Lessons 13-15 Flashcards
scapula spine
long and prominent ridge that runs across the upper portion
supraspinous fossa of scapula
depression that is posterior and superior to the spine
scapula infraspinous fossa
depression that is posteror and inferior to the spine
scapula glenoid cavity
shallow depression at the corner of the superior and lateral borders that articulates with the humerus articulates
scapula supraglenoid tubercle
small bony bump immediately above the glenoid cavity that is a muscle attachment
scapula infraglenoid tubercle
small bony bump immediately below the glenoid cavity that is a muscle attachment
scapula acromion
flat, expanded region extending laterally from the spine
scapula coracoid process
projection that projects anteriorly and curves laterally
scapula superior angle
between the medial and superior borders
scapula inferior angle
between the medial and lateral borders, attachment for muscles in the shoulder
clavicle sternal end
medial, triangular shaped, articulates with the sternum
clavicle acromial end
lateral end that articulates with the scapula
humerus head
large, round, smooth, medially facing, proximal end
humerus greater tubercle
expanded bony area on the lateral side of the head
humerus lesser tubercle
humerus crest of lesser tubercle
expanded bony area on the anterior aspect of the proximat humerus
humerus surgical neck
base of the expanded proximal end of the humerus
humerus deltoid tuberosity
roughened, v-shaped region on the lateral side of the humerus shaft
humerus medial epicondyle
medial bony projectionnn on the distal humerus
is the lateral or medial humerus epicondyle bigger?
humerus lateral epicondyle
lateral bony projection on the distal humerus
humerus medial supracondylar ridge
roughened ridge above the medial epicondylar
humerus lateral supracondylar ridge
roughened ridge above the lateral epicondyle
humerus capitulum
knob-like, anterior region of the distal humerus
the capitulum articulates with
the radius
humerus trochlea
spindle-shaped, medial region of the distal end of the humerus
the trochlea articulates with the
humerus coronoid fossa
receives the coronoid process of the ulna
the coronoid fossa is superior to the
humerus olecranon fossa
receives the olecranon process of the ulna
the olecranon fossa is posterior/anterior
humerus radial fossa
receives the coronoid process of the radius
the radial fossa is superior to
the capitulum
radius head
disc shaped structure on the proximal end
radius neck
narrowed region immediately below the expanded head
radius radial tuberosity
oval-shaped, bony protuberance
radius styloid process
bony projection on the lateral end
ulna head
small, rounded area of the distal end
ulna olecranon
posterior and superior portions that form the bont tipe of the elbow
ulna coronoid process
inferior margin that is a prominent lip
ulna trochlear notch
proximal end of the ulna that is c-shaped
ulna radial notch
smooth area tat is lateral and inferior to the trochlear notch
ulna styloid process
projection from the posterior side of the ulnar head
hand hamate
hook shaped, most medial of distal row
hand pisiform
pea shaped, most medial of proximal row
hand triquetrum
three cornered, proximal row
hand lunate
moon shaped, proximal row
hand trapezoid
trapezoid shaped, distal row
hand trapezium
table shaped, most lateral of distal row
hand capitate
head-shaped, distal row
hand scaphoid
boat-shaped, most lateral of proximal row
hand metacarpals
elongated bones between the carpals and phalanges
hand proximal phalanges
closest to the carpals
hand middle phalanges
between the distal and proximal phalanges
hand distal phalanges
farthest from the carpals
supraspinatus tendon of shoulder joint
ligament above the spine of the scapula, attaching to the shoulder joint
shoulder joint capsular ligament
thin and loose, allowing large motions
shoulder joint subdeltoid bursa
prevents friction between the scapula and deltoid muscle tendons of the rotator cuff
shoulder joint glenoid labrum
small lip of fibrocartilage extending beyond the outer margin of the glenoid cavity
elbow joint ulnar collateral ligament
medial ligament that arises from the medial epicondyle
elbow joint radial collateral ligament
arises from the medial side of the proximal ulna and attaches to the lateral side of the annular ligament
elbow joint anular ligament
encircles the head of the radius
thick, triangular muscle
deltoid actions
abducts arm
deltoid attachment
clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
deltoid insertion
deltoid tuberosity
superior to the spine of the scapula
supraspinatus action
abduct arm
supraspinatus origin
supraspinous fossa
supraspinatus insertion
greater tubercle
inferior to the spine of the scapula
infraspinatus action
extend and adduct arm
infraspinatus origin
infraspinous fossa
infraspinatus insertion
greater tubercle
below the scapula
subscapularis action
medially rotate arm
subscapularis origin
subscapula fossa
subscapularis insertion
lesser tubercle
teres minor
long, superior to teres major
teres minor action
extend adduct arm
teres minor origin
lateral border of scapula
teres minor insertion
greater tubercle
teres major
thick, flat, inferior to the teres minor
teres major action
extend and adduct arm
teres major origin
posterior surface of scapula
teres major insertion
intertubercular sulcus of humerus
under the biceps brachii
coracobrachialis action
flex and adduct arm
biceps brachii
crosses the shoulder and elbow joints
biceps brachii action
flex and supinate forearm
biceps brachii insertion
coracoid process and supraglenoid tubercle
biceps brachii origin
radial tuberosity
deep to the biceps brachii
brachialis action
flex forearm
brachialis origin
anterior surface of distal humerus
brachialis insertion
coronoid process of ulna
triceps brachii
posterior part of upper arm
triceps brachii action
extend forearm
triceps brachii origin
infraglenoid tubercle, posterior shaft of humerus, distal radial groove
triceps brachii insertion
brachioradialis action
flex forearm
starts on the lateral upper arm and ends on the medial lower arm
pronator quadratus
distal part of the posterior lower arm
pronator quadratus action
pronate forearm
pronator quadratus origin
distal portion of the anterior ulna shaft
pronator quadratus insertion
distal surface of anterior radius
pronator teres
lateral part of lower arm
pronator teres action
pronate forearm
pronator teres origin
medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna
pronator teres insertion
lateral radius
medial, proximal lower
supinator action
supinate forearm
supinator origin
lateral epicondyle of humerus; proximal ulna
supinator insertion
proximal end of radius
flexor carpi radialis
most lateral, anterior muscle of lower arm
flexor carpi radialis action
flex and abduct writs
flexor carpi radialis origin
medial epicondyle of humerus
flexor carpi radialis insertion
base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals
flexor carpi ulnaris
runs next to the ulna, medially
flexor carpi ulnaris action
flex and adduct wrist
flexor carpi ulnaris origin
medial epicondyle, olecranon, posterior surface of ulna
flexor carpi ulnaris insertion
pisiform, hamate, base of 5th metacarpal
extensor carpi radialis brevis
short, wide muscle below the extensor carpi radialis longus
extensor carpi radialis brevis action
extend and abduct wrist
extensor carpi radialis brevis origin
lateral epicondyle of humerus
extensor carpi radialis brevis insertion
base of 3rd metacarpals
extensor carpi radialis longus
most medial posterior muscle of lower arm
extensor carpi radialis longus action
extend and abduct wrist
extensor carpi radialis longus origin
lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
extensor carpi radialis longus insertion
base of 2nd metacarpal
extensor carpi ulnaris
most lateral muscle of the posterior lower arm
extensor carpi ulnaris action
extend and adduct wrist
extensor carpi ulnaris origin
medial epicondyle of humerus, posterior border of ulna
extensor carpi ulnaris insertion
base of 5th metacarpal
palmaris longus
deep lateral muscle of posterior lower arm
palmaris longus action
flex wrist
flexor digitorum profundus
deep, most lateral muscle of the anterior muscle arm
flexor digitorum profundus action
flex wrist and fingers
flexor digitorum superficialis
most superficial muscle of the anterior lower arm
flexor digitorum superficialis action
flex wrist and fingers 2-5
extensor digitorum
anterior superficial muscle of the lower arm
extensor digitorum action
extend fingers and wrist
extensor digitorum origin
lateral epicondyle of humerus
extensor digitorum insertion
phalanges of fingers 2-5
flexor pollicis brevis
short, wide, medial muscle of posterior arm
flexor pollicis brevis action
flex thumb
flexor pollicis longus
long, thin muscle of the medial posterior forearm
flexor pollicis longus action
flex thumb
extensor pollicis brevis
more medial of pollicis longus, posterior
extensor pollicis brevis action
extend thumb
extensor pollicis longus
lateral to pollicis brevis, posterior
extensor pollicis longus action
extend thumb
abductor pollicis brevis
starts lower and medially to abductor pollicis longus
abductor pollicis brevis action
abduct thumb
abductor pollicis longus
runs in a diagonal striation, laterally to medially on the posterior lower arm
abductor pollicis longus action
abduct and extend thumb, abduct wrist
between shoulder and elbow joints
between elbow and wrist joints
distal to wrist
capitulum looks like a ___, and is on the anterior/posterior side
bowtie, anterior
mnemonic for carpals
So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb
rotator cuff
circle of tendons around the shoulder joint connecting the scapula to the humerus
the rotator cuff is made of the tendons of which muscles
subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor
the shoulder joint is the articulation between
head of the humerus and glenoid cavity of the scapula
the elbow joint is the articulations of which three joints
humeroradial, humeroulnar, and proximal radioulnar joint
when the body is posterior, the upper arm is ___ and the lower arm is ___
posterior, anterior
when the body is anterior, the upper arm is ____ and the lower arm is ___
anterior, posterior
flexors are anterior/posterior and extensors are anterior/posterior
flexors are anterior, extensors are posterior
which muscle is most medial in the forearm
flexor carpi radialis
carpi means
radius follows the ___, ulna follows the ___
thumb, pinky
which muscle is most lateral in the anterior lower arm
flexor digitorum profundus
pollicis means
what muscle is deep to the biceps brachii
what muscle is most medial in the anterior upper arm
biceps brachii
brachioradialis starts ___ and ends ___
laterally, medially
brevis muscles have a ___ muscle belly, longus muscles have a ____ muscle belly
wide, narrow
what muscles is most lateral in the posterior lower arm
extensor carpi ulnaris
what muscle is most superficial in the posterior lower arm
extensor digitorum
what muscle is most medial in the posterior lower arm
extensor carpi radialis longus
carpi muscles run on the ___, digitorum runs in the ___
outside, inside