lesson XXIX Flashcards
intermitto, intermittere, intermisi, intermissum
quiesco,quiescere,quievi, quietum
have rest, sleep
facultas, facultatis
f. chance
opus esse
be useful
comparō (1)
prepare, get ready, provide
praeūstus, -a, -um
burned at the end
sudis, -is
f. stake, spike
mūrālis, -e
of a wall, mural
pīlum, -ī
n.: pilum, javelin
contabulō (1)
to equip with boarded platforms
pinna, -ae
f.: battlement on wall; feather 城垛
lorīca, -ae
f.: parapet, breastwork 顶部围墙
crātis, -is
f.: (wicker) frame, fascines
attexō, -ere, -texuī, textum
weave, add on
tenuis, -e
thin, weak
valētūdo, -dinis
f.: state of health, health
aditus, -ūs
m.: approach, access, entrance
commemorō (1)
call to mind, recollect
addō, -ere, -didī, -ditum
to bring to, add
praesidium, -iī
n.: guard, protection; assistance
diffidō, -ere, diffīsum
mistrust, despair (dat.)
recūsō (1)
to object to, refuse, reject
inveterascō (1)
to become old, bcome law
incolumis, -e
unscathed, uninjured, safe