Up-and-Out Option
A broker who discloses their fees and the wholesale loan rates they receive from lenders.
Upfront Mortgage Broker
A measure of the potential positive or negative movement of an asset or market.
Upside/Downside Ratio
A market condition characterized by higher highs and higher lows in asset prices over time.