lesson XVI Flashcards
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus
decide, arrange
dīmicō (1)
fight; contend
often, mostly
exstruō, -ere, -struxī, -structum
build up
tumulus, -ī
m.: pile, heap, mound, hill
consecrō (1)
dedicate to a god, make holy
conspicor, -ārī
catch sight of, perceive
quispiam, quae-, quod-
anyone, anything (adj. any)
occultō (1)
hide, conceal
prognātus, -a, -um
born, sprung from
prōdō, ere, didī, ditum
bring forth; betray; create
spatium, -iī
n.: space, room, extent
finiō, -īre
to end, limit, bound
institum, ī
n.: institution, practice, custom
mūnus, -eris
n.: service, duty; tax, gif
openly, publicly
puerīlis, -e
youthful, childish; silly
adsistō, -ere, adstitī
stand by, set near
patior, -ī, passus
suffer, endure; allow